This might look a bit famliar since it's from the same source picture as my last drawing, but this one is bigger (18x24 vs 9x12) and has a bit of a spiffy background.
I had hoped to get this signed at AT3, but alas, the signing rules are entirely too strict *sigh*
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It's absolutely GREAT!! And it's just STUPID it can't be signed. I've been getting a bit angry reading the thread with all the things you can't have signed at AT3. Geez. Not even a montage from your own Avalon pic (not that I have one lol). It sounds like a ploy to me.
I've made this to get signed (I got permission to use the pics):
But someone warned me about the pics AT is holding (she thought I photoshopped them in, but AT was actually holding them at the auction, but still), they could be a problem. GEEZ. No way I'm going to ask the G4 about it though. I'll just bring it.
See you soon :) :)
The more I think about it the more pissed I get. I spent over 40 hours on this drawing with the intention of getting it signed. And now I can't. Every other con I've been to it would have been fine. It's not like I am going to make any money off of it. I am a neurotic artist that can't part with her drawings.
Your wallpaper is gorgeous BTW. I hope you are able to get it signed.
The legal advice you got sounds good and logical to me. I do hope you can get it signed. Someone told me the pics Amands holds in my wallpaper are no problem because of "incidental inclusion", sounds good to me.
I just didn't think we needed to bring a lawyer to AT3 :D
SQUEEEEEEEEE, less than a week!
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