And then there was testing of *SCIENCE!* to be done...

Sep 05, 2008 04:46

Protection Against Things Sparks Not Dare Tread

Eldritch Death RayTM Testing:

The Sanctuary:

<`Luc> "Evening, Miss. Sir."
* Bella will greet Luc with a nod either way. The gun she's fiddling with is a somewhat bulky contraption of a weapon.
*To Bella* Ah, have you had a chance to test that, yet?
"I'm afraid not." A glance to Hastur, "Not many beings of your sort really line up for this kind of testing."
* `Luc may look around extra-carefully at this point. He's heard about the Crawling Chaos being around.
Well, one just did.
* Bella raises both eyebrows, "...You're serious?" Blink, glancing at the gun, and back at Hastur, "I'm going out on a limb," somewhere, there's a rimshot, "And saying this is very likely going to hurt, given... ..Well, you know."
* `Luc will just take a nice step Back now.
Well, why don't we start with a few smaller things, first, hmm?
All nicely contained and over there. *gestures to the Arena.*
* Bella ... thoughtful, then :D! "Well, of course, but we can't test it in here, the field would shunt us to the Arena. Come, Herr Flavius!" She gestures for him to follow--if only because he's not in grabbing range, and heads Arenawards
* Bella (also, her voice has a sort of odd reverb to it when she speaks, now, oh, dear. She's in the Madness Place)
* `Luc blinks thoughtfully.
* Hastur smiles at him in a manner he hopes is reassuring and heads for the Arena.

The Arena:

