Logpost part 1

Sep 25, 2008 12:52

* BellaFennix steps into the Sanctuary from her sideroom, wearing clothes that have, in fact, seen better days at this point. Oil stains (some newer than others), ..various other sorts of stains, a glove on her left hand, and brass goggles over her eyes (with various little lenses attached for magnification)
< Phoenix_Wright> Oh God, that whole thing again.
* BellaFennix is carrying something in her right hand, which she sets on the bar. ...A little clockwork car-like thing? It has a propeller on the rear end. Interesting. No way that could cause -that many- oilstains and soforth.
* Allistar makes a face. "Bella! I am leaving you in charge of entertaining Phoenix. Because i should go sort out half my drama." He smiles a little.

Eh heh.
"Hello Allistar." She blinks, then pushes the goggles up onto her forehead. There's a bit of mechanical clicking as the lenses fold into a hidden compartment on them, "Everything alright?" Concern!

[Since when did I need a babysitter?]
"Usual drama, babe. I'm all up in that kind of thing." At least he realizes it? He gestures vaguely. "S;all good. I just have to. Fix it. Or I'll be kicking myself."
< Hastur> *Enter ... an Eldritch bush. Rather, a bush being moved into the room under an impetus that could best be described as thus.*
"Ah, well. Good luck then." She smiles, as she is sincere. She pulls her glove off and gets to washing her hands.
* Phoenix_Wright blinks at the bush.
*... as it is being haled in from the yard by a being who could also fit said description.*
* Allistar salutes and PINs out. Laptop ahoy. Njoki, too. Njoki will help him out.
* BellaFennix blinks at the bush also as it goes by.

...is that a moving bush?
"Certainly looks like it."
No, it's me moving a bush. *He sets it down, pot and all. Clearly, it was so large it obscured him.*
"..A rather large bush, Flavius." She says, blinking a bit.

O...oh, hey.
* Hastur is covered in leaves.* It is, rather. But it can't stand the cold, so inside it goes for the next few months. *he pulls a leaf out of his mouth.* Hullo, everyone.

Ahhhh. Hey. How are you?
* BellaFennix plucks the clockwork car off of the bar, turning it upside down and starting to wind it, "Ah, alright." She nods in response.
"Presumably you, yes. Since I'm doing alright." Wind wind wind.
I'm ... relatively well. o.o
* Phoenix_Wright blinks. "You seem surprised I'm asking."
"That's good." She stops winding, pulling the key out of the little car, "I don't know if you've heard, but I managed to get my portal device to work, finally." She sets the clockwork device on the bar.
**The car ticks ominiously for a few beats, nothing happening at all, before the propeller suddenly starts to spin, propelling (natch) the vehicle across the bar.*
Most folks don't, is all. And ah. That's good to hear.
* Phoenix_Wright watches it zip.
**It is, alas, not a Clank, so it has no intellgence. So, it runs straight into the wall as the propeller spins to a stop*
* Hastur watches it as well, pausing a moment from the bush hauling. Why he's been doing that the 'mortal way' is a question for the ages.*
* Phoenix_Wright winces as it smacks into the wall.
... whups.
"Oh, no, it did what it was supposed to to." To herself: "Hm, good, principals are sound, and it's large enough to propel the vehical forward." She walks down to the end of the bar, plucking it up. It's intact, being made from what one can assume to be fairly sturdy metal parts.
*To do

* Hastur reaches behind the bar and retrieves something to drink.*
"I found the airship that I was thrown off of--apparently raiders shot it down." She sticks the car into a larger pouch on her belt, "Far as I know, the crew got off okay, and I managed to find my /tools/. But what I'm left with is an airship that can't fly, and I can't cross the badlands on foot."
"And I don't quite trust my portal device to send me somewhere I haven't been."

That stinks.
"..Not to mention appearing in a flash of lightning would attract more attention than I'd ordinarily wish."
Not the best tactics, no.
"So, I'm working on a side project out of the airship's remains." She beams, "That little one was to make sure my math for the engine's and propeller's size would be correct."
Aha. *sips his drink.*
"I didn't really have a flat surface to work with in the airship," She pokes around underneith the bar "Not to mention the raiders stole anything resembling food or weapons, so I came back here for the purpose of testing, and something to drink and eat. And a break."

Ah, okay.
"Anyway, how are you doing, Herr Wright?" She plucks a drink from underneith the bar, and a glass, pouring herself something to drink, first.

I'm doing all right. Though I got in contact with Caleb about that guy from the other night...
"Herr Banacek knows him?" She makes a face, he -knows- that asshole?

