I'm maybe stupidly proud of this...

Dec 13, 2010 14:34

So,_slashygoodness and I are totally World of Warcraft buddies because I am an enabler of the worst sort. :-D So naturally, as with everything else we do, we end up relating it to bandom and it becomes chatfic. Before I get into this, this is going to need a little bit of explaining. There will be random links to WoWwiki pages in POI if you think you must know something about this 'verse. In this fic, Patrick is a Paladin turned Death Knight, and Pete is a Worgen Warlock. At the time of the fic, Patrick does not know that Pete is a Worgen because he stays in his human form. That is all the pre-info you really need to know for now, so enjoy this, part number one! :-D

kamikazeechoes 10:07 pm
    oh my god, tiny gnome death knight is so cute!
Awkward Turtle 10:09 pm
kamikazeechoes 10:09 pm
    adorable tiny package of badassery!
Awkward Turtle 10:10 pm
    Exactly. The "I'm so cute but I WILL KICK YOUR ASS SO HARD DON'T EVEN TOUCH ME."
kamikazeechoes 10:10 