Buy ALL the gifts!

Dec 07, 2011 22:24

Soooo we went out to get a tree last night...
and instead we somehow spent all of our money on gifts for the girls and our brother and sister in law haha. We didn't get a tree, but it was fun to have stuff to wrap. So I was okay with it.

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christmas, biking, bike

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Comments 13

talonvaki December 8 2011, 04:23:43 UTC
OMG I just saw those at Target tonight, too! I had to get one...I got the shrimp set because Tessie loves sparkle balls and I know she'll want the green thingy in there.

How funny!


gemcitytiffany December 8 2011, 14:47:18 UTC
That's awesome! So cute!


talonvaki December 8 2011, 15:38:16 UTC
I was so excited about the cat toys, I didn't even see the bicycle! I had a Bianchi all through college. He was white and I called him Nivalis. I loved that bike...


unravel_inparis December 8 2011, 04:39:18 UTC
that bike is beautiful!

I love those cat bento boxes. Wish I had a cat to give them too.


gemcitytiffany December 8 2011, 14:48:41 UTC
I'm so swoony for the bike. I can't wait to see it in real life. They don't have the exact model in, they had a higher end model that I checked out and of course, I'd like that one, but I'm glad they can order me the less expensive one lol


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gemcitytiffany December 8 2011, 14:49:13 UTC
That seems so strange to me! It's basically my favorite part of the holidays!


talonvaki December 8 2011, 15:40:50 UTC
The past few years I have been "going green" with my gifts. They're just in brown boxes, but with ribbons. Or I put things in pretty gift bags (which are reusable, of course). I suppose it is better for the environment not to waste all that paper, but in all honesty I just got lazy one year and just kept doing it after that!

I miss wrapping presents, but I don't miss dealing with piles of waste paper on Christmas day.


socarefully December 8 2011, 13:11:00 UTC
Love the cat toys.

I hire a bike as I am not going to be living here forever. All the bikes are really heavy I find it hard to lift one. I had no idea how much worse things are when you have a super heavy bike until moving here.


gemcitytiffany December 8 2011, 14:50:15 UTC
Haha, yes, I can imagine! It makes you quite sluggish!


miss58vintage December 8 2011, 22:27:35 UTC
I love the little toy sets Target has for animals! We plan on getting Sophie the set for dogs that had like a full dinner including a little stuffed lobster!


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