Okay, once more with feeling, Holiday Fic Request Meme edition.

Nov 10, 2014 12:10

Anyone remember what I said about this year's Holiday Fic Request Meme in September? Well, I'm an idiot because I still haven't managed to put together this year's post but well, here it is. Only this year, some spots will already be taken since I decided to collect all unanswered prompts from the last three years and put them into one post. They ( Read more... )

fandom: generation kill, fandom: sanctuary, fandom: the avengers, fandom: last resort, happy holidays, fandom: game of thrones, holiday fic hysteria, fandom: stargate, fandom: pacific rim, fandom: the lord of the rings, fannish stuff, fandom: warehouse 13, fandom: misc movies, fandom: harry potter, fandom: halo, fandom: army wives, we're all lemmings, fandom: leverage

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Comments 19

rareb November 10 2014, 13:13:32 UTC
Kann ich einen der noch ungeschriebenen Prompts ersetzen durch die Fortsetzung der Jane Walcott/Damien Bournewithe-Geschichte? :) Es hat fast schon Tradition, dass es da jeden Dezember weitergeht.

Einen Song kann ich auch noch suchen, falls "Fortsetzung" alleine nicht reicht?


gelbes_gilatier November 10 2014, 13:37:05 UTC
Kann ich einen der noch ungeschriebenen Prompts ersetzen durch die Fortsetzung der Jane Walcott/Damien Bournewithe-Geschichte?

Na abeeer :D

Es hat fast schon Tradition, dass es da jeden Dezember weitergeht.

Ja, das is mir auch neulich aufgefallen! Einmal im Jahr besuch ich die echt gerne, übrigens. Also immer her damit :D

Einen Song kann ich auch noch suchen, falls "Fortsetzung" alleine nicht reicht?

Ich bitte darum :D (gehört ja zur Tradition dazu und so)


rareb November 10 2014, 18:36:49 UTC
Okay... Spontan:
Janelle Monàe - Tightrope

z.B. der Ausschnitt:

While they jumpin' round you
They trying to take all your dreams
But you can't allow it
'Cause baby whether you're high or low
Whether you're high or low
You gotta tip on the tightrope

Oder der:

You gotta keep your balance
Or you fall into the gap
It's a challenge but I manage
'Cause I'm cautious with the strap

Kann man was damit anfangen? Vollständige Lyrics


gelbes_gilatier November 10 2014, 19:38:41 UTC
Okay... Spontan:
Janelle Monàe - Tightrope

Klingt guuut! Soll es einer der beiden Ausschnitte sein oder nur das Lied an sich?


rareb November 10 2014, 19:54:08 UTC

Einfach das Lied. Die Ausschnitte sind Vorschläge. ;)


gelbes_gilatier November 10 2014, 19:55:52 UTC
Allet klar. Hast du einen Wunsch-Tag?


rareb November 10 2014, 20:44:55 UTC

Wieder der 8. Dezember? (Same Procedure as every year?) Falls dus sonst füllen magst, kannst du dafür einen der anderen Prompts löschen.


gelbes_gilatier November 10 2014, 20:51:36 UTC
8. Dezember ist kein Problem, ich trags da ein :)


arwen_lune November 10 2014, 20:56:20 UTC
I feel greedy since there's already like, 3 of me in there, but I just (think I) saw you do Pacific Rim too? If 5 december (sinterklaas!) is free, can I have Jaeger teams playing pranks on each other? Especially Team Cherno Alpha & Team Crimson Typhoon. And maybe Stacker looking on sternly, hiding his amusement and not stopping it because he knows they need to find their fun where they can?

Did you see the Thor & tailored clothes post that came by on tumblr? If you wanted to make the Thor & Natasha friendship story about the two of them discovering they like fine clothing, that'd be neat :-)


gelbes_gilatier November 10 2014, 21:17:22 UTC
I feel greedy since there's already like, 3 of me in there, but I just (think I) saw you do Pacific Rim too?

I did one last year, yep. And no, it's not greedy :D

If 5 december (sinterklaas!) is free, can I have Jaeger teams playing pranks on each other?

It is, and OMG, that's an awesome idea! I love it ♥

If you wanted to make the Thor & Natasha friendship story about the two of them discovering they like fine clothing, that'd be neat :-)

Oh, I've been looking so long for in way in to that fic. That just might be it! Thank you!


jess_being_me November 12 2014, 23:34:03 UTC
Oooh! If you want to ditch the Palmer/Lasky one, about something with Digg and Lyla (and/or any of the rest of Team Arrow)? I really don't have a prompt...just anything your muse wants.


gelbes_gilatier November 12 2014, 23:37:25 UTC
Oh, I'd like to keep Lasky/Palmer (I recently had an idea for a new We Were Soldiers 'verse fic, so...) but I can totally add a Digg/Lyla prompt, if you'd like me to! Anything special you want, like lyrics or dialogue snippets or something?


jess_being_me November 13 2014, 03:38:47 UTC
Woot! I'd love for you to! :D :D

And really...no. I'm up for anything. I trust your awesome writing skills. :D :D


gelbes_gilatier November 13 2014, 20:16:04 UTC
And really...no. I'm up for anything. I trust your awesome writing skills. :D :D

Oh noes, the pressure keeps mounting :D

Okay, is there any special day you'd like for Digg/Lyla?


rareb November 14 2014, 23:29:00 UTC
Ich übertrage jetzt den Facebook-Prompt noch schnell hierher:

18. Dezember:

Die Story beginnt mit: "It was a dark and stormy night" und spielt während des Falklandkriegs. (Inspiriert von Keks.)

Die Wahl des Fandoms überlasse ich dir. :D


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