∫ twenty-four;;

Jul 06, 2008 12:54


It seems Rolo's left. That's a shame.

{ filtered to LI XING-KE and TIAN ZI as ZERO ;; VOICE} )

c.c, rolo, tian zi, zero, xingke

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Filtered; mybffcheesekun July 6 2008, 18:00:16 UTC
I wonder how many Britannians would end up here.

There's a cafe selling pizza; come and find me. They need to be paid.


Filtered; mybffcheesekun July 7 2008, 18:22:35 UTC
[She contemplates that idly; it wasn't sentimentalism that prompted that particular observation. At least, not mostly. She watches him, and she wonders if there was a time when Lelouch was truly relaxed. Taking her time to finish off her pizza, she relaxes against the booth and muses.]

It's better like this.

Do you think you'll still be pursued here?


Re: Filtered; geassed July 7 2008, 18:28:43 UTC
[Better? Yes. Lelouch can't help but agree. Even though, like he'd said to Rolo, there is no way to be perfectly happy in the City because he still has not avenged his mother or found her killer, and Nunally is not here, and the world is still not perfect -- he likes it here. He likes not having to be Zero, to have a semi-normal life.

Yes, perhaps for he and C.C., together, this is a better life.]

Pursued as Lelouch, or as Zero?


Filtered; mybffcheesekun July 7 2008, 18:49:54 UTC
[She laughs softly, just a little. Even after all the terrible things he had perpetrated - terrible and yet still awe-inspiring - she's once again reminded of the fact that Lelouch still retained his humanity; that the power of kings hadn't corrupted him completely.

At least, not yet. And sometimes she finds herself hoping that it never does.]

Is there a difference between the two of you?


Re: Filtered; geassed July 7 2008, 19:03:16 UTC
To the rest of the world? Of course there is.

I'd like to think so, too.

[Because being Zero is a mask and a purpose. Zero isn't much of a person; he's more of a concept, and Lelouch wants to be a human being, too. He wipes his mouth on a napkin.]

You don't believe there is?


Filtered; mybffcheesekun July 8 2008, 02:17:16 UTC
[An interesting, albeit somewhat unexpected answer. To hold on to his humanity so tightly, even with that kind of power...]

I don't know. [Her answer is simple, honest, because even after centuries of living, she can still be surprised by people.]

Who is it who fights for revenge, and a better life for Nunnaly?


Filtered; geassed July 8 2008, 04:17:39 UTC
Both of us. But...

[He trails off, chewing, chewing. He must word this correctly. Leaning back in the chair, he answers:]

...But there is more to Lelouch than just ideals, don't you think?


Filtered; mybffcheesekun July 8 2008, 04:36:24 UTC
[There it is, Lelouch's naivety. The world's greatest revolutionaries were all idealists; each and every one of them, and Lelouch is no different. This is the boy who killed his own half-brother. This is the boy who killed hundreds; whether directly or indirectly.

But C.C. doesn't judge. It's not her place; but it is fascinating, because this is just a boy, and yet. She spares him a smile; one of the few she reserves for him, and she keeps her words to herself.]

Such a strange boy you are.


Re: Filtered; geassed July 8 2008, 04:41:55 UTC
You think so?

[He smiles and shrugs; he is full, he's had his one slice. He's got no doubt that C.C. will finish the rest.]


Filtered; mybffcheesekun July 8 2008, 04:51:27 UTC
[Her tone is light, and it's clear that she enjoys her time here, even as she starts on another piece, melted cheese smudging against her bottom lip]

Mm. Most people would have been so drunk on the power that they lose themselves eventually.

[She's witnessed many through the years, one after another, falling prey to the power, being consumed by it, and the weight of their own ambitions.]


Re: Filtered; geassed July 8 2008, 04:56:07 UTC
Like Mao, you mean. And the Emperor.

[He watches her eat, sipping from the glass of water the waiter has brought over. He's glad it doesn't cost anything, water.]

...You have cheese on your face.


Filtered; mybffcheesekun July 8 2008, 05:08:50 UTC
Hm? [She pauses, her expression unreadable even as she wipes at her mouth neatly with a serviette. Placidly, she responded;]

Mao was an unfortunate incident. His Geass drove him mad faster than I had imagined.

I suppose we'll be safer here than we are anywhere else; Britannia and its Emperor doesn't have a hold in this City.


Re: Filtered; geassed July 8 2008, 05:22:27 UTC
Safer, yes.

[But Nunally is not here. Lelouch does not want to be safe if she is not -- isn't that his entire reason for becoming Zero?]


Filtered; mybffcheesekun July 8 2008, 05:38:10 UTC
[She's been with him long enough to read him well, to pick up on what he doesn't say, even as she nurses her pizza, taking her time with it.]

But never more unhappy with this current arrangement.


Filtered; geassed July 8 2008, 16:53:36 UTC
It's quite difficult to ignore the fact that back home, I'm needed.


[He trails off momentarily as a waiter fills up his glass again, and wanders away. Lelouch leans in a little; he doesn't want to be overheard.]

...It would not be surprising if our enemies eventually found themselves here.


Filtered; mybffcheesekun July 8 2008, 17:13:12 UTC
You are. But for now, there's nothing to be done about it. We might as well make the best out of this situation.

[She doesn't deny it, nor does she search for words to comfort him. There was no use in fretting overmuch about something that couldn't be changed. She leans in a little as well; amber eyes meeting Lelouch's steadily.]

And I'm sure you already have a plan for that.


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