Doctor Who Fic: The Trial of Ten, 7/20

Sep 19, 2011 05:26

Banner made by 'D', my talented RL artist friend.

Characters: Eleventh Doctor, Metacrisis Doctor, Rose (Also: Martha, Jack, Amy, Rory, Gwen, John Hart)
Genre: Drama; some action and h/c
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Up to/including A Christmas Carol
Summary: When the Metacrisis Doctor returns with Rose from the other universe, he is captured and put on trial for various crimes including genocide. Can Rose and Eleven save him? How does the case affect Eleven who is also, in effect, on trial? How does the unexpected return to the Tardis and to the original Doctor affect Rose?
Chapter 7 Summary: Martha must wrestle with the fact that her mother is the chief witness, and Rose learns about some possible, frightening outcomes in store for Ten.

Disclaimer: This story takes place within the Doctor Who universe. This story is a way of re-interpreting concepts and ideas already present in Doctor Who. All characters within belong to the BBC. This story is for fun and for sharing, but not for profit.

The Trial of Ten

Chapter 7: The Charges

Rose grabbed Martha's arm. 'That's your mother?' she hissed.

'This isn't my idea,' Martha shot back. 'What's she doing?'

'She's trying to get the Doctor executed,' Rose said angrily.

'You don't know that,' said Martha, stung. 'We don't know what the penalty is yet.'

'Don't give me that,' said Rose. 'Nobody puts on a show like this, for charges like that, just for a slap on the wrist.'

'Look,' Martha said desperately. 'I knew nothing about this. I swear! I--' But she was interrupted.

'Chief witness for Prosecution,' said the Man. 'Please state your full name for the court.'

'Francine Jones,' she said slowly and clearly.

The Man held out an old, leather-bound book. 'Research shows that this is an appropriate object from your culture. Please put your hand on your holy book and repeat these words.' He shifted his stance. 'I, Francine Jones, swear with all honesty and serious intent to speak only that which is true and full in meaning, content and word, in accordance with the law of the Shadow Proclamation.'

Francine laid her hand on the book and repeated the oath.

'Ms. Jones, I apologize for this extra step,' said the Man. 'However, the identity of the prisoner has been challenged by this person.' He gestured to Eleven. 'He claims to be the Doctor. The prisoner also claims to be the Doctor. I would like you to take a close look at each one. Take a close look and tell me which one you recognize as the Doctor.'

Francine immediately pointed at Ten. 'He--'

'No, no,' interrupted the Woman. 'Take a good look. Take your time. Be sure beyond a shadow of a doubt.'

Francine stood up and very slowly circled Eleven, looking at him up and down.

'Francine,' he said softly.

She frowned and turned away. 'I have never seen him before,' she said. She walked over to Ten and stared at him. He looked back at her without rancour.

'I'm sorry,' he whispered. 'I'm so sorry.'

'He is the one,' she said, trembling. She pointed once more at Ten. 'He did everything.'

Immediately the Man was at her side. 'Thank you, Ms. Jones. I know how difficult this is for you. You may return to your chair.'

The Woman turned to Eleven. 'Your protest has been heard and overruled. Please return to your seat.'

Eleven nodded, his shoulders slumped. He walked towards the front of the dais. As the footbridge shimmered into being once more, and the forcefield opened into a doorway, he suddenly turned around.

'I recognize that I have been overruled, but I beg the court to let me make just one request.'

The Woman hesitated. She looked at the judge. She nodded and turned back. 'State your request.... briefly.'

'First, an observation,' said Eleven. 'The prisoner is clearly unwell. Look at him. I'm surprised you consider him fit to stand trial. He needs a medical doctor and I can tell you, there are none from his planet. I should know. However, I do have with me a physician that he knows and trusts and, more importantly, one who understands his unique physiology. I request that the prisoner be allowed medical aid by this physician.'

The Woman again looked at the judge. After a pause, she looked back. 'I will allow it. Your guide will take the physician--and I stress, only the physician--to the prisoner at the appointed time. Now, please leave the court.'

Eleven bowed to the judge and walked back over the bridge.

~ o ~ O ~ o ~

When Eleven sat down, Rose grabbed his nearest shoulder and whispered, 'That's Martha's mum!'

'I know,' he mouthed back and put his finger to his lips. Rose sank back into her seat.

The judge was speaking. 'The list of charges against the Doctor will be read.'

The Man walked to the front of the dais and turned to face Ten who looked at him steadily.

'You, Doctor, Time Lord of Gallifrey, are charged with the following crimes: Genocide, for the destruction of the Dalek race during the Medusa Cascade incident; Treason, against your adopted planet Earth in causing or aiding the downfall of two successive governments as well as an ancillary government and the destruction of a planetary defence organization; Aiding and abetting torture and imprisonment during the reign of the Time Lord known as the Master over Earth; and Theft of equipment from the Shadow Proclamation. How do you plead?

