Logpost part 2

Sep 25, 2008 13:01

Part 1

* Hastur hmmmms.* Did anyone else escape at that same time?
* Luc thinks 'Arthur' sounds very northeastern. That's about it.
*With a description like that, should anyone really be surprised that he asked? ^^;*
* BellaFennix only knows the names because she read them in one or two history books--and a couple of others.
Oh *Lord* yes. The Seelie and Unseelie courts, more gods than you can shake a wand at, demons, dragons, undead...the whole world changed.

* Phoenix_Wright still sounds a little distracted.
"Sounds like people have adapted well in eight years, sir, to have a university established and functioning with everything so....drastically altered."
"Everything alright, Herr Wright?" Jeff, unfortunately, might as well be speaking fluent greek to Ms. Fennix.
* Luc would /love/ some fluent Greek. He's bilingual!
* Hastur raises his eyebrows.
Well, having the greatest magical practioner as your founder generally helps with that sort of thing. It was built in less than a day.

Ah, just thinking, is all.
I can imagine the changes would be nothing short of vast.
* BellaFennix can only speak German and very very little English, and right now, she's speaking German, and as far as she's concerned, so're the rest of -you-.

[If we could talk to Soze... but where is he? He wouldn't... no, if he wanted to do something, he'd have done it by now...]
* Jeff[shades] nods. "We're still dealing with the fallout. Unfortunately most places are still a bit of a mess, politically."
"I'll bet." Sudden influx of different gods and different mystical practices? Eeeeek.
Any of ... well ... my lot anywhere about?
* Jeff[shades] sucks in a breath. "We're...not sure."
Fair enough. I can't imagine anyone other than Cthulhu breaking out and just immediately roaring deafeningly and attacking everything in sight.

...er, lovely.
...let's just say there are a few places that we've had to wall off.
"..I don't even know what a C.." ..How did he pronounce that? "Kaa-thu-luu /is/. and it sounds unpleasent."
Yes, he has his own ... /special/ charm. *Ah, Cthulhu. You always were the redheaded stepchild of the Outer Family.*

[Let's just hope she never meets the small one.]
* Phoenix_Wright rubs his eyes a bit. "I think i'll head to bed..."
* Hastur sips his drink* Mmm? Walled off?
A very old god. Older than Earth. He sleeps beneath the waves in R'Lyeh waiting for the stars to be right. To look upon him is madness.
Goodnight, Phoenix.
"Goodnight Herr Wright."

