
Jun 15, 2010 09:44

so. i have some thoughts on podfic reading, and if i don't just throw them out there, i'm going to stew over them forever, just like my thoughts on all sorts of other things that are important to me. things that i have both strong political beliefs about, and emotional responses to. subjects where those external beliefs and internal responses are ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

hederahelix June 15 2010, 16:50:06 UTC
Drive by comment as I'm supposed to be working, but . . .

I love being read to just about as much as I love reading out loud.

I keep meaning to record pod fic, and I'm not sure about the logistics of it, but I'll tell you this.

There are certain stories that I really enjoy reading out loud. They're the ones I've read aloud over and over again to friends, and those are the stories I'd want to record because I have a way of reading them that, clearly , puts emphasis on certain elements in certain ways, and it's fun for me to do, but I think--or at least I think now after reading skimming through this at warp speed that part of my desire to read those particular stories is to create a record of that interpretation of that story ( ... )


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aphelant June 15 2010, 23:24:01 UTC
I'm sure that there are people, myself included, that would never have tried podfic at all, without your openess and enthusiasm.

::waves:: I can't remember whether or not I had heard of podfic prior to stumbling across Jinjur's first archive (which, IIRC, was an html-based page on her site with some Due South and SG:A podfics?), but I can guarantee that if she hadn't been as enthusiastic, excited and encouraging as she was, I never would have bought that first $15 microphone and I wouldn't have had the guts to do anything with it.


choc_bunnyhead June 21 2010, 23:37:58 UTC
Agreed. I definitely would not have had the courage to record except that you invited me to record with you and that was SO much fun! I think I will eventually do it again, too. :)

This was fascinating to read.


mordicai June 15 2010, 21:08:48 UTC
Your comment on audience/creator at the outset really sound like the core of a lot of fandom's appeal, you know?


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