We know it's hard to sit down and come up with a Gen/Ruby 2 plot bunny! There are just so many things you can write! Gen and Adrianne are competing barrel racers on the rodeo circuit; Ruby 2 and Castiel form a begrudging friendship over a mutual love of french fries; Gen, Jensen and Alona must navigate the dinosaur apocalypse; Ruby 2's blood causes Sam to come down with a small case of male pregnancy...
The possibilities. They're endless. Which is why us mods thought it would be a grand idea to have a prompt post!
The Rules
1. Comment to this post with a prompt.
2. Make sure that prompt focuses on Genevieve (FPF or RPF) and/or Ruby 2. Genderbending, crossovers and AUs are all permitted. Prompts may be for gen, het, slash or femslash.
3. Format the subject line of your comment as follows: "REQUEST: Characters or pairing (if any), content list." Ships get a "/" between the names; platonic/non-romantic pairings get an "&." If you wouldn't mind the same prompt with multiple pairings, put those other pairings in the subject line as well. Put the details (as many or as few as you'd like) in the comment box.
Example Prompts:REQUEST: Ruby&Sam, S8, angst
Ruby didn't die at the end of S4, but spent the apocalypse at Lucifer's side, much like Meg did in canon. After Team Free Will stopped the apocalypse and threw Lucifer back in the cage, Crowley seized control of Hell and Ruby found herself with a billion enemies and no cause to keep her fighting. Adrift and on the run, she finds a Sam who's reeling from Dean's disappearance into Dick's portal. She never thought she'd see Sam Winchester like this-or that she'd put herself on the line to help him rescue Dean.
REQUEST: Gen/Misha, coffee shop AU, cyborgs, werecreatures
Gen is a tired werebear just trying to make it through the winter; her body wants to hibernate, but there's no way for her to abandon human society until spring without raising a few questions. Misha, a cyborg with coffee-brewing capabilities, supplies approximately 80 percent of her daily caffeine intake.
4. You may post as many prompts as you'd like.
5. Do not post any prompts that could jeopardize this comm or its participants. NO real life underage persons. NO sexualizing minors. Mods will delete prompts that do those things.
7. If your prompt includes spoilers for unaired episodes (somewhat unlikely with Ruby 2/FM!Gen, but there you go), put the spoilers behind a spoiler cut.
6. If you want to use a prompt for your Teensy Bang entry, you should probably comment on that prompt to say so. However, this is not a requirement. Also, multiple authors may choose to use the same prompt, and this is fine by us mods; we will not put a stop to it or reject a Teensy Bang entry because there have already been three werebear/cyborg coffee shop AUs.
7. Anon comments/prompts are fine by us.
8. Do not bash any real or fictional persons or pairings. Play nice with your fellow promptees.
9. This is a prompt post, not a commentfic meme. However, if you love a prompt and get excited and want to post the short fic or art it inspired, go right ahead! After all, many of us find fic inspiring, too.You probably know the drill; reply to the original comment with a subject line that says, "FILL: Ruby&Sam, S8, angst, spooning" and include your title and a short description in the body of the comment. If it's an art fill, note if you're okay with us using your art in a future post. Once author sign-ups end on January 31rst 2013, the Teensy Bang has begun, and we ask that you not post fills, although you may continue to prompt. Also, we might link to fills on tumblr. If you'd rather we not, just say so when you post your fill. But again, this is not a designated commentfic meme, and we're really not expecting to generate more than plot bunnies and enthusiasm. There will be other ways to participate in the upcoming weeks.
If you have any questions, comment on the first entry to this post, PM
teensymod or email genteensybang@yahoo.com.