Good night everybody. Nice to meet you, Jeff.
"I probably should, too. I have a full day of wondering exactly how far the apple can fall from the tree."
* Jeff[shades] nods. Goodnight, Phoenix. It was nice to meet you.
*" "
* BellaFennix has an Elder Sign Death Ray. She'd probably -shoot- the small one.
"ahead of me tomorrow"
"Goodnight then, Luc."
* Phoenix_Wright gets up and heads into the side rooms, still frowning a bit.
* Luc nods politely. "Good night." And he heads out, too.
More to keep us out than to keep anything in. Some enterprising Diviners got a bit too curious for their own good and...well.
* Hastur shrugs.* Then again people say the same about me that they say about him. And ... that does sound troublingly familiar.
* Jeff[shades] nods. "Indeed. All we can do is watch and hope, unfortunately."
* BellaFennix sips her drink
Well, if I say so myself, you do at least seem more prepared than people in most other worlds. Most other worlds haven't got magic, after all.
* BellaFennix hms, setting the glass aside and starting to tighten joints on her arm.
* Hastur sips his drink and then goes very still at the sound of a soft 'bump' from the direction of the potted bush.*
* BellaFennix blinks, glancing towards the bush.
*one of the fruits has fallen off of it, hit the floor, and rolled a few inches away.*
* Jeff[shades] also turns to the bush, taking off his sunglasses. His eyes are yellow-green with no whites, and slitted pupile.
Nobody ... move.
"..Why?" She goes very still.
The fruits on this bush are very sensitive and very ... random.
*The fruit... wiggles.*
* BellaFennix watches this, still very still, and mechanics ticking quietly
* Jeff[shades] reaches into his jacket and pulls out a slender, intricately-carved wand.
* Jeff[shades] is now known as Jeff[snake-eyes]
*The fruit rocks back and forth a little. Rolls a couple inches. Slowly starts to ... peel and section itself. Inside is a curled-up plant.*
* BellaFennix slowly moves her hand to the brass handled gun on her hip. "Herr Yellow, what is it doing?" It -is- his plant.
It's metamorphosing.
In...to what, exactly.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] eyes the plant suspiciously.
*The plant slowly uncurls, spreading out delicate leaves and flowers. Once done, there it sits, glowing ever so slightly with a greenish-white light.*
Oh. *as though it were mildly interesting.*
* BellaFennix blinks
* Jeff[snake-eyes] stares at the plant, head tilted to one side. "Doesn't...seem all that unusual..."
"..It's glowing." Is it going to -attack-?
This only ever happened once every seventy-five cycles on N'fraxthys Minor. It's their Holy Elixir Blossom.
"..A what?" Blinks, looking at Hastur, confused.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] looks just as perplexed. Alien species aren't exactly his forte.
* Hastur carefully gathers up the fruit and the plant.* Extracts from this plant were used to make what they called Holy Elixir, which was really just a potent restorative for their species and a few others.
* BellaFennix blinks, raising both eyebrows.
"It's.. a healing elixir?"
Mhm. *nods. He takes the little plant to the bar. As he walks by, one can probably smell its scent, a pleasant smell that drifts into the brain and leaves a refreshing sense of well-being.*
* BellaFennix blinks at that. That's... .. o.o
* Jeff[snake-eyes] tucks his wand back into his jacket, looking considerably less alarmed.
Things like this happen heree, sometimes.
* BellaFennix takes her hand off of the gun, the quiet humming it started to do ends.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] nods. "Infinite possibilities..."
* Hastur sets about preparing ... a flowerpot. But not just any old flowerpot, oh, no, this one that he got out of the Closet of Requirement is covered in runes that should not be readable but somehow are.*
* BellaFennix watches him do this, resuming tightening joints.
Exactly. Anything that can happen does happen. And everything is real.
"This place continues to surprise me, even knowing that."
* Jeff[snake-eyes] smiles at Bella. "It's good to never lose your sense of wonder, miss." He holds out the palm of his hand, and a flame spirals up, shaping itself into a sprite-like creature with wings of flame. It dances above his hand a moment, then vanishes again.
The flowerpot opens up and then closes again round the fruit, its flared mouth at the top forming a sort of open bowl from which the plant itself winds upward. He adds a little water and then ducks under the bar, rummaging for something.*
