retrospective year in fanfiction meme (2012)!

Jan 01, 2013 14:48

HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYBODY! hope you guys are busy getting drunk, getting some, or, you know. chilling on the internet like me. ANYTHING WORKS. after this i will hibernate for a week because it is so fucking cold in shanghai rn and i don't want to DEAL WITH THAT, UGH.


Total number of completed stories: 71 that i eventually posted/archived ( Read more... )

i have a lot of feelings, fandom, i am so stupid i could hurl, ily, #meme

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Comments 5

nemesis1108 January 1 2013, 08:15:44 UTC
Thank you for writing all the Gtop fic! It really made my day each time I saw a new Gtop fic being posted :) Looking forward to more this year! ;P


gdgdbaby January 14 2013, 03:16:19 UTC
ahhh dude, i'm so glad you enjoyed all of it!!! things got a bit hectic and ridiculous at the end of the year but here's to hoping 2013 brings good things :') thank you so much! ♥


underhand_glory January 1 2013, 08:19:38 UTC
lmao so if these fics are like your children they're probably like my... nieces/nephews?? or something? anyway i watch them grow~ blah blah blah so going through this list i was amazed by how long ago you wrote some of these because it all feels like it happened idk RECENTLY. i think sometimes when i read them first i see them as the sum of their parts bc i KNOW the parts? ANYWAY NOW THAT THERE'S SOME DISTANCE ( ... )


gdgdbaby January 14 2013, 03:15:45 UTC
HAHA YES we talked about this but you are basically the godmother to all of this stuff u__u either by virtue of it BEING YOUR FAULT IN THE FIRST PLACE or just because i whined to you about something for so long hahaha, I AM SO SORRY /o\

thinking back the brad/ray was super fun to write and they're such great characters?! ugh gk you have ruined me. i'm so glad you like it tho, i didn't know if it would work but EVERYTHING WENT BETTER THAN EXPECTED


♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ YOU'RE THE BEST


gdgdbaby January 14 2013, 03:13:57 UTC
likewise!!!! ♥ AND AHAHA OH GOD, don't be, it's all ridiculous u____u


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