This might look a bit famliar since it's from the same source picture as my last drawing, but this one is bigger (18x24 vs 9x12) and has a bit of a spiffy background.
I had hoped to get this signed at AT3, but alas, the signing rules are entirely too strict *sigh*
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Comments 15
Basically you can't get anything signed that isn't proper, official merchandise. No photo manips or collages. And apparently no drawings done from a copyright photo.
It all seems like a ploy to sell more merchandise since most answers include something along the lines of "The vendor, Legends, will have several official items for sale that can be signed"
Too bad they sell 8x10s for 10 GBP! I bought one at the con the other weekend for $5! Luckily it is from an official MGM vendor and has all the official copyright stuff on it, so I should be good to get that signed.
er. it's like $6 for an 8x10 here. What's with the $20 photo!?!???
I figure I might purchase a poster or print there (I did last time I was in europe) so might need a poster tube anyway.
I guess I should make sure one of the ones I have is big enough or go buy a new one.
And yes, $20 photos are ridiculous! Half that and I might consider it.
Like I said above, I'll probably bring it just in case, but I am not holding my breath :(
It's absolutely GREAT!! And it's just STUPID it can't be signed. I've been getting a bit angry reading the thread with all the things you can't have signed at AT3. Geez. Not even a montage from your own Avalon pic (not that I have one lol). It sounds like a ploy to me.
I've made this to get signed (I got permission to use the pics):
( ... )
The more I think about it the more pissed I get. I spent over 40 hours on this drawing with the intention of getting it signed. And now I can't. Every other con I've been to it would have been fine. It's not like I am going to make any money off of it. I am a neurotic artist that can't part with her drawings.
Your wallpaper is gorgeous BTW. I hope you are able to get it signed.
The legal advice you got sounds good and logical to me. I do hope you can get it signed. Someone told me the pics Amands holds in my wallpaper are no problem because of "incidental inclusion", sounds good to me.
I just didn't think we needed to bring a lawyer to AT3 :D
SQUEEEEEEEEE, less than a week!
Love the vid too :-)
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