* BellaFennix -blinks- at that. Huh. "Well." She grins. Then whistles. Something skitters across the room from the siderooms, up her pantleg and onto her shoulders. It dings cheerily.
* BellaFennix It's a brass mechanical scorpion-crab: http://pics.livejournal.com/goldenwing6560/pic/00005rsg
* Jeff[snake-eyes] examines it, delighted. "Oh, lovely. Did you make this?"
"Yep. His name is Ding." Ding, for his part, makes a clicky mechanical sound, followed by another ~DING!~
* Jeff[snake-eyes] chuckles. "Hello, Ding."
Ding waves with one arm, and skitters onto the bar to investigate what Hastur's doing, because, clearly, this merits investigation.
*He is still rummaging under the bar. Whatever he's rummaging for is hiding so well that he's half-crawled under there himself.*
* Jeff[snake-eyes] watches the little clank, fascinated. "It's almost like a golem, isn't it?"
"Pretty much. He's a Clank, the first one I ever made that actually -works- like he's supposed to." Rather than just failing, like her previous attempts at Clanks would do. She was high on caffiene -and- her mun rolled critical success >__>
He's lovely. Remarkable craftsmanship.
Aha! *THUNK! CLATTER! Rattle* ...ow.
Ding! Clickclack? Ding peeeers. What has Hastur found?!
* Hastur has found that the space under the bar is far too small for triumphant gestures.
"You should see how fast he -learns-, too. Day I made him, he was getting dirty glasses and sticking them in the sink." She gestures over to where the sink is.
Are you all right?
"You alright, Herr Yellow?"
*He makes his way back out, covered in dust, with some sentient bottle of alcohol possibly clinging to him, and stands, grinning.* Found it.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] chuckles. "Sounds like he's handy to have around."
"What did you find?" Ding dings and.. ..Well, it's a full body tilt more than a headtilt.
* BellaFennix (Since Ding doesn't really have a head to tilt, just the big EYE (o)
*'It,' in this case, is a tiny vial of salts. The vial is reddish glass, stained with age, and the salts ... glow slightly.*
Ding also clickywhrrrs and points to the bottle that's probably climbing Hastur's robes. Although this writer isn't terribly sure -how- it's climbing...
Tralix Salts. One only needs just a little for this plant--hmm? *He looks where Ding is pointing.*
* Hastur ... has a bottle with teeny limbs ... climbing his robes.*
*There's a pause of a few beats as he watches it. His expression is one of amused patience.*
*It reaches his shoulder. Pokes him. Holds up a sign reading: drink me!*
* BellaFennix ..raises an eyebrow, "..It's telling you to drink it."
Goodness. A beverage that advertises itself.
I remember that didn't go so well for a certain Alice
Very true.
"I'm mainly thinking of -here-."
*The bottle shakes a tiny glass fist at Jeff. Then waves its sign.*
* Hastur picks it up and sets it on the bar.* In a moment.
*The bottle makes a grrrrrr sound that sounds like two pieces of glass being ground against each other.*
Ding -investigates- this bottle. Of course, investigating mostly means peering up incredibly close. Ding is helo.
I'm sorry, I gave up sentient drinks for Lent, I'm afraid. *smiles.*
*One can see Ding's eye through the bottle. (@) The bottle hisses at Ding and skitters backward a little.*
Ding's intelligence is probably comparable to a cat's. And a similar personality, too. This means it skitters after the bottle, tentatively reaching for it and.. poke!
* Hastur feeds glowy salt to the plant. Yes, he's paying loads of attention.*
*The bottle screeches like a nail on ... well, glass, and flees, running up Hastur's sleeve.*
Ding makes a confused sound and, predictably, skitters after. "Ding--wai--. Ah, well." Facepalm.
* Hastur has now had his clothing invaded by a sentient bottle and a clank. He flaps and flails and makes a series of sounds that makes one wonder if maybe he didn't go to the Dom DeLouise school of acting at some point.*
* Jeff[snake-eyes] looks rather flabbergasted.
* BellaFennix looks sort of caught between confusion and amusement, frankly.
* Hastur challenges anyone to maintain their dignity with cold glass and metal crawling in their clothing!
* BellaFennix cold -metal-, too. Ding isn't heat powered or anything, he's all clockwork.
*Eventually he flails his way to the main room and, reaching into his clothing in a manner people really shouldn't be able to do, he scrabbles a bit and then produces Ding.*
Ding's legs flail a bit for purchase in the air when he's yanked out, it makes several confused clicking sounds and a questioning Ding or three.
