Logpost part 3

Sep 25, 2008 13:06

Part 2

* Bella[TheArena] steps in here, carrying the gun over her shoulder.
* Hastur[toon] joins them. Oh, look! Localised colour effects!
* Jeff[snake-eyes] follows, eyeing the gun dubiously. "Are you trying to dismiss him?" He has doubts in your technology, madam.
...with a *gun*. Skeptical mage is skeptical.
"I really didn't want to have to do this again, but considering it forced a disperse, it might help force a revert." She clicks the gun on. Lightning starts arcing through the glass tubing, giving it an omnious blue glow a she shifts to support the gun's weight with her right hand, left on the trigger, "It can't destroy him, only disperse the avatar I shoot."
* Bella[TheArena] (it also hums omniously, as well)
Then, hopefully, when I come back, I'll be my usual self again. I can't seem to do it on my own. And yes. With a gun.
"And herr Levitt, you might want to, er. Stand back a little."
Without the seven chants of T'keth'la'voch?
* Jeff[snake-eyes] steps out of the line of fire, still looking doubtful.
* Hastur[toon] stands in a clear spot and ... squinches up his face. Pops open an eye.* Great Seal of the Elder Gods. I'll explain later.
...bloody hell. Those aren't easy to come by.
*back to squinching*
* Bella[TheArena] ..just sort of blinks owlishly at Jeff. The seven chants of some sort of bizarre sneeze. "Ah. Anyway." She hups the gun up, takes her stance, and aim. Breeeee--BRAZAAAM! Lighting blasts from the end of the gun and aimed for Hastur. As always, it goes through the Elder Sign somewhere in he middle of the gun.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] gestures, and the flickering crackles and flares up into a large shield of light before dimming again.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] just got the magical equivalent of a flashbulb 2 inches from his eyes. Give him a moment.
* Hastur[toon] is hit! Instead of the usual explosion of concentric light, there's a HUGE cartoony detonation of light and when it dies down... there's... a pile of ashes with two blinking eyeballs on the top of it. They even make 'binkbink' sounds when they blink.*
"...Now that's not what happened the last time..." She blinks, bringing the gun down and popping open the side with her multitool, voice having an odd tone to it when she speaks to herself, "Maybe it got dislodged..."
...does that usually...ow...happen? Dammit, technology isn't supposed to do that. :|
"It was a flashier explosion last time, and there wasn't -anything- /LEFT/. And there's /nothing wrong with my gun/." She turns and fires on a drone still standing off to the side--it explodes in a shower of sparks and electricity. "What went /WRONG/?" :|
*The camera had probably cut away from him at some point. So now he's sitting on the floor, whole again, still a cartoon, and steaming slightly.*
I'm still here...
* Bella[TheArena] is in the Madness Place, now. "You -ARE-." And unless someone stops her, she's going to shoot him again >:| -WORK- dammit.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] double-takes. When did *that* happen? "Look, I think perhaps we should do this the--OH BLOODY HELL."
* Jeff[snake-eyes] dives out of the way in an extremely undignified manner.
* Hastur[toon] tries to scramble out of range. Rules of comedy dictate he is going to fail. Spectacularly.*
* Bella[TheArena] BRAZAAAAAAM.
*There's another huge explosion. One might see the word /*KER-SCIENCE!*/ in it. And when it dies down, Hastur is another pile of ashes, the eyeballs falling to the floor. e_____e Eyeballs is mehface.*
* Bella[TheArena] [Conwhatnow]?
*There's a rather spectacular interplay of energies as the explosion meets Jeff's shield.
* Bella[TheArena] stares at the ashes for a few long moments.
*the eyeballs stare back.*
"..Maybe we should both hit him at the same time."
*The eyeballs GLARE.*
"...-WHAT-." :|
* Bella[TheArena] is -not- the one that drank the obviously el-oh-eled drink, thank you.
