Fic: At the Lord's Door (HP, Dumbledore, Assorted Others, PG-13)

Apr 30, 2007 15:13

This was supposed to be for mctabby's Cat's Birthday Drabblethon IV, but it got away from me and wasn't nearly done by the time the Drabblethon ended. Here it is at last.

Title: At the Lord's Door
Recipient: erastes
Prompt: Dumbledore finds himself in St Peter's waiting room with Sirius.
Word count: 5,426
Warnings: Not flattering to Canon!Dumbledore. At ALL.
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james potter, regulus, humor, sirius, author: gehayi, stories, dumbledore

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Comments 81

lls_mutant April 30 2007, 20:19:22 UTC
Heehee. Someone didn't like HBP too much, did they? :) Some of Dumbledore's mistakes I can work around, but for being the wisest wizard in forever, he is an idiot when you put everything together, isn't he?

One question, though. did it say in canon that James and Lily found out about the prophecy in October of 1981? Or is that just using reason and logic?


gehayi April 30 2007, 21:23:51 UTC
And yes to both of your rhetorical questions. I hated HBP with the fire of ten thousand suns. (Forget shipping issues. It was the massive illogic, lack of continuity, and violence to timelines that sent me screaming into the night.)

And Dumbledore really is an idiot. Really really, as Shrek would say.

Love the Dixie Chicks icon, by the way!


lls_mutant May 10 2007, 17:42:05 UTC
You're brilliant! Thank you so much!! I knew there were more reasons to hate Dumbles than I'd figured out by myself. *happy grin* OTOH, I actually liked certain parts of HBP. Like where Dumbledore died.


gehayi April 30 2007, 21:33:07 UTC
It's stated (I believe in the books, but possibly in one of JKR's interviews) that James and Lily moved to Godric's Hollow to hide from Voldemort one week before Halloween 1981. Presumably they didn't hide before because they knew of no reason to do so.


minkhollow April 30 2007, 20:23:36 UTC
...A plus. From all I've heard (and read), that's exactly what the man needed.


gehayi April 30 2007, 21:18:48 UTC
Thank you. You know, the sad part was that there were so many errors that I had to leave out. The man had not a grain of common sense.


minkhollow April 30 2007, 22:05:15 UTC
And on the second pass, I noticed how well the pyramids poster suits Dumbledore. He does kinda treat everyone else as expendable to the greater good, whether he realizes it or not.
Also, I think the Dementors bothering Harry and Dudley was at the beginning of book five, so Sirius would still have been alive at that point. I remember reading it, anyway, which makes book six... an unlikely bet.


gehayi April 30 2007, 22:08:02 UTC
You're right. I have to fix that. Excuse me.


lovefromgirl April 30 2007, 20:43:32 UTC
*cheers bloody loudly*


gehayi April 30 2007, 21:19:40 UTC
Thank you!


mysid May 1 2007, 01:41:53 UTC
[Stands and applauds] Brava! THIS is why I shed not a tear when Dumbledore died.

I love that one person's heaven can be another person's hell. Dumbledore's hell is provided by those around him--shades of "No Exit," isn't it?


gehayi May 1 2007, 02:42:29 UTC
Thank you!

My response to DD's death was more along the lines of jumping up, dancing very badly, punching the air and yelling, "YES! The old bastard is DEAD!"

Somehow, I suspect that wasn't what Rowling had in mind.

I always thought that if one person could love something that another could hate, then one person's heaven could be another person's hell. And yes! I was thinking of Sartre a bit, I believe.


zoe_i_am May 1 2007, 03:37:27 UTC
Amazing story! I never really thought about Dumbledore that way, but you are aboslutely right on each point.

Thanks for sharing that, I really enjoyed it!


gehayi May 1 2007, 06:03:31 UTC
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!


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