Not him specifically, but apparently his clan is bad news.
"Bad news in what sense, if I may?"
*blinks* Clan?
* Jeff[shades] enters through a door that just wasn't there a second ago. Jeff is a tall, thin, middle-aged man in a grey suit with a black button-down shirt, though the outfit seems a bit more expensive than what he usually wears, with a slightly more archaic cut. He's also wearing sunglasses.

Nasty bunch, I guess. Easy to provoke. He's not sure what they're doing sniffing around the Nexus, but he's worried.
"...Hm. Easy to provoke." She frowns, not liking this.
*distractedly* Sorry I'm late, now if you could just open your--ohbloodyhell.
"..Eh?" Jeff earns a blink
* Some appears. All his pplz are asleep.
* Jeff[shades] sighs. "I'm terribly sorry. Probably the goddamn Chaos majors' idea of a joke. I'll just--" He turns around, just in time to see the door vanish. "...So it's like that then. Fine."
* Phoenix_Wright blinks. "Jeff?"
* BellaFennix tilts her head, watching this and sipping her drink
* Some pauses, eyeing this Jeff dubiously.
* Jeff[shades] starts at the sound of his name and stares at Phoenix. "Um. I'm sorry, I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage."

...an alternate? [...now that I think of it, where IS Jeff lately?]
* BellaFennix sips her drink, pondering a moment and heading into the kitchen to find food
* Some snorts, and claims himself a couch. He's had more than enough of alternates today.
... He is an alternate.
* Luc comes in. "Hi, Phoenix. Some. Sir." He gives the man in the shades a second glance. "Hi, Jeff. Good to see you. I hear Lord Rassilon's been worried sick."

Apparently. Eh heh, sorry about that. I know a guy who's you in another dimension, is all.
* Jeff[shades] tilts his head to one side. "Alter--oh hell. Is this the Nexus?"

Eh? Yeah, you've heard of the place?
* Jeff[shades] nods. "Yes. Met him once, actually. Bit of a misunderstanding with uh...oh what do you call those things. Something about pins."

PINpoints, yeah. Transportation devices. Ah, I think he mentioned meeting you once... I'm Phoenix, one of his friends.
... He's gone missing again?
"That's what I heard, Sir."
* Jeff[shades] glances at Luc as well. "I'm...sorry. I'm afraid you've got the wrong guy." He smiles sheepishly and helps himself to a drink from behind the bar. "Ah! Pleased to meet you, Phoenix." He offers a hand.
"My mistake, sir. Alternates can be tricky."
* Phoenix_Wright shakes.
* Phoenix_Wright blinks. "Wait, he's MISSING?"
* Some nods. "Been for a bit. Rassilon's looking."

Oh Jesus... I thought he was just busy with his restaurant. How long?
"Two weeks."
* Jeff[shades] finally notices Hastur and...stops, giving a low bow, saying something that really shouldn't have been pronounceable.

Two wee -- he's been missing for TWO WEEKS?! [And I didn't even notice... Jesus!]
* Jeff[shades] sips his drink thoughtfully. "Started again, has it?" he says mildly.

* Luc thinks that recognition of Hastur was terribly uncivilian observation for Jeff. He certainly won't interrupt, but eventually. "Is your name Jeffrey Levitt as well, sir? I'm Luc."
* Hastur was about to state for the record that he had nothing whatsoever to do with the original Jeff's disappearance when the greeting catches him almost completely off-guard. He blinks and seems almost to blur a little to others' view, murmuring a response.*
* Some rubs his temple. "Yeah. I haven't heard anything about Soze, either."
((also, slow mun is slow. >.<))
* Jeff[shades] rubs the back of his neck. It's a bit hard to explain in layman's terms. The most concise way to put it is that he's something of a magnet for dramatic events.
* Jeff[shades] 's mun stealthily sticks quotes around the dialogue.
It's rather fascinating, actually.
* BellaFennix steps out of the Kitchen with a Rather Impressive Sammich that she is now nomming.

A... magnet?
*An Unaccountable Breeze(tm) blows through the room for a moment.*

...did someone open a window or something?
"..I certainly didn't."
* Jeff[shades] nods. "It's drastically oversimplifying, but yes. Normally that sort of thing manifests as good or bad luck and not much else, but you throw a place like this into the equasion..." he trails off, shrugging. "Well, I'm sure you can imagine."
* Jeff[shades] looks up at the breeze, but doesn't comment.
* Phoenix_Wright frowns. "If Rassilon can't even figure out where he went... And there was no note or anything?