* Bella[Arena] steps into the Arena, holding the gun in her mechanical right hand, fiddling with it with her left.
* `Luc is , to be clear, only......sort of near the doorway.
* Hastur[Arena] ambles in, finding a nice open space.* Hmmmm. Right. Give me a moment here to get the circles in place... dratted bug'd kill me slowly if I botched this... *he draws a few circles and complex symbols in the sand with a staff he'd ... gotten from, uhm ... somewhere.*
* Bella[Arena] has enough sense that she won't be shooting in Luc's general direction--with the rather warped logic of 'what good is *SCIENCE!* if you kill the witness?'--as she waits on Hastur to prepare.
*Seeing as Hastur is drawing these things on the opposite end of the room? Your aim would have to spectacularly bad for that to happen, 'Bella. He finishes with the warding circles and steps back.* Ready when you are.
* Bella[Arena] grins, voice still having that off-tone of a reverb, "I was born ready, Herr Flavius." With that, she aims the gun, "I'm shooting you, yes?" What? IT PAYS TO BE SURE.
* `Luc concludes that he really should report on security measure, and anyone who woul describe what he' doing near the doorway as cowering would be asking to be knocked around a bit, really....
whbflgh! Not yet! Why else d'you think I drew these circles that you'll notice I'm not standing inside? I said we'll start with a few smaller things first! Like this, maybe! *he whips the staff through the air so that its other point strikes the enside of the circle with a concentric explosion of yellow light and there, inside it, is an aboleth. Have at.*
* Bella[Arena] wouldn't call it cowering, Luc! Just WITNESSING FANTASTIC FEATS OF *SCIENCE!* It may be interesting to note that she holds the gun in her left hand, rather than her fortified, mechanical right. She aims, taking a stance, the gun hums to a start, the glass lighting up as electricity arcs within, she pulls the trigger, and--! ... There's a dull sort of sound for a moment as her expression changes radically from GLEEFUL to ANNOYED. "A moment." Fiddling with the gun for a second, then the process starts over. And this time? With a BRAZAAAAAT of what appears to be a straight blast of lightning, the Aboleth is probably in for quite the shocking surprise.
*screeches horribly and vanishes*
* Hastur[Arena] quirks a brow.* Hmmmm. Nice.
* Hastur[Arena] does the same thing and when the concentric yellow light dies down, inside the circle is... a star-spawn. Oh, Shub-Niggurath is going to have WORDS with him later.*
"Yes, but there's a bit of a delay in the blast, a delay that shouldn't be there." Multitool whipped out of her belt and she fiddles with a few connections and closes the gun back. It powers up with a hum that rises in a quicker pitch than last. Which makes her grin (..You know, that sparky sort of grin), and re-aim the gun. A little squeeze of the trigger, and the BRAZAAAAT happens faster, this time, and a bit brighter.
*The thing had been beating its tentacles and various limbs against the actual physical barrier that the containment circle had created. When it's shot, it glows before exploding and then imploding into a tiny point and disappearing.*
* `Luc is making a mental note, of course, of the fact the pretty blonde has some kind of....eldritch gun. No telling if it's capable of decide, yet, but....
"YES." GLEE. SCIENCE THAT WORKS.--wait. Ahem. *SCIENCE!* THAT WORKS! Ohyes. This is very good. "The theory's sound, the weapon works." Yes. YES.
* Hastur[Arena] tosses the staff aside.
*He blows a quick sigh and rolls his shoulders.* I'll be a moving target, mind you.
"I warn you again, Herr Flavius," Her voice is still in that Madness Place reverb-pitch, "This will probably sting a bit." Oooh. -Moving- target.
I know.
* Hastur[Arena] goes all light and funny angles. Zip. Zip. Zip.
* Bella[Arena] goes a little cross-eyed at this, aiming where she sees him first. (And rather like the flying saucer in Space Invaders, shooting where he IS, isn't where he's going to BE, so the first few shots--while leaving ugly scorch-marks on whatever part of the Arena they hit, rather than Hastur--will likely miss our dear Herr Yellow)
* `Luc manages not to shut his eyes and hopes his beloved General will Damn Well Appreciate being informed about this.
*This wisdom is, it seems, tried and true. And even more so with an interdimensional moving target. Keep trying!*
* Bella[Arena] , is, however, getting more annoyed at missing him! And, well. Sparks tend to do better (..or worse, viewpoint depending) when angered. Oh hell.
* Bella[Arena] , nonetheless, starts predicting his motions better. INTERDIMESIONAL OR NOT. >:3 SHALL. SHE. HIT. HIM?!
*And the answer is... YES.*
* Hastur[Arena] is hit in a rather large explosion of light and concussive air that then rapidly implodes and vanishes.*
"YES." She jumps up into the air and lands with a loud clank on her mechancal leg, "*SCIENCE!* WINS. YES." ... And she does a bit of a dance. ... Then there's a pause, blink, blink, "I do hope he can recover from that." For his sake, yes.
*Wherever he is. Which isn't here.*
*sure is quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiet.*
* Bella[Arena] powers the gun down, making sure to examine it in this lull, making sure nothing's burnt out or damaged--hell, the Elder Sign's no worse for wear either!
*still quiet and stuff. And still. And empty.*
*Reeeeeeeaaaaaaally still.*
* Bella[Arena] peers about after checking the gun, closing the compartments and such, "Herr Flavius?"
Hastur[dispersed]> *Is that a hawk in the distance?*
*Yeah. It's just that quiet.*
* Hastur[Arena] reappears, standing for a triumphant two seconds before falling over.
"ah!" He is BACK. "Are you alright?" She asks, voice toning back down to normal, now. "..All considered?" She jogs over to him, to help him sit up.
Mmmngh... anyone get th' numberonthat... train?
"It worked, obviously." She'll support him against her for the moment, since he's probably still a bit dazed.
Ooofh, I'll say.
"Thank you for letting me test it, even if it probably hurt." Sheepish smile?
* Hastur[Arena] blinks owlishly.* It's no problem. I'll be fit as a trombone in no time... *Fiddle, you addle-pated Schlub From Beyond. Fiddle.*
"I think the saying's a 'fiddle'." Oh, dear. She scrambled Herr Yellow's noneuclidian brainmeats. "But, ah, I owe you one?" NOT HER SOUL, MIND YOU.
Oh. Right. *More blinking and wobbling.* Y'do? How about gardening advice or something refreshingly mundane like that. *He tries to get back up to his feet and fails.* Or maybe some help getting home. @.@
* Bella[Arena] 'll help him stand, supporting him with her left arm and coxing his over her shoulder, "Not much of a gardener, but I can certainly do the latter." A beat, "..Although I don't really know where your home is, Herr Flavius."
That's ... the easy bit, finding it. Simplest thing about me. Yes. It's one of the side rooms off the Sanctuary. Hooo. Try saying that with a lisp...
* Hastur[Arena] has gone loopy. @.@
* Bella[Arena] chuckles a bit, "Come on then, Herr Flavius, I think I scrambled a bit." She'll take him to his sideroom now, and help him into bed, getting him settled and everything with another murmured 'thanks'. ^,^
'S all right. S'good to be useful. And thank you. *hides a yawn.*


Same Eldritch Death Ray, but now it's known to actually work.

weapons: elder sign death ray, places: #thearena, pc: luc (aureliaofarista), sparkyness, !acquisitions, places: #thesanctuary, pc: herr yellow (4_20_100), logposts, inventions

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