Characters: Spike, Illyria, Gunn, Wesley
hesadevil's wonderful drabble
Broken reminded me of one I had written a while back, and how much I enjoyed Spike and Illyria interaction. Who needs ships when you've got such characters?
Rating: PG13 for swearing
Close Counters of the Minute Mart Kind )
Comments 6
I remember Time Goes Swiftly by - it was an excuse to overdose on exercise in adverbs, yes?
I like 'Spring Dance' very much because it makes me feel a whole lot better about Angel sending Spike to 'test' Illyria if I thought he believed Spike enjoyed it this much.
Thanks for sharing these with us.
Yes. I love swifties. Just think, there are whole websites devoted to adverbs of this kind. *marvels at the thought*
Spike and Illyria always made me laugh whenever they interacted. They definitely brought out certain aspects of each other.
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