drabble: "Truth or Dare"

Sep 03, 2008 05:43

Title: Truth or Dare
Author: Ozma914

Summary: Post-Chosen: The team passes time in age-old fashion.
(This takes place in a post-"Chosen" universe in which rather questionable spells have resurrected Tara and Buffybot, and more or less cured Dana.)

Rating: PG-13
Warnings: speaking of sex
Length: 100 words
Disclaimer: I own practically nothing except my Mac and my Buffy comics.

Characters: Buffybot, Tara, Dana, and OC Slayer Kara.


Buffybot dashed back into the motel room, slammed the door shut, and fell onto a chair. “I kissed one! You’re not going to believe who -- Andrew’s here!”

“His team isn’t due for another hour,” Kara said.

“Rona was probably driving,” Tara suggested.

“Anyway, he’s standing in the hallway with a funny expression, so we’ve got a few minutes to finish -- it’s Tara’s turn.” Bottie grinned. “Truth or dare?”


“Compare sex with women to men.”

“Oh my,” Kara said.

Tara, her head lowered, took a moment to respond. “I wouldn’t know.”

Dana turned a funny color.

Buffybot just looked disappointed.

author: ozma914, dana, tara, post-chosen, drabble, buffybot, humor, original character

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