Ten took a deep breath. 'For all charges, except that of genocide and theft of equipment, I plead not guilty,' he said firmly.

'For the charges of genocide and theft, we plead extenuating circumstances,' added the Woman in a loud voice.

'Your response has been noted by the court,' said the judge. The Woman returned to her chair and sat down. The Man did the same.

The Voice spoke again. 'The final action of this session is to establish the form this trial will use. Ordinarily, the traditions of the planet of the accused are followed unless a different request has been made. In this case, the planet Gallifrey no longer exists, and a jury of peers is not possible. Because of this, the procedures will follow standard policy of the Shadow Proclamation. In order to accommodate the needs of the chief witness, terminology and some superficial arrangements will follow that of judiciary systems of Earth. Other requests may be accommodated according to the relevance to other civilizations affected by the Doctor's actions. These may include but not be limited to mind-scan as applicable to the former Gallifreyan legal system, torture as applicable to Dalek traditions, or--'

'What?!' cried Rose.

'Shh!' whispered Eleven urgently, although he laid his hand gently over hers.

The Voice was still speaking. '--as applicable to Raxacoricofallapatorius. The maximum sentence, should the accused be found guilty, will be death.'

'They can't,' Rose cried.

'What kind of legal system is this?' said Martha. 'Torture?'

Eleven leaned towards them but with his gaze still directed towards the stage. 'It just means the requests have been made. It does not mean they will allow it. They are obliged to list them.'

'That doesn't make me feel much better,' muttered Martha.

The Voice spoke once more. 'This session is concluded. The trial will commence tomorrow.'

Rose leaned over the bar in front of the seats. A faint hum of a forcefield tickled her ears but she ignored it. 'Doctor,' she whispered.

On the dais, Ten turned his head slightly and, for one brief moment, he saw her. His lips quirked upwards into a ghost of a smile, but at that moment, the two Judoon guards stood in front of him and began to unfasten his restraints. But as they led him away, his hands now bound behind him, he looked over his shoulder and he saw her again.

'Rose,' he mouthed, but the guards jerked him forward, and he was forced to look away.

She watched him disappear into the glowing doorway. Then she lowered her head into her hands and shut her eyes tightly.

After a short time, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

'Come on,' said Eleven in her ear. 'Let's go.'

Numbly, she got up and followed him. Silently, they made their way out of the ampitheatre. When they reached the open hall, the crowds were louder than before, and recording devices hovered about their heads, but she kept her gaze on Eleven's back and doggedly kept walking until they reached the Tardis. Even then, she stared at the door handle until Eleven fitted his key to the lock and turned it.

She stumbled inside and made it to the stairs before she sagged down onto the bottom step. A pair of arms encircled her. It was Martha.

'I'm sorry,' said Martha. 'I really am. I had no idea.'

Rose raised her head. 'Your mother... How could she--'

'I had no idea Mum was involved in anything like this. I don't understand. I thought she had forgiven him.'

'Forgiven him for what?' Rose wriggled out of Martha's arms. 'For saving the Earth? That's all he ever does.'

'I know,' Martha began, 'but, and I hate saying this, that's not what she experienced.'

Eleven squatted in front of Rose. 'Francine and her family were imprisoned and tortured for a year, Rose. And it was because of me that the Master came to Earth. I did not save the Earth. Martha did. I don't agree with the charges, but I understand why Francine made them.' He placed one hand on Rose's shoulder and one on Martha's. 'Don't blame Martha. And don't blame her mother. What she, and the rest of her family, went through--'

'--was horrible,' said Martha.

'What happened to you?' asked Rose.

Eleven looked away.

'He was also imprisoned and tortured,' said Martha. 'It was... complicated.'

'Never mind that,' said Eleven. 'I take my chances, take my own risks. And I know the Master. But Martha's family didn't. It was different for them.'

Rose stood up and Eleven moved back to make room. 'This happened before my Doctor was created, yeah?' At his nod, she continued. 'So he was imprisoned and tortured when he was still you. And now he is standing trial for that.'

Martha nodded. 'Yeah.' She too stood up.

Rose looked down at the floor. She could feel the other two watching her, waiting. After a moment, she took a deep breath and looked up at both of them. 'Right,' she said. 'I believe we have a plan? Get Martha in to see the Doctor?'

She could feel the other two shift slightly as if relaxing.

'Yes,' said Martha. 'We do.' She turned to Eleven. 'I think you had better make me familiar with his "unique physiology". The sooner the better.'

'Yes. Yes, of course,' said Eleven. 'We have one hour to get ready.' He bounded up the steps.

But before Martha followed him, she gave Rose's hand a quick squeeze. 'Thank you,' she whispered. Then she ran up the steps after the Doctor.

To be continued

Chapter 8, Touch

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
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