Six Drabbles featuring Spike & Illyria - Spike, Illyria, Gunn, Wesley

Jan 31, 2007 17:02

Characters: Spike, Illyria, Gunn, Wesley
Summary: hesadevil's wonderful drabble Broken reminded me of one I had written a while back, and how much I enjoyed Spike and Illyria interaction. Who needs ships when you've got such characters?
Rating: PG13 for swearing

Close Counters of the Minute Mart Kind
Written for the open_on_sunday challenge - 24-Hour Convenience Stores

The blue lady put on one of the mood rings, from off the counter, and I swear it went wacko. All swirls of color and sparks. Never saw one do anything like that before.

Her blond-haired companion, a punk but a mighty fine looking one, put the six-pack and Salsa chips in front of me.

"You want that thing?"

"No. I was intrigued by its song but it grows monotonous."

He took it and damned if it didn't go dead black.

Later, it worked fine.

Convenience clerk might not be much of a job, but you meet the damndest people.


Time Goes Swiftly By
On the nature of time, and swifties.

"What's taking so bloody long?" Spike bitched lengthily.

"They're deliberating. The time adds up," Wesley said summarily.

Illyria intimated knowingly, "you do not understand the nature of time."

"…?" Spike said blankly.

"Time has no inherent structure," she replied naturally, "time is thought."

Spike answered sensibly, "So, if I feel it's taking forever…"

"…the time does not end," Illyria stated conclusively.

"Surely, a complex issue can't be explained so easily?" Wesley questioned simply.

"Strictly speaking, no," Illryia retorted harshly, "but time cannot be stringently measured."

"There's lots of ways to look at it," Spike said flexibly.

"Exactly." Illyria confirmed precisely.


Driver's Ed
Summary: The title says it all.

Illyria waved and exulted in her power at the resulting screech of rubber, crunch of metal and "Bloody HELL! You can't do that!"

"You told me that extending my arm out the window informed others that I would turn left."

"Not in the middle of the road across two lanes of traffic, you dozy co - Watch out for the pedestrian!"

"I'm a goddess. He must watch out for me or be squashed like a bug...I wish to have coffee."

"Fine, pull into the drive thru."

"There are too many in my way. I will create my own drive-thru."

"Bloody HELL!"


Written for the Spillyria Drabble contest. Challenge ‘Heat/Cold’.
Angel S5. After Wesley gives up on Illyria. This is a riff on ‘The Man and the Satyr’, one of Aesop’s fables.

“How did man dominate the earth?”

Spike gestured for Illyria to follow him. “Let me show you something.”

He led Illyria to the W&H labs, where experiments were being performed with cold. A technician blew upon his hands.

“What is he doing?”

“He’s warming his hands. Let’s keep going.”

He took her to the cafeteria, where an employee blew into her soup.

“She is heating her food?”

“Nope, cooling it down.”

Illyria considered. “You wish me to see that humans blow hot and cold with the same breath. This gave them the power to rule the earth?”

“S’all it took.”


Written for another Spillyria Drabble contest. Challenge word tentacles. Post NFA. It's easy to forget that Illyria has not always been humanoid.

Spike stared at the smoking television, mouth open in shock. “What did you do that for?” Spike turned to Gunn. “Why did she do that?”

“There were people eating others of my kind! I could not bear to watch it further.” Illyria swept her hand in a chopping motion.

“There aren’t any others of your kind! And why the bloody hell didn’t you just turn it off?”

“I do not wish to discuss it further.” Illyria stalked from the room.

“Why did she destroy my telly?”

Gunn shrugged. “Fear Factor. The contestants were eating donuts filled with rotten squid tentacles.”


Spring Dance
Summary: Another drabble written for the open_on_sundaychallenge. Challenge word was Spring.

Gunn and Wesley winced as Spike hit the wall… again.

Spike pushed off the wall’s surface, used it to spring forward and Wesley thought Illyria’s expression was as close to delight as he had ever seen it.

“Man, his head must be rubber-bouncing like that. I’ve seen basketballs flatten from that kind of force. You think he’s enjoying this?”

“Yes, actually, I believe he is.”

“Oooh! That had to hurt.”

“I would think so.”

“You know, I’m kinda glad I never had to face him in a fight. He just doesn’t quit.”

“Yes. I believe Angel has mentioned that.”

wesley, author: myfeetshowit, illyria, spike, post-nfa, gunn, drabble, ats: s5

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