drabble: "Truth Next Time"

Sep 04, 2008 06:03

Title: Truth Next Time
Author: Ozma914

Summary: Post-Chosen: Because I felt bad about leaving Andrew in the hallway in my last drabble!
(This takes place in a post-"Chosen" universe in which rather questionable spells have resurrected Tara and Buffybot, and more or less cured Dana.)

Rating: PG
Warnings: Andrew
Length: 100 words
Disclaimer: I own practically nothing except my Mac and my Buffy comics.

Characters: Buffybot, Tara, Dana, Andrew and OC Slayer Kara.


Buffybot reopened the door to find Andrew rooted to the hallway floor. "You kissed me," he murmured, his eyes saucers.

"It was a game! I took 'Dare'."

"But … you kissed me." He was drooling, just a bit.

Dana retreated back into the motel room. Behind Andrew, Rona and the other just-arrived slayers backed away. "I think he's going to hurl."

Silence. Then, slowly, Andrew pitched forward. Kara caught him, preventing facial injury, and luckily didn't end up on the receiving end of a recent fast food stop.

Sighing, Tara turned to Bottie. "Maybe you should pick Truth next time."

author: ozma914, andrew, dana, tara, post-chosen, drabble, buffybot, humor, original character

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