The Unquiet Thought, Chapter 10

Jul 24, 2013 13:58

So I meant to post this at least 4 days ago, but that obviously didn't happen. My bad. That means in addition to today's chapter you'll get another one on the weekend. And another installment of Memories.

Chapter 10 )

thor, tony, fanfiction, loki, golem-verse

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Comments 8

hannyuuu July 24 2013, 19:24:36 UTC
*prints some adoption papers*
*pushes them towards Tony*
siiiiign iiiiit...


altherin July 24 2013, 19:49:05 UTC
*agrees with hannyuu*
Sign it Tony!!!


Everyone aside from Tony is really beginning to feel the moral dilemma and absolute hypocrisy of their decision to pretty much reformat Loki. Your Tony is epic btw.

And Thor is in for a really really hard fall methinks. The fact he's actually running away to Asgard just to escape his uncomfortable feelings about what he has done to Loki... yeah the denial.


shadyf0x July 24 2013, 20:30:57 UTC
love it! =)


nemi_chan July 24 2013, 20:54:37 UTC
Ah, Thor bb. You are starting to redeem yourself. Because he is going back to Asgard, when he purposely hid what he did to Loki from them. The question is, if he going to man up when he's there, or hide it still?

(Incidentally, part of me is curious as to what Heimdall thinks of the situation and the not-Lokiness of Loki. I just want to smash it in people's faces until they understand, make them understand my glorious feels.)

I suspect, even if he does not come out to Odin that he might talk to his friends about it, and possibly get smacked in the face with his own dissociation and how much he changed.

Anyways, I had to reread the paragraph on how Thor was a coward a few times before I groked it right proper. I think it's because we're 'trained' to associate cowardice with combat situations, and he just came out of a combat siutation, that I did not apply it to how he went to see Jane.

*rubs head*

And still he didn't get it. He's not unworthy because of that cowardice at all, but I feel like he's getting close.


"He's one of mine now" logosh July 25 2013, 07:43:45 UTC
These FEELS!


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