retrospective year in fanfiction meme (2012)!

Jan 01, 2013 14:48

HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYBODY! hope you guys are busy getting drunk, getting some, or, you know. chilling on the internet like me. ANYTHING WORKS. after this i will hibernate for a week because it is so fucking cold in shanghai rn and i don't want to DEAL WITH THAT, UGH.


Total number of completed stories: 71 that i eventually posted/archived on livejournal! there are probably a couple of tiny inconsequential things that are only on tumblr but those don't really count, i think.
Total word count: 126,240 words
Chronological breakdown:
please don't let me be misunderstood - attack the block & hanna; moses + hanna
they fuck you up, your mom and dad - we need to talk about kevin; kevin-centric
untitled irene adler/river song - sherlock bbc/doctor who
untitled irene adler/alice morgan - sherlock bbc/luther
untitled pest/moses - attack the block
untitled candy/carrion - abarat
untitled gd/top - kpop
untitled sophie/howl - howl's moving castle
untitled pest + brewis - attack the block
untitled sam + moses - attack the block

untitled original snippets in which sopa/pipa/acta were passed - original fic
untitled gd/top - kpop
untitled big bang gen - kpop
untitled lix storm/whiskey - the hour
untitled sulu/uhura - star trek xi
untitled brad/ray - generation kill
untitled gd/yb - kpop

this is tonight's top story - snl; seth/stefon
the kids are all right - generation kill; brad/ray
someday we'll cut our critics down to size - kpop; jiyong-centric
we are all going forward - generation kill; brad/ray
and take my waking slow - generation kill; brad/ray

from the back of my broken hand - kpop; jiyong/seunghyun

like tears in rain - the avengers; clint/natasha
in the service of liars and killers - the avengers; clint/natasha
a higher form of war - the avengers; steve/tony
the days are just packed - the avengers; team ot6
the helicarrier - the avengers; team ot6

lately i've not slept a wink - the newsroom; jim/neal

you are gold and silver - kpop; jiyong/seunghyun

and a self esteem to match (what a catch) 02 - kpop; jiyong/seunghyun
but i alas with weary feet - kpop; jiyong(/seunghyun)
with a little luck we could get away from where we are - kpop; big bang ot5

from the enduring past and future 02 - kpop; jiyong/seunghyun
killers au roundup post - kpop; various yge
nothing wrong with coming home - kpop; jiyong/seunghyun
anonymous denunciations in the lion's mouth - kpop; tablo-centric
not easy being me - kpop; big bang ot5
for the weak - kpop; jiyong-centric
the path to heaven runs through miles of clouded hell - kpop; jiyong/seunghyun
all fairy tales are fractured - kpop; big bang ot5
beautyplasty - kpop; bom-centric

world series - ferris bueller's day off; ferris/sloane/cameron
can't help myself - generation kill; brad/ray
sometimes i feel a little mad - attack the block; pest/moses
baby, i'm not a monster - kpop; jiyong/seunghyun
i don't know if you notice anything missing - tsn; mark/eduardo
resurrection - elementary; joan/sherlock
to boldly go - kpop; jiyong/seunghyun
behind enemy lines - band of brothers; winters/nixon
strictly business - teen wolf; posey/o'brien
and the music plays on - kpop; jiyong/seunghyun
everything starts where it ends - chronicle; steve/andrew
pinaceae - a:tla; sokka/suki
concrete jungle - kpop; jonghyun/onew
paved with good intentions - star trek xi; gen
testing, testing, one two three - kpop; jiyong/seunghyun
sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought - elementary; joan/sherlock
art thievery for fun and profit - teen wolf; scott/isaac
pin and tumbler - elementary; joan/sherlock
munchies - teen wolf; posey/o'brien
i got troubled thoughts - kpop; jiyong/seunghyun
silent night (record scratch, record scratch, drop the bass) - kpop; big bang ot5
let's go west - kpop; big bang ot5
find it hard to sleep tonight - the hour; bel/freddie
a final betrayal - star trek tos; kirk/spock/romcom
all ego - the history boys; scripps/dakin
the true meaning of christmas (is getting to at least first base with anyone and everyone) - a:tla; sokka/everyone, sokka/zuko
test drive - teen wolf; lydia/allison
window to the soul - kpop; jiyong/seunghyun
past our dancing days - private romeo; mercutio/romeo bffery
this is fashion - kpop; seunghyun/daesung

Overall Thoughts:
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? i figured it would be about this much! i think i felt like i wrote less than last year because 2011 was the year of two back to back 25k stories, but then advent put me over the mark, haha.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? ummm, i had no idea my kpop renaissance or whatever would be so intense? i still remember myself thinking in august: oh no... oh no, gd's coming back with a solo album soon isn't he... maybe i'll just casually download it for old time's sake. lol @ my life. OH SWEET SUMMER LUCY.

