Get as far as far can be- get us away from tonight-

Jul 05, 2010 12:47

What a weekend. It went too fast though ( Read more... )

fireworks, cake, friends, family, wedding, chicken, eggs, baseball, 4th of july

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Comments 3

afropuffgirl July 5 2010, 17:31:18 UTC
That box looks like a lot of fun.

I probably understand baseball better than other sports but it's probably the hardest for me to pay attention to because it moves so slowly.

I was in band for 4 years and still don't understand football. I learned more about soccer and basketball when my daughter started to play.

Good luck on the wedding cake! I can't wait to see pictures.


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gemcitytiffany July 6 2010, 18:25:12 UTC
That's true, I am always trying to do something different and keep it interesting lol


gearhead69 July 7 2010, 19:47:48 UTC
Holy crap, that's gonna be one huge cake!

That, and your chicken vid reminds me of my aunt and uncle's farm in North Vernon, IN. We used to go there when I was a kid. I loved that place. I wish we could still go, but apparently the extended family sold it or rents it now. Great memories of that.

A buddy of mine raises chickens, and I was down at his place one time when a storm was coming. We heard the thunder, and all of the sudden he hollers to one of his boys, "Gus! Chickens!" and that kid took off like a shot, gathering them all up and making sure they got put in the coop before the storm hit. Little boy chasing chickens = freakin' awesome!

*and so ends my chicken-related commenting.


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