Okay, once more with feeling, Holiday Fic Request Meme edition.

Nov 10, 2014 12:10

Anyone remember what I said about this year's Holiday Fic Request Meme in September? Well, I'm an idiot because I still haven't managed to put together this year's post but well, here it is. Only this year, some spots will already be taken since I decided to collect all unanswered prompts from the last three years and put them into one post. They are, sadly, a lot and I'm not sure if I'll manage to write them all but I'd just like to show you that I haven't forgotten about them and am still attempting to fill them, in the hopes that next year, I'll be able to give you a completely clean slate Holiday Fic Request Meme. So. Have a look at this one, anyway, to check if I got all your open prompts and/or if you'd like to change them (anything not written yet, i.e. anything that isn't crossed out, can still be changed). Here we go.

( Holiday Fic Request Meme 2011 )

( Holiday Fic Request Meme 2012 )

( Holiday Fic Request Meme 2013 )

Comment with: a day, a fandom (can also be crossover), a character/pairing (can also be my OCs... but do try to take someone else than the farm kids,
mackenziesmomma :P), and a prompt (can be everything from lyrics to pictures) and I will write at least 300 words for you, to be posted on the day you claimed. Any fandom/pairing that I am familiar with is fair game (just look up my interests in my profile and the comms I'm a member of), but I might ask you to choose another prompt if you leave something I feel uncomfortable writing, or if it is a fandom I haven't been into in a while. You can, of course, request more than one.

December 1 - mackenziesmomma, Gilmore Girls/SGA, Loralei and Charles Junior (Charlie), visiting for the first time since forever
December 2 -
December 3 -
December 4 -
December 5 - arwen_lune, Pacific Rim, Ensemble, the Jaeger teams playing pranks on each other
December 6 -
December 7 -
December 8 - rareb, Harry Potter, Jane Walcott/Damien Bournewithe, Janelle Monàe - Tightrope
December 9 - mackenziesmomma, Stargate, Mrs Williamson, Anna, Laura C., and Maureen; Girls weekend in the Keys (Florida Keys)
December 10 -
arwen_lune, Avengers, Thor, food porn
December 11 -
rareb, Harry Potter, Lavinia McNeil Yaxley and Lucy Carrow, Lucy and Lavinia fist-fight, "You're just jealous."
December 12 -
rodlox, Thor/Leverage, Loki, Sif, Parker, Loki and Sif meet Parker and anyone else from the crew. (it can be AU if you like)
December 13 -
hanseatic_keks, Army Wives, Chase Moran/Pamela Moran, There is nothing on this earth sexier, believe me, gentlemen, than a woman you have to salute in the morning.
December 14 -
December 15 -
mackenziesmomma, Stargate Atlantis, Military Ensemble, set around the time period of "Quarantine", "For You" by Keith Urban
December 16 -
jess_being_me, HALO, Thomas Lasky and Sarah Palmer, It is not wise to break up with a Spartan. Especially if that Spartan happens to be Sarah Palmer.
December 17 - mackenziesmomma, Stargate, Sam Carter, Sam asking maureen why she still deals with tom
December 18 - rareb, no specific fandom, set in the Falkland War, It was a dark and stormy night...
December 19 -
apinkpanthress, Game of Thrones, Lady Sansa Stark/Petyr Baelish
December 20 -
keylafirefly, Warehouse 13, Claudia Donovan, the decision to contact Artie
rodlox, Leverage/Warehouse 13/Stargate, Parker, H. G. Wells, Laura Cadman, Parker, Helena, and Cadman (and Lt. James?) in the same room.
December 21 -
arwen_lune, Stargate, Laura Cadman and Evan Lorne, A team rendition of 'I Just Called To Say I Love You' is not an adequate substitute for an IDC code.
arwen_lune, Avengers, Natasha Romanoff & Thor, friendship
December 22 -
hanseatic_keks, Stargate/Generation Kill, cast, Sir, not to get homoerotic about this, but I could kiss you.
hanseatic_keks, Stargate, Cameron Mitchell, Mitchell dealing with kids on an alien planet
December 23 -
rareb, Harry Potter, Lavinia McNeil/Orion Yaxley, "Oh no, not again!"
rareb, Harry Potter, Haven't Thought of You Lately smut
December 24 -
rodlox, Last Resort, cast, Christmas fic
apinkpanthress, HALO, Sarah Palmer, Christmas on the Infinity
December 25 -
sgteam14283, The Lord of the Rings, Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took, The first time they got in trouble together.
December 26 -
mackenziesmomma, Stargate, Joe Simmons and Kassandra Wilson, There's something about a girl in a red sun dress that still got to him even now
December 27 -
rodlox, Leverage/Last Resort, casts, "Every time I take a vacation..."
pingulotta, Sanctuary, Nikola Tesla, His own personal Sanctuary.
December 28 -
pingulotta, Warehouse 13/Iron Man, Claudia Donovan and Tony Stark (bonus points if H. G. Wells makes an appearance), The suit is not an artifact. -  Not yet...
rareb, Pacific Rim, Sasha Kaidonovsky/Alexis Kaidonovsky, how they became drift compatible or how they fought their first Kaiju and defended Vladivostok
December 29 -
mackenziesmomma, Stargate, Charlie and Anna Williamson, the shower is big enough for six
sgteam14283, Army Wives, Jeremy Sherwood and Denise Sherwood with Molly Sherwood, AU where Jeremy never died
pingulotta, Stargate Atlantis, Evan Lorne, The cross-country skiing season and the BLOODY VIKINGS!
December 30 -
ancient_leah, Anatasia, Dimitry, Four Year Strong - She's so High
December 31 -
apinkpanthress, Stargate, Evan Lorne and Laura Cadman, Rodney also knew that she was sorts of off-limit because Lorne would kill him if he tried anything stupid on her
apinkpanthress, Sanctuary
mackenziesmomma, Stargate, the farm kids, that one time that miss wilson tried to give MSP a heart attack

fandom: generation kill, fandom: sanctuary, fandom: the avengers, fandom: last resort, happy holidays, fandom: game of thrones, holiday fic hysteria, fandom: stargate, fandom: pacific rim, fandom: the lord of the rings, fannish stuff, fandom: warehouse 13, fandom: misc movies, fandom: harry potter, fandom: halo, fandom: army wives, we're all lemmings, fandom: leverage

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