His lover, and a really powerful being.
* BellaFennix hms, noting this.
* Hastur flimberts.
That ... explains a lot.
"It does?
I see.
* Jeff[shades] rubs the back of his neck. "I'm afraid divination isn't my strong suit, or I'd offer to help."
* Luc can't help it. He smirks slightly. "Lord Rassilon would definitely fall under Jeff's /good/ luck, in my opinion. One hopes something'll be sorted out soon."
* Jeff[shades] chokes on his coffee. "...I'm sorry...'Lord'?"
* Phoenix_Wright blinks. "Uh, yeah, why?"
*to Bella* It does, rather. At least regarding his, erm, recovery.
"../Ah/" It doesn't really explain it to her, but she'll ask more in depth when the conversation stops being so rapid-fire
* Jeff[shades] flimberts a moment. "No, nothing I just...I had no idea he was gay. Nothing wrong with that!" He adds hastily. "Sorry, just...unexpected."

Er, he's not really gay... um, geez, it's all kind of hard to explain.
"Or possibly taking this place into account again?" She heard from the kitchen.
* Jeff[shades] smiles and shakes his head. "No need, no need. None of my business, really."
* Phoenix_Wright sighs. "If we only knew where he went before he disappeared..."
I had nothing to do with it.
"I'm sure that staff of his have been asked."
* Phoenix_Wright looks at Hastur. "I didn't think you did," he says, blinking.
"..Neither did I." Blinking also, confused.
* Jeff[shades] raises his eyebrows. "Did you know him well, Lord?" he asks politely.
*nods* I knew him, once. And I was, however inadvertantly, the cause of his first disappearance.

At any rate, he was returned here, and I've barely had ten words with him since. *shrugs*
* Jeff[shades] fumbles a cigarette out of his jacket pocket, lighting with a flame that springs from the tip of his finger. Show off. He takes a drag and leans back against the bar. "And no one knows where he went last? Who he talked to?"
"I'm afraid I came after Herr Levitt's disapperance, I'm not much of a help, here." she sits on a barstool, finishing up her Rather Impressive Sammich.

I don't know... I'd have to talk to Rassilon.
"I haven't heard, actually. But I assume Lord Rassilon's tried the staff at that place of his, and Keyser Soze."

Soze... come to think of it, he hasn't been in much either.
Friend of his, I take it?
Oh, dear. Soze. *scratches his scalp.*
Not ... quite.

As close as Soze can get to friends, I suppose.
* Jeff[shades] half-smirks. "Another long story, I take it."
"Oh, there's a pretty lengthy supply of them around here."
"So, Mr. Levitt. What do /you/ do for a living?"
* Jeff[shades] takes another drag. "Well, when you have a place of infinite possibility, that tends to happen, yes," he smiles. "Me? I teach at Avalon University. Abjuration, primarily, though I've done basic curriculum transfiguration and evocation as well."

A magic professor?
*murmurs* That explains a few things.
"Ah. Been spending a lot of time at my own home's university, although in much different areas of research, and definitely not as a participant."
* Luc sighs.
* Jeff[shades] nods. "Mm hm. Magic came back to Earth in my world about eight years ago. I was lucky enough to have the honor of being one of Merlin's first new students."
* BellaFennix to Luc, "Keeping an eye on that other fellow?" What was his name, "Herr Erasmus?" Since, uh. He technically doesn't -have- a last name.
...mind you, this is out of a class of about three hundred apprentices, so it's not quite as special as it sounds.
"Yeah. It's.....good to be of service again, of course."
Hm. How did you have Merlin in the twentieth century?
* Phoenix_Wright is only half listening, mind, still bothered about Jeff's disappearance.
"Part of three hundred out of the whole world is still something to be pretty damn proud of, Mr. Levitt."
* BellaFennix racks her brain, frowning, "..I'm going to guess this Merlin of yours /isn't/ the same 'Great Spark' I know of, is it?" >_>
He'd been imprisoned for a thousand years. Apparently certain celestial events at the turn of the millenium allowed the prison to weaken enough for him to escape. And when *he* came back, so did Magic.
* Jeff[shades] flushes at the complement. "Well, thank you." To Bella: "I don't know anything about a 'Great Spark', I'm afraid. He was most famous for bringing King Arthur into power, if that helps."
"If you don't know what I mean by a Spark, then likely not. My apologies." She grins. "Altough I think I might've heard of Arthur in a book once.."

Part 2

pc: some (grue_some), pc: allistar (memorysurvives), pc: luc (aureliaofarista), pc: jeff levitt (serpens_dei), places: #thesanctuary, pc: herr yellow (4_20_100), logposts, inventions

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