Just new here (I actually found this through Google when looking for a website with screen caps. ^_^' Go firgure.) Just like to say hi to everyone. ^_^ *waves
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*waves* hello, i'm new ^_^ I dunno if anyone has been looking for any Dear Frankie caps...but I made some if anyone's interested ^_^ They can be found HERE :) and yay! for this community, i'm gonna go look through everyone's posts now ^_^'
Hey, fellow Gerard fans. I'm kind of a newbie to the whole Butler world but happy to be here and to find a community that specializes in screen caps. You can never get too much Gerard-goodness
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Right. A big hello to all my members so far. The community has finally been made all purdyish and is all ready for your Gerry love. I'll start I guess. So in honour of the communities first layout, we have 5 Attilla caps under the cut. ( follow the real cut )
Welcome to gerardcaps the first Gerard Butler Screen Cap community to bless LiveJournal. Here feel free to post your fave Gerry caps. And don't forget to introduce yourself to your fellow members.