Log Post

Aug 30, 2007 19:11

Who: Hikaru, Kaoru, Bart, Killua and Train
What: A nice, friendly chat
Where: Fatima Palace
When: Tuesday night
Why: Cos the Twins and Bart need to talk to Train and Killua insisted on coming.

You saw nothing. Yes, you.

Welcome to today's round of abuse Train )


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yggdrasillove August 21 2007, 23:34:00 UTC
At the sound of the knock, Bart quickly trotted to the gate. As he opened it, he gave a quick smile as a greeting to the twins, "Welcome to the... er... humble abode, I guess." It had been a long day. His trip to Sparta postponed twice, having to lock Killua in his room after finding out that said little brother had done... things with his MUCH older boyfriend. It was nice to see the two that would help him straighten out things.


sweep August 22 2007, 21:13:48 UTC
Necessary precautions? It took a minute or two for the tiny, 2 watt bulb in Train's brain to light up on that one. And when it did, Train immediately grimaced. ".. Oh. Precautions. Haha, about that.." He trailed off, not really wanting to finish that sentence, but the subsequent expression on Bart's face suggested he'd better defend himself. Or come up with an explanation, fast, before he was thrown through some walls. "IT WAS UNEXPECTED! We'd just decided not to do anything the day before, and I don't CARRY AROUND the things with me, and besides I don't have any diseases and we don't gotta worry about Killua getting pregnant, so.. so.."


gemini_aniki August 22 2007, 21:53:37 UTC
Hikaru watched, expectantly, as Bart asked his question. It wasn't something they'd thought about, it was automatic for them when sleeping with someone else. He looked over as Train's face changed and froze. Before he'd even finished the sentence, Hikaru was out of his seat and trying to decide the best way to kill him. "You fucking... you're supposed to be the adult, how the fuck would we trust you..." He took a deep breath and felt Kaoru's hands on his shoulders. This was unbelievable.


yggdrasillove August 22 2007, 22:01:16 UTC
The palm of his hand met his forehead as Bart sighed. Even he knew the importance of protection. And he was probably the only virgin in the room! "I guess that answers that." he growled, striding over so that he was almost face to face with Train. "...That's one strike. One unbelievably large strike."


sweep August 22 2007, 22:19:29 UTC
He winced at their reactions, not particularly threatened by any of them, but apprehensive all the same. It took a lot of his will power to keep from arguing back, to keep from insisting that it was completely unplanned and what did it really matter, anyway? ... but he managed, knowing the best move here was to take it, to let them yell at him and stay levelheaded so they wouldn't have any more reason to be upset with him. "... Fine, noted for the future. Next question?"


gemini_aniki August 22 2007, 22:23:52 UTC
The twins watched Bart cross the room, impassive. They appreciated the fact that this did seem to be affecting Train, if only a little. He didn't seem to understand that getting involved with Brawl mean anything could happen, unless you were damn careful. Kaoru looked calmly at Train, knowing they had little advantage, but willing to try to shock an answer out of him anyway. "So, you got what you wanted then? We won't be seeing you for dust."


yggdrasillove August 22 2007, 22:34:12 UTC
Bart stood back to give the twins leeway to ask their question. It wouldn't do to have him blocking them. Expelling air through his nose and tapping his foot impatiently, he kept away, awaiting the answer from Train, curious as well.


sweep August 22 2007, 22:47:11 UTC
Alright, THAT question was just offensive. Train reacted before he could think to stop himself. "What's that supposed to mean?! I'm not with him because I want sex. There's plenty of other people out there more experienced and willing. I don't plan on leaving any time soon," he replied, incensed, glaring back at the twins like he'd been wronged.


gemini_aniki August 22 2007, 22:52:22 UTC
Hikaru took one look at Train and laughed. He could barely stop himself, and he knew he probably owed Kaoru money again. Who knew he would be that easy to provoke? His twin was far too good at this game. It wasn't like they could object to Killua doing what he wanted to, they hadn't been that much older themselves. All they wanted to know was that their decidedly inexperience cousin wasn't being taken for a ride. There were too many people like them out there not to. "You may as well come in now, Puppy. We're satisfied. I'm not that hypocritical."


friendofgon August 22 2007, 22:58:05 UTC
Killua had intended to wait in his room. Bart had even gone to the trouble of locking him up, so he should be nice and stay put until they came to fetch him. So he'd jumped down on the bed and stayed there for a whole five minutes before getting bored. Picking the lock had taken him thirty seconds.

He'd been listening in on most of their conversation, having found them fairly quickly. He was surprised when Hikaru spoke to him though. He knew they couldn't have heard him. Maybe they just knew him that well by now? Putting on a completely innocent expression, he pushed open the door and stepped inside. "... Hey."


yggdrasillove August 22 2007, 23:07:31 UTC
Another facepalm. Sure Bart had expected Killua to escape- but not this quickly. Wondering exactly how much Killua overheard, his eye followed Killua in and he answered his greeting with a, "Hi." of his own before turning back to Train. Things were bound to get interesting now.


sweep August 22 2007, 23:20:56 UTC
Somehow, Train wasn't particularly surprised to learn that Killua had been standing there, outside of the door, for however long. But he was extremely glad to see him-- that much was obvious from his stupidly huge grin. .. Did this mean the interrogation was over already? Hopefully? Maybe? Yes? "Heeeyyyy, shrimpy!" he greeted cheerfully. "How long you been out there?" Apparently he'd already forgotten the twins and Barty-warty existed. :|


gemini_aniki August 23 2007, 12:50:39 UTC
Well, that one had been obvious at least. Hikaru got the impression Killua had heard the whole thing, but he wasn't overly concerned. They watched Train's reaction with interest, he did seem geniunely pleased to see him and that said something. They hoped. There was just one more thing they needed to know. "Killua. Tell me you really did want it, and we'll say no more. Promise."


friendofgon August 23 2007, 12:55:42 UTC
Killua glared at Train for that nickname, and was just about to say something when one of the twins spoke. He turned towards them, slightly surprised by the question. Wouldn't he be pissed off at Train if he hadn't wanted it, instead of trying to make sure his boyfriend got along with his family? "I did. Of course I did," he replied, completely honest.

He then turned towards Bart. "Are you fine with it?" he asked hopefully. He didn't think Bart was as comfortable with him having sex as Hikaru and Kaoru were.


yggdrasillove August 23 2007, 17:12:56 UTC
Truthfully? The answer was 'no'. However when peace was in sight, it was best to follow it. "...Sure." realizing that he didn't sound so convincing he added, "Just promise the two of you will be careful." His gaze then shifted to Train, "And if I hear anything about you hurting him - physically or otherwise - I'll come after you myself, along with the rest of his older brothers, I'm sure."


sweep August 23 2007, 18:14:57 UTC
Train held up his hands defensively. "Hey, no objections here. If I hurt him, I'll throw myself off a tall building." Though it was nice to know there'd be a group of people who'd be willing to impale him or otherwise maim him should there be no tall buildings readily available. "Are we.. finished already?" He eyed some of the questionable devices in the corners of the room with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.


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