Protection Against Things Sparks Not Dare Tread

Sep 03, 2008 05:11

* Hastur wanders down from the loft. Doot doot.
* Phoenix_Wright waves. "Hey!"
* Kanzaki_Kimiko ...pauses when Hastur arrives. Something's blinking in her glasses, and she looks rather like a rabbit eyeing a wolf.

How've you been?
* Bella blinks when Hastur comes back, "Hello." Om nom chicken.
* Bella is still as spiritually sensitive as a brick
Relatively well... until to-day, that is. *sigh*

Eh? What's wrong?
* Jolf manages to climb down off the bar with a minimum of noise and sneak as sneakily as he can closer to everyone else.*
I don't know if you'd heard, but it appears our dear Crawling Chaos has an alternate about.
* Phoenix_Wright 's smile freezes a bit. "The... Crawling Chaos?"
"...There's two of these things?"
...The Crawling Chaos has alternates?
Everyone has alternates. The one I met to-day is different to the one who was slinking about the place a few months ago.

A...Ah. In, um, in what way?
* Bella is going to facepalm, "Great, I just heard about this thing today, and now there's TWO of them." Vague gesturing of aaaugh.
* Hastur looks tired.* He knows next to nothing about what's been going on here. But he is much more curious. And much more prone to anger.

Ah. Um.
His interest lies, from what I've seen, mainly in Carter and myself... and anyone unwise enough to catch his eye for too long.

Ah, w... well, I'll just avoid catching his eye then, right?
That sounds like a very feasible option.
* Hastur pats Phoenix.* Stay out of his sight. And if you are spotted, your Elder Sign should protect you.
"Elder Sign?" Blinkblink, a defense against that thing?
* Phoenix_Wright nods. The fear he had a few months back when he thought the Crawling Chaos was seeking him and his alternate floods back a bit, though.
Aahn... It's a mystical sigil. Has a strong effect against certain... Creatures, yes. Yes?
* Kanzaki_Kimiko blinks and a screen appears in front of her. She almost starts to sketch something, but pauses. Uh. King in Yellow in room. "Aahn."
* Kurt is perhaps gone home to sleep.
* Jolf looks at the others from where he's perched on a sofa.*
* Phoenix_Wright reaches a bit towards the pocket with the symbol in it. Part of him feels guilty having this when Hastur is nearby, but right now, it's reassuring.
* Bella tilts her head, "...out of idle curiosity, where does one aquire one of these?"
There should still be some available, here.
* Hastur even goes looking for them. Wow.
*He does eventually find them, next to the restorative draughts and the bottles of aglaophotis. In a Big Bag O Eldritch Be Gon. The bag itself slightly burns his fingers as he handles it.*
* Phoenix_Wright fidgets a bit.
Ah, here it--hsst!--is. *drops the whole thing on the bar with a clunk.*

I'd just like to say it's REALLY damn reassuring to have you on our side, Hastur.
* Bella plucks one out of the bag, looking at it thoughtfully. They're metal medals with the symbol on them, right?
* Kanzaki_Kimiko wouldn't say 'really reassuring. But it's better th
Hm? Thank you. *rubs his burnt fingers.*
*than nothing.
* Bella 'll be sure to keep up with this (and yes, the bag burning Hastur's been noticed), "..Are you alright?" She asks our dear Herr Yellow.
* Jolf stays where he is, looking wary and strangely a little more bestial than usual. Maybe it's the way he's hunkered down like that, or the look in his eyes.*
* Bella looks thoughtful, plucking another one from the bag and walking Jolf-wards and offering it to him. Hey, might as well, right? (..Even if what she thinks is a Jaeger's idea of using it is the following: *FLING BONG ELDRITCH THING IN FACE. Run away.*)
((It'd WORK, I'm sure, just, uh. Only once.))

