Another Mayor drabble!

Feb 11, 2007 16:33

Title: No.13
Author: lilachighRating: PG ( Read more... )

mayor wilkins, faith, author: lilachigh, btvs: s3

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Comments 5

ozma914 February 11 2007, 22:48:46 UTC
The Mayor is such a fun villian!


scarlettlily February 12 2007, 15:38:07 UTC
Hehehehe love the Mayor, he is just adorable like a kitty and evil all in one!


zanthinegirl February 12 2007, 15:49:55 UTC
Hee! I have to say the mayor is probably my favorite Big Bad for a lot of the reasons you demonstrate here!


myfeetshowit February 14 2007, 04:03:20 UTC
The Mayor was such a complex character. You capture him very well here.


greatwhitesnark October 19 2007, 19:35:03 UTC
He's not going to like her history with alligators. Another great Mayor drabble. You write his voice so well.


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