What's your own favorite story of the year? i really enjoyed writing the kids are all right! brad and ray are just really fun to play with, ray especially. despite a few problems i still have with it, honorable mention goes to the weekend au.

Did you take any writing risks this year? hm, not particularly? i think this was the year where i really became comfortable with my own evolving style (lol), so it was more about finding what came easy and naturally to me rather than busting out any super weird narrative structures or whatever.

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? i'd like to write more original stuff in general! i guess the highlight of this year was in march when i had a couple of short flashfic pieces ~published~ by spork press. it'd be nice to continue trying to do things like that.

From my past year of writing, what was...
My best story of this year: i always hate this question, idk how to judge :| it's like trying to pick between children i all love. you can decide for me!!!

My most popular story of this year: it's kind of a tie between a higher form of war (which managed to get 1k+ kudos on ao3 thanks to some super lovely fanart) and the helicarrier (which was super successful despite no fanart, and also spawned a pretty successful shit captain america says twitter). either way the avengers fandom was really good to me, haha.

Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: uh, this is hard. i mean, the path through heaven runs through miles of clouded hell got a pretty good reception but i enjoyed it a lot and wish more people read it, i guess? but it's kind of one of those introspective character study pieces with not much in the way of shippiness, so i get it.

Most fun story to write: the helicarrier! crack is my favorite.

Story with the single sexiest moment: the weekend au was pretty sexy.

Most "holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: nothing? this year was super tame.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: i don't know if you notice anything missing, not so much that it shifted my own perceptions but rather it kind of was the fanfiction embodiment of how my perception of mark and eduardo has changed since 2010.

Hardest story to write: i know people wanted it and people enjoyed it but i'm actually so unhappy with the weekend au sequel. it just felt super unnecessary when i was writing it, like it was defeating the purpose of the original fic, though i do think i made the best out of an awkward situation. oh well, what's done is done.

Biggest disappointment: aside from my answer to the prior question, i don't really think anything was disappointing? i'm always just super pleased that there are people out there who are willing to read the stuff i put out, so.

Biggest surprise: a higher form of war was just super fun to write and i didn't at all expect the outpouring of love that it received! i mean it's suuuper flattering and i'm glad people enjoyed it so much! still verklempt about it :')

also, just the fact that i managed to finish advent on time. i'm usually absolute shit with deadlines so my being able to power through that was pretty tremendous.


Favorite Opening Line(s):

A man in a box falls out of the sky when Jiyong is eleven. ( x)

They run away after the last Alive Tour stop, Hong Kong still chanting their names as they go. ( x)

Favorite Closing Line(s):

Seunghyun chuckles. Jiyong sleeps. ( x)

"Shit Captain America Says," Tony says, fingers flying over his keypad. "Five hundred thousand followers and rising, natch." ( x)

Favorite 5 Line(s) from Anywhere:

"He's fucking that Chinese dude," he finishes, around a piece of cold dukbokki. ( x)

"This is purely professional interest, alright?" "Yeah," he says. "The professional interest of your dick." ( x)

Of course, staying with Posey in the living room means burnt hot pockets at six in the morning after ten hours shooting a night scene, and extended Halo battles on the Xbox 360 when they should by all rights be passed out already, and waking up with his nose pressed into Posey's shin or Posey's elbow digging painfully into his side. ( x)

"Everyone shut up!" Maggie yells, and looks terrified when everyone actually does shut up and turns to stare at her. ( x)

Somewhere down the line Jiyong had forgotten how Seunghyun curls into himself on the couch at night, how he always takes his first cup of coffee in the morning black, and the groggy, content look on his face when he's gotten just the amount of sleep he think he deserves. ( x)

Top 5 Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated:

- anything from the gtop doctor who au
- anything from the helicarrier
- anything from like tears in rain, the clint/natasha blade runner au
- joan cuffed to a chair and sherlock hovering over her from pin and tumbler
- anything from the gk roadtrip fic

Fic-writing goals for 2013: write continuations for a bunch of the random aus that i started during advent! get off my ass and write more original fic! find new fandoms and write fic for them too! write all the things! etc etc ad nauseum.

LOL GOD THAT WAS LONG, I APOLOGIZE. i am still kind of dazed about the fact that i actually finished advent, what the hell. sorry about the spam all month, i wish it weren't mine. /siken reference

i'm gonna go try to reply to all the comments i've been putting off now. ugh i'm a terrible person haha. the next time you see me around these here parts will be too soon, i know u__u

i have a lot of feelings, fandom, i am so stupid i could hurl, ily, #meme

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