* Jolf takes the thing, looking at it closely. Nods by way of thanks.*
* Bella gives him a small smile by way of 'Your welcome'. And she goes to claim a seat, looking at the medal thoughtfully. Mainly pondering where to keep the thi--"..A question, how effective is this outside of line of sight?"
* Hastur is squinting as though in bright sunlight, so apparently line of sight is ... rather effective, anyway.* Not very, but tactile contact will disperse an Eldritch Being instantly.
* Bella nods. ..And pries off her shoulderguard with a clack, and puts the medal into a compartment in it, and puts it back on her shoulder where it belongs. Rest assured, this is temporary, until she can get her real tool belt back.
Aahn... That doesn't seem too effective, if you're ever in a hurry.
... Zo dot vot Eldritch schmell like, ja? *he stuffs the thing in a pocket.*
"Temporary, at the moment. I don't have my normal tool belt or pack with me, since I've been trapped here since I arrived."
"But that." Knock the shoulderguard. Clank clank, "Goes everywhere with me."
* Phoenix_Wright still seems a bit ill at ease.
What's wrong?

Nothing, just... kinda stirring up some deja vu, I guess. It's silly.
* Hastur smiles slightly.* Don't worry. I won't let him in.

Eh heh...
* Hastur blinks, wondering what's so embarrassing.
* Bella ...?
"I'm missing something."

"The Deja vu thing." Eh, shrug, "Nevermind."

Ah, it's a long story.
A previous encounter with the Crawling Chaos, I--oh... *he doesn't look very well.*

Nn. He ... It's been... quite an evening, it seems....

What? What's going on?
He is ... at the height of his power, and ... I'm afraid I am not.
"..." Lightbulb on. "...-Oh-."
I think I'll be spending more time at Ms. Arabelle's lab, yes. Yes?
* Phoenix_Wright pales.
* Kanzaki_Kimiko ...hardly ever leaves the lab.

