Icon Snagging

Oct 17, 2007 22:38

I thought the name seemed appropriate, as this post is all about informing internet users (on LJ, GJ, Xanga, MySpace, etc.) on how to properly use icons that they themselves did not make. It's also for icon makers to read, especially if you're new to the icon making world.

It seems that far too many icon makers are having their precious pixels hotlinked, and it's sparking all kinds of truly rude debates. Most of the time, the icon makers are on the right end and know what they're talking about - we have rules for a reason, and I'm going to explain that.

On every icon post that I make, I have rules that consist of the following:
- Comment
- Credit
- Don't edit or steal
- Don't hotlink
I'd like to explain how they all work.

If you like the graphics you see, let the maker know! If you have a suggestion, speak up! Without your say, it's hard for icon makers to get an idea of what they should and shouldn't do when it comes to their graphics. So long as there aren't put-downs and outright insults, constructive criticism is welcome. But is commenting an actual rule? No. I promise you, I won't take it personal if you save an icon without commenting. I'd appreciate it if you did, though!

The importance of this rule varies with the icon maker. I don't hold this rule as high as editing/stealing and hotlinking, personally, but some may think it's a big deal. Crediting is so that the people who see the icons can find out who made them. They can go to that site and find more icons that they like. Not only that, but they can ask the maker questions and/or leave comments and suggestions. Some internet users steal icons simply because they don't know how to credit, or why they should feel the need. These people need to take into consideration how much time, effort, and (sometimes) money goes into the hobbie (which could eventually become a career after all - movie posters don't come out of thin air). We enjoy making icons, yes, but it does take a lot of time and a lot of work to do so. We're so flattered you like them, too! All that work paid off! But it really isn't too terribly much to ask that you go link back to the source. Or if you use LJ, there are many tutorials (including one in the LJ FAQ) that tell you how to credit an icon. It takes seconds to do so. Is that so much to ask, when it's barely a percent of the time put into making that one icon?

For me, this is a big no-no. As aforementioned, a lot of time goes into graphics. And to save an icon and throw some text and colors on top of it and pass it off as your own is truly insulting. If you can't find the picture used in the icon, ask! If you want to get the coloring they got, ASK! There will always be someone who can answer your question. There is a fantastic community on LJ called ICON_TUTORIAL that serves this purpose. We would much rather you ask us questions so that we can help you to become a great icon maker than have you taking and editing our stuff. Makes sense, doesn't it? And as for stealing, that's even more insulting. Why be so vindictive as to take a creative piece and pass it off as your own? What do you really gain in the end? Please respect our wishes. We made this for you to enjoy, and we ask very little of you in return.

This is the biggest problem with icon makers for a reason! DO NOT HOTLINK! We aren't just saying this because we're the all-powerful icon makers and we want an excuse to type nasty comments to you in ALL!CAPS! We're saying it because if you hotlink the icons, they will disappear into the internet void. A wonderful explanation has been created here by LJ user, eyesthatslay, and you really need to read it. However, I do want to get the point across that icon makers need to tone down the harshness of their accusations. Icons don't have to create such an intense argument, and there is most certainly a polite and courteous way to go about these issues. People make mistakes, we can't forget that. Also, by posting icons on the internet, we're getting ourselves into the risk of hotlinkers. If your goal is to teach the hotlinker a literal lesson, move your icons and break the links. Otherwise you can tell them what hotlinking is all about, or direct them here.

Hopefully I've managed to answer some questions and settle things down.
If not, feel free to ask more questions about how to properly handle icons, right here. Anonymous comments are welcome, but I'll delete anything that involves downright insults or cussing someone out. Please be courteous and polite about this whole thing.

Please comment with your input on this post! Speak your mind!
And please, PROMOTE THIS PAGE! I'd love to spread this around.
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