*very, very calmly* Madam.
*The eyeballs are giving you the B|-face.*
"I'm a /SPARK/." As if that explains everything, although she continues, "It's the -TERRITORY-. Mad Science, Madness /Place/." B| Which she's still in, by the way.
*The eyeballs look at him as if to say 'SO NOT MY FAULT.*
May I *humbly* suggest that you not FIRE THE BLOODY THING WHEN I AM IN FRONT OF IT?
*They look at him as if to continue, 'That's Nyarly's thing, anyway.'*
* Bella[TheArena] is not, however, tainted by Nyarly-woo-woo. All natural Sparky, baby.
Now. Perhaps, we can do this...*properly.*
((All Spark, all the time.))
If I may, Lord?
*He might be back to himself again, this time faceplanted on the floor.* mrrf?
"It's a -WEAPON-, you don't /STAND/ in the /LINE OF FIRE/." :| She mouths 'properly' and assumes a sort of /flouncy/ pose, but she leans on her gun and will let -him- try now. Let's see you do better, magic boy.
I believe a more traditional approach may work a little better, Lord.
With your permission?
* Hastur[toon] gets up, still a cartoon, and flaps dust out of his robes until a large cloud surrounds him.* All right, might as well give it a go.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] nods, and with exaggerated dignity reaches into his jacket and pulls out his wand. He begins a low, sibilant chant, almost beyond human hearing. As it rises in volume, the tip of his wand traces a glowing pattern of runes that hurt to look at for too long.
* Bella[TheArena] continues leaning on the gun, since it's long enough to do that.
Ia! Assatur N'gath! IA! XASTUR IU'LGN! IA! IA!
With a dramatic gesture, the runes shoot towards Hastur, exploding in a blinding white light.
* Bella[TheArena] plucks lint out of the hem of her shirt. Closing her eyes when it gets all bright and flashy.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] puts his wand away, looking smug.
*The runes and effects had created a circle around Hastur. Going as planned, yes. The circle created a hole in reality. Still going more or less as planned. He ... falls through the hole. The circle vanishes. Another hole opens up in the wall and spits him back out onto the floor.*
"-Case- in -point-."
That's...that's NOT supposed to happen!
*He hits the floor facefirst with his legs sticking up in the air, arching up over his head. They stay there for a moment. Then they slowly flop to the floor, too.*
"-Boy- that sounds -familiar-."
*sputters* It's...it's the bloody chaos magic! It's interfering with the thaumaturgic wavelengths!
*grumbling* I'm. Still. Here.
I'm *sorry*, Lord. It's just....*Nexus.*
* Jeff[snake-eyes] somehow manages to make the word sound like a swear.
"Well. At -LEAST- we /know/ the /gun/ isn't at /fault/, Herr Levitt." Smug Bella is Smug.
*through gritted teeth* It appears that both methods of returning the Lord to normal are equally ineffective, yes.
* Hastur[toon] rolls over onto his back. Stares at the ceiling. Blinks. Screws his face up and spits a teeny tiny ... thing out before returning his gaze to the ceiling.* Dyech. Pleh. pthah. ech.
*The thing eeeps and runs away. Drat the bugs you get stuck in your teeth when you get sucked through interdimensional space.*
* Bella[TheArena] coming out of the Madness Place, "Are you alright otherwise, Herr Yellow?" Aside from obvious toonificiation, anyway.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] shoots a lightning bolt at the bug.
Bella[TheArena]> "--AKF" Is aiming the gun at JEFF before she realizes what just happened, "/YOU'RE/ one to talk about shooting off near /OTHERS./"
* Hastur[toon] is ... clinging to Bella, now.*
* Bella[TheArena] ..blink. She has a Hastur clinging to her.
*How he got over there so fast is a mystery of the ages.*
... What am I doing?
* Bella[TheArena] (and that's what's saving Jeff from a 'I'll show you /line of FIRE/')