I, um, I think I should head to bed...
It's all right. I'll think of something. I won't let him in here.
"Goodnight, Herr Wright." Hooboy.
Good night.
* Phoenix_Wright heads into the side rooms, though he's nto sure if he's really going to get THAT good of sleep.
Well. That's that, then.
I should ... eh... *sighhh* I don't know what.
"This..." she shakes her head, shifting her weight in the chair a bit, "..Is so very out there, I'm beyond the known world." Basically saying, in many words, 'I have no clue what to say here'.
* Jolf hasn't got any ideas. Other than 'woooo, kill that crawly chaos thing!' Then again, that's kinda preaching to the choir.*
I'm afraid most of this nonsense is just that.
* Bella nods, thoughtful, though.
I should leave. There are preparations to be made.
Have a good evening.
"Goodnight then." Hastur gets a nod, "And, er. Thank you for the pendent-thing."
* Hastur nods, then vanishes in a small flicker of yellow light.
* Kanzaki_Kimiko lets out a small sigh as he vanishes.
* Jolf relaxes visibly, as well.
* Bella just blinks. Wow.
... Dot schmell....
I don't like the Eldritch. They should stay in the darkness, where they belong.
* Kanzaki_Kimiko shudders and sips her tea, blowing on it.
* Jolf shudders like a bird shivering its feathers, then blinks at Kimiko.* Even der vones who vant to help hyu?
* Bella flexes her mechanical hand, restless. Nnf. She needs to do something.
Never trust one of them. They always have an ulterior motive.
Their very existence drives men mad, and some of them want you to think they're beneficial?
* Kanzaki_Kimiko shakes her head and sips her tea.
"And yet that one," a gesture where Hastur was with her mechanical arm, not knowing his name (probably for good reason), "Handed me a weapon that I could use against him."
He has to be planning something.
Ho, vell, hy dunno. Der same thingks iz said about us.
You're not human, but you're no mind-devouring threat from beyond.
* Jolf headtilts.* Hyu know everythink about us, den?
You're very obviously not human. And I'm not picking up enough power, on any level, to compare you to one of them.
* Bella tilts the shoulderguard slightly and pulls the pendent back out and stares at it thoughtfully.
I could probably pull up every bit of information on your genetic, aetherial, magical, and chemical make-up if I wanted, but would it really comfort you if I did so?
Hy vouldn't do det, if hy vos hyu. *Yikes. Teeth.*
* Bella is only half listening, as she pulls her gun off of her belt, and looks between it and the Elder Sign.
* Kanzaki_Kimiko smiles and drains her teacup. "If I did, you could neither stop me, nor get to me." She stands and moves to make another cup. "If I did so, you wouldn't even notice. I'm a little beyond you in terms of technology."
* Jolf vanishes. Yep. Another successful test of the AVF.
* Bella blinks when he vanishes, sighing a bit.
And then there's that. <3
* Kanzaki_Kimiko makes another cup of tea, and blows on it. The steam stops, and there's a bit of frost on the outside of the cup. Sip. Smile.
* Jolf trudges back in, wearing quite the toothy scowl.*
"Need tools." She sticks both items in her belt, and beelines for one of the closets to root through it.
* Kanzaki_Kimiko heads over to her table again, and picks up the cube, turning it in her hand. "I'm no enemy. You can skip trying to do that again."
* Kanzaki_Kimiko would offer hers, but... Well, she somehow thinks that giving Bella an aether hammer would be a bad thing.
* Bella ...all considered, that's probably true. Either way, a toolbox is found fairly quickly, and she makes claim to a table (in the name of the House of Kintotech), and sets to dismantling her gun.
* Jolf flimberts, waving clawed hands about in the air before subsiding into silent, incoherent RAAAAAGE.* >B|
That was the anti-violence field. I love watching it work.
HY KNOW VOT DOT VOS, HYU VERDAMMT BABBLINGK MADGORL! *he gives up after that. Oh, how he hates that AVF. Haaaaeeet.*
* Kanzaki_Kimiko covers her mouth and... giggles.
* Bella is apparently reassembling the gun around the Elder Sign.
* Jolf is being giggled at. GIGGLED AT. What kind of place is this where people giggle at angry Jaegermonsters?!*
* Bella ca-chack. Gun powering up with a him. She Grins. "Oh good, it does conduct electricity." Yeah, odd reverb and everything.
* Kanzaki_Kimiko has seen much worse than a Jaegermonster. You're cute! And funny! And something she wouldn't like to meet without her staff!
...You're turning your gun into an anti-Elder Diety weapon.
Are you sure that's wise?
"Why not, it's something I'm familiar with."
* Jolf is pretty cute, ja.
* Bella is a Spark. 'Wise' does not enter this equation, sometimes.
* Kanzaki_Kimiko is the girl who used a multi-megaton thermonuclear explosive to test force shields. Multiple times.
* Kanzaki_Kimiko has no room to speak.
* Jolf is surrounded by madgirls.
* Jolf is going home.
"Although at the moment I have no way to test this, yet, but I'm sure something will come up!" Grin. Oh, god.
There's always the Arena, yes. Yes?
* Jolf goes home, now.
"Yes, but in order to truly" God, that sounds creepy, the way her voice sounds with that reverb, "I'd need something suitable elder-diety-based"
You could ask the Unspeakable One to stand still?
"A possibility, although one that may have to wait." Her voice goes back down, glancing at the clock, "Because for one thing." She powers the gun down, back on her belt it goes, "It's very late, and I'm going to bed, now." Mainly because her mun is starting to go blort as well.
Have a good rest, then.
* Kanzaki_Kimiko ...wouldn't be able to sit still if she had that.
"You as well, goodnight." And she'll take the toolbox with her. >_> Hers now.
(Of course, she might be using bed as an excuse to leave. God knows with Sparks and Kintotechs)


Nexus Toolbox
Elder Sign
Elder Sign Death Ray

Part 2:

And then there was testing of *SCIENCE!* to be done...

weapons: elder sign death ray, tools, pc: phoenix wright (wright_idea), sparkyness, pc: kimiko (truth_fetishist), !acquisitions, pc: jolf (schmot_guyz), places: #thesanctuary, pc: herr yellow (4_20_100), logposts, inventions

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