Spread the Teensy Word!

Jan 01, 2013 15:16

Are you as excited about The Gen/Ruby 2 Teensy Bang as we are? Whether or not you're an artist or writer, you can still help us spread the word!

Promote the bang!

Copy and paste these images/codes to your journal or website!

image by ghostyouknow27
http://genteensybang.livejournal.com/" href="http://genteensybang.livejournal.com/" target="_blank">TeensyBangbannerghosthttp://ic.pics.livejournal.com/teensymod/56560858/1593/1593_original.jpg" src="http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/teensymod/56560858/1593/1593_original.jpg" style="border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-top-style: solid; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; border-left-style: solid; " title="TeensyBangbannerghost" width="400" >

image by scarletscarlet
http://www.genteensybang.livejournal.com" href="http://www.genteensybang.livejournal.com" target="_blank">teensiestbang-smallhttp://ic.pics.livejournal.com/teensymod/56560858/3231/3231_original.jpg" src="http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/teensymod/56560858/3231/3231_original.jpg" style="border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-top-style: solid; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: solid; border-left-style: solid; " title="teensiestbang-small" width="400" >

Follow the teensy bang on Tumblr!

We're reblogging cute pictures of Gen (inspiration for you artist types?), as well as crossposting the wonderful things posted to this comm. It's another easy way to spread the word about teensy bang!

Contribute to the comm!

Want to write some Gen/Ruby 2-centric meta, fic recs, art recs, ship or character manifestoes, etc? We'll be glad to have them! Inspiration comes from all sorts of places, and we're sure no one gets quiet as many opportunities for Gen/Ruby 2 squee as they ought, so we'd love to post your thoughts, recs, picspams ... any and all Gen/Ruby 2-related content!

Example posts (just to give you an idea):
  • My all-time favorite Ruby 2 vid
  • Three stories in which supporting!character!Genevieve stole the show
  • Angels, Demons, and the Question of Loyalty: Castiel and Ruby in Supernatural Season 4
You can do this one of two ways ...

1) Wait for us to announce an Open Posting Period, and post what you will (well, not your own fic or art. You have the prompt post for that, and potentially a lightning round, not to mention the bang itself!). :P
2) If you think you might have multiple things to post, comment here, PM teensymod or email genteensybang@yahoo.com and ask to be a monthly contributor. We'll assign you a month between January and May (and tell you if there are any dates we'd prefer that you not post). Be sure to let us know if you'd prefer one month over another.

Participate in our Open Posting Week(s)

Our first Open Posting Week is now an exceptionally long week (extending from February 16 to February 28), because the mods decided it would be easier for y'all to participate that way, but whatever. It's bound to be fun! If you guys like this thing, we'll aim to have another one before the end of the challenge.

What is Open Posting Week? Weeks? Whatever?
It's not so complicated! This is the time where we celebrate our love for Genevieve and Ruby 2.0 by spamming this comm with squee.

What Can I Post?
Meta, picspams, rec lists, your favorite picture of Genevieve, your favorite Ruby crack vid, ship manifestoes, a comprehensive list of every fusion in which Ruby 2.0 plays the role of The Brave Little Toaster.

What Can't I Post?
Your own fic or art, unless it's part of a comprehensive list: You're one of the fifteen people who wrote an SPN/The Brave Little Toaster fusion starring Ruby 2.0.

Are there any other rules?
Yes! We're so glad you asked.
  • The content of your post must focus on Ruby 2.0 or Genevieve.
  • This might seem obvious, but there will be no bashing of Ruby 2.0 or Genevieve.
  • We'd like you to refrain from bashing at all, to be honest. That includes on other member's posts. If you think someone posted the worst recs list of all time, write your own; don't comment to tell them that their taste sucks cheeseballs.
  • Please don't post anything featuring real life underage persons. If a picspam shows Jared and Gen, it's fine. If it shows Jared, Gen and their adorable kiddo, we prefer that you didn't post it here.
  • You can re-post something you've posted to your journal before, as long as it abides by our other rules. We'd prefer new stuff, though.
  • You can crosspost anything you post here to your own journal or to other comms. 
  • You must rec at least one fanwork at a time. Recs must include the name of the artist/author/vidder, a link to the fanwork and a short description or  summary, as well as the standard character/pairing/rating/fanwork-type information. It's a good idea to tell people you're reccing them. We won't insist on a standard format for posts, mostly because we don't know exactly what we'll get, but try to give readers the usual info.
  • If it's possible for the mods to do so, we'll crosspost your post to our tumblr. If you don't want us doing so, please let us know!

Let us know if you have awesome skillz, so we know who can help us whenever we may need help.

Help us decide what else we should do!

Do you have any suggestions? For example, someone suggested that we could hold a 24-hour lighting round. Would you be interested? Would you prefer something else? Please let us know! Think of us as the teensy private college where everyone holds hands and sings together at the start of class, and the professors feed their students homemade gnocchi every other Sunday. This is your bang, and we want to do everything we can to make it a fun and rewarding experience.

To give us feedback, comment here, PM teensymod or email the mods at genteensybang@yahoo.com.

!mod post

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