* Hastur[toon] lets go of Bella and even dusts her off a little.* This is ridiculous. I'm even seeing personality changes.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] runs a hand through his hair. "As far as I can tell, I'm afraid you'll just have to wait until it wears off, Lord."
* Bella[TheArena] powers the gun down and hefts it up onto her shoulder, "/Unfortunately/. He's right, neither of our methods worked. Waiting might be the only option." ..She gives Jeff a Look :|
* Jeff[snake-eyes] gives Bella a look right back. :|
Like most of these ... el-oh-els. Hmmph. Nobody's laughing, least of all me. *If anything, he's grumpy, now.*
Well...perhaps you might stay out of sight until you're ah...back to normal.
"..No, the pretzal would turn you human, substituting one problem for another..."
* Bella[TheArena] taps her chin, thinking.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] glances at Bella, making a mental note of this.
Been human.
I really don't want to do that again, thanks.
* Bella[TheArena] (He'd probably find the pretzals under the bar, marked 'TURNS YOU HUMAN' or similarly)
"Not to mention the sheer implications of attempting to cram a god's mind into a human's body, which that -alone- would.." She shakes her head, "Not be good, I think."
It wasn't. *Epic meh-face.*
"..And nothing else I've seen under the bar would cancel this out, anything else would probably -combine- with it." Which is sort of interesting to think about, but she keeps herself rooted in the situation at hand.
Jeff[snake-eyes]> And I imagine any transformation spell I could attempt will, at best, fail.
* Hastur[toon] makes a truly spectacular 'eeeeegh' face. If nothing else, his expressions are definitely something to look at, now.*
"Even so, if waiting it out's the only option." spectacular yawn, "I think rest is in order, either way."
Indeed. And I have a class to get to.
... I don't know if I can even sleep like this. Or eat. Or ... *gasp* Oh, Orbs. *covers his mouth*
...with a certain someone who's getting terrarium duty for the next week.
"...What?" She blinks at Hastur.
Hastur[toon]> *skweeks* What if I'm stuck being celibate this whole time? o.o
* Bella[TheArena] actually goes O.o in true Foglio fashion.
* Bella[TheArena] ...is trying to picture it.
Whaaaat. B|
"..I honestly have no idea how that.. unless.." Blink. She blushes a little, now.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] blinkblinks.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] snaps his fingers and vanishes.
"...Well, snappy snap to you too, Herr Levitt."
* HotAndCold has quit (Exit: Ummmm, how do I shut this door?)
It ... can't even be thought of.
I don't even know if I ... *pardon him as he rummages his clothing and actually LOOKS. IN HIS TROUSERS. Oh, lord.*
* Bella[TheArena] /blink/. "Herr Yellow, I know I've--yes, I know, but." Augh. Left hand. To face.
* Bella[TheArena] ..peeking through fingers, "..What."
* Hastur[toon] looks very small. He gathers his clothing around himself as though he's cold.*
Bella[TheArena]> "..."
* Bella[TheArena] give her a minute.
* Bella[TheArena] ...
* Hastur[toon] stays quiet.
"..Oh. Oh great googly gears, it's.. it's actually..?" o__o
* Hastur[toon] gives a mournful sniff.*
* Bella[TheArena] will actually hug him now with one arm, still carrying the gun over her shoulder with the right, "..Let's just.. ..get to bed. Yes." Bed. Yes. That might be a good idea at this point, aye?
* Bella[TheArena] ...almost facepalms at that, even if she's carrying the gun. Oi vey, this is gonna be a long while waiting on this to wear off, innit?
* Bella[TheArena] even so, she leads him back to a sideroom for crashing. As her mun -is-
* Hastur[toon] will ... try to sleep with some plinky rendition of Brahms' Lullabye going. OH FOR THE LUVVA AZATHOTH, /CUT IT OUT!/*

weapons: elder sign death ray, places: #thearena, pc: herr yellow (4_20_100), places: #thesanctuary, logposts, pc: jeff levitt (serpens_dei), sparkyness

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