drabble: "Truth Next Time"

Sep 04, 2008 06:03

Title: Truth Next Time
Author: Ozma914

Summary: Post-Chosen: Because I felt bad about leaving Andrew in the hallway in my last drabble!
(This takes place in a post-"Chosen" universe in which rather questionable spells have resurrected Tara and Buffybot, and more or less cured Dana.)Rating: PG ( Read more... )

author: ozma914, andrew, dana, tara, post-chosen, drabble, buffybot, humor, original character

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Comments 2

slaymesoftly September 4 2008, 10:51:31 UTC


ozma914 September 7 2008, 00:20:34 UTC
Is it possible I'm having too much fun?


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