drabble: "Truth or Dare"

Sep 03, 2008 05:43

Title: Truth or Dare
Author: Ozma914

Summary: Post-Chosen: The team passes time in age-old fashion.
(This takes place in a post-"Chosen" universe in which rather questionable spells have resurrected Tara and Buffybot, and more or less cured Dana.)Rating: PG-13 ( Read more... )

author: ozma914, dana, tara, post-chosen, drabble, buffybot, humor, original character

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Comments 8

curiouswombat September 3 2008, 11:22:45 UTC
“Oh my,” Wombat said.


ozma914 September 3 2008, 22:18:25 UTC

Wait -- was that good? :-)


curiouswombat September 5 2008, 19:45:28 UTC


ozma914 September 6 2008, 23:47:41 UTC
Oh, good!


myfeetshowit September 3 2008, 12:44:31 UTC
You know, I've known people just like Buffybot.

Cute drabble.


ozma914 September 3 2008, 22:17:57 UTC
I was thinking the same thing as i wrote this -- I've known people *just* like Buffybot. :-)


sockmonkeyhere September 4 2008, 00:19:53 UTC
"I kissed one!" Hee! Adorable and so in-character -- she spent her first several months of life as a sexbot, and yet kissing on a dare is as new and exciting to her as if she were ten years old.

Buffybot just looked disappointed. LMAO! You've got her down PAT.

Do you read the Season 6 AtS comic books? 'Cause I totally recommended your stories on their message forum.


ozma914 September 4 2008, 04:56:58 UTC
Hee -- glad you liked it! Buffybot is so much fun.

I haven't been reading the Angel comics, because there's only one comic book shop within a reasonable difference and he just doesn't seem interested in making that sale. He is getting in about 5 Buffy S8 comics a month, though, so at least I'm up to date there.

Thanks for the rec! Now the pressure's on -- I need to get working on that big Angel/Buffy crossover I outlined months ago, to deal with "Not Fade Away". :-) I always appreciate a good shout out!


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