* BellaFennix -snrrrrk-giggle, /now/
* Jeff[snake-eyes] is very serious, sir. :| And not laughing. :| Really. :|
Clickety-ding to you, too! I don't want you ever crawling into my clothing again!
Ding goes 'Clki?'
* BellaFennix ..loses it at that line, snorking into her drink and outright laughing.
((er, .))
* Hastur hands the clank back to its giggling owner.
* BellaFennix takes Ding and doesn't stop laughing. "What about the--"snrrksnork"--bottle?"
* Hastur reaches into a sleeve and produces the bottle. The bottle, for its part, is very still and contrite-looking. Until two beats later, when it holds up the 'drink me' sign again.*
"..Where's it even -keeping- that?"
In a place most beings aren't meant to know of.
Dimensional pocket.
Pretty common with chaotic energy manifestations.
Or that.
"Ah." Sips her own drink, having almost forgotten about it.
I like my answer. It's scarier. More fitting to the rep. *Yes, he just said 'rep.' PH34R.*
* Hastur holds up the bottle and looks at it. It holds up its little sign hopefully.*
Ding settles on Bella's legs, folding its own legs underneith itself and becoming more or less a dingloaf.
Oh, /fine./ It appears that's your purpose for existing. *He pulls the cork off with a tiny 'skweekpop' sound and one can almost swear they here a bitty 'yaaay!' sound escape right afterward.*
"Now if you turn -into- something for all that trouble..."
*snerks* ... You'll probably laugh more. *He drinks the stuff. It's a small bottle, so... gulp!*
"More than likely."
*The bottle waves its little limbs happily and vanishes.*
* Hastur looks a bit thoughtful.* Hm. Didn't taste all that bad, either. Hmmmm...mmmmmm.
* BellaFennix waaaaaits for it.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] :|'s at the bottle. Damn chaos magic. Always gives him a headache.
* Hastur makes a very odd face. He looks like he's going to sneeze. gh... sneh....
"..." She leans back against the bar, oh god.
eh... haaaaah... ... er*/CHOO!/* *There's a flickering of yellow and when it dies down....*
* Jeff[snake-eyes] gestures and there's a slight shimmer in the air between himself and Hastur.
* Hastur[toon] now ... has hardlines. And vivid colours.
* BellaFennix blink.
* BellaFennix rubs at her face, and blinks again.
"..You look like a drawing." ...and she starts to laugh again. Sorry, man.
What? *Oh, good, at least they got the same actor in to do the voiceover.*
A drawing? *he looks at his hands, and then at the rest of himself.*
...This. This is why I don't come here. :|
What the fhtagn--I'm a /cartoon?!/
* BellaFennix is calming down into smaller gigglefits. Oh. Ohgod.
I'm a /cartoon!/
Yes, Lord, I um...see that.
* Hastur[toon] looks like he's about to pull out his vividly yellow hair.*
* BellaFennix is trying to stop laughing, she really is.
I'd try to undo the energies, but my magic and this sort of magic tend to react rather violently with each other.
...to say nothing of what Eldritch energies would bring into the equasion...
I'd probably end up dispersing and it'd hurt like--*a pause* Why didn't I think of that? One moment.
* Hastur[toon] pulls in a breath. Looks like something should happen. Nothing does. He opens an eye.* bwuh?
Possibly. Or nothing would happen. Or it would rebound. Or the universe could explode.
Oh, the universe only explodes round here on alternate Tuesdays.
"...Alternatively, I could get the gun."
"Loathe as I am to suggest it, since it left you dazed, the last time." Wince.
... Oh, for the love of the Thousand Young-- *he gestures, a grand and silly flapping of his arms. Still nothing.* You might have to. *sigh*
* BellaFennix plucks Ding off of her lap, "Excuse me a second, then." She steps off into the sideroom--and returns, without Ding, but holding a very large brass-and-glass tubing steampunk rifle. If Jeff can pick up on the Elder Sign medals, there's one -inside- the weapon somewhere.
She has a gun powered, in some way, by an Elder Sign.
"Not powered by, the electricity goes -through- the medal you gave me."
Ah. Yes. That.
* Hastur[toon] wilts cartoonishly.
* BellaFennix heads for the Arena. Oh, this'll end so badly, won't it?
* Bella[TheArena] can't shoot him in here with it, so.
* Jeff[snake-eyes] follows them.
* Hastur[toon] slopes off after her. Sad music comes out of no-where until he glares at wherever it's coming from.*

Part 3

weapons: elder sign death ray, places: #thearena, pc: herr yellow (4_20_100), places: #thesanctuary, logposts, pc: jeff levitt (serpens_dei)

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