Becoming, Part 1a

Aug 29, 2013 00:26

Yay for mass updates!  Also, I love comments, so feedback please.

Part 1 )

tony, fanfiction, loki, the bots, avengers, jarvis, golem-verse

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Comments 2

maulfan August 29 2013, 04:44:23 UTC
I love the Jarvis-Loki sniping XD XD XD But... I cried that the other Loki died, and hugged Tony for asking him to not call it an it and WHAT IS THIS WEBBING???? *chews nails*


nemi_chan August 30 2013, 02:32:46 UTC
Thanos' 'offer' would work on most Lokis, if they believe him that is.  Waving a carrot in front of his eyes while going in to make things the way he wants ( ... )


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