Bloggiversary and Celebratory Giveaway!

Feb 01, 2009 13:40

First things first: Happy Bloggiversary to us!

That's right, we've been going for a full year here. 365 days of our particular brand of insanity, and I haven't yet decided if I think that's gleeworthy or just kind of frightening. Since our very first post, we've done a lot of growing (although I'd like to think we've stuck pretty close to the mission statement there). In one year, this blog has seen:

-376 entries (this makes 377)
-158 watchers
-124 book reviews
-3 occasions which made Frodo cry
-14 lolcats

On this momentous occasion, I can think of no better way to celebrate than by having a big giveaway of awesomeness!

Edit: This contest is now closed. May the gods of snark smile upon everyone who entered.

Being the genre geek that I am, I have some lovely prizes sitting here with me:

-The military sci-fi Peacekeeper
, reviewed here
-The erotic anthology I Do
, for which all proceeds go to support marriage equality
-A signed copy of Kelley Armstrong's Bitten

-Patricia Briggs's shiny new Bone Crossed

All of the above come highly recommended. Now how can you get your paws on 'em? Just leave me a note here telling me which of our 377 posts is your favourite. Was it one that made you laugh, or one that made you think? Was it a review or was it us just posting something completely random like werebunnies? Let me know, and you just might wind up with a package of awesome bookishness landing on your doorstep.

Also? For every 20 entries we get, I will be adding a new awesome and shiny prize to the offerings. So send your friends, and there shall be more for the winning.

Entries close Feb 14, because I'm a Valentine's scrooge like that.

Edit: Sarah says since last year was a leap year, it's been 366 days of insanity. I suppose we can't claim to be OCD if we miss that detail, so here it is. Yup.

contest tiiiiime, lolcats, blog-related nonsense

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