Good online reading

Jun 19, 2006 22:30

All following URL's accessed today:

Ananda Metteya [Allan Bennett]. "The Training of the Mind." The Equinox. England: n.p., 1911. Vol. 1. No. 5. Ed. William Heidrick. electronic ed. Fairfax, CA: O.T.O., n.d. 28-59. (Instructions on meditation; explanation of karmic rebirth; access to past-life memory.)

Thanks to keith418 for the following:

Lind, William S. "The Power of Weakness." Anti-state, Anti-war, Pro-market. n.p., 8 June 2006. (On the difficulty of fighting an intrasigent "weaker" force.)

Marano, Hara Estroff. "A Nation of Wimps." Psychology Today. New York: Sussex Pub., Nov/Dec 2004. ("Parents are going to ludicrous lengths to take the bumps out of life for their children. However, parental hyperconcern has the net effect of making kids more fragile; that may be why they're breaking down in record numbers.")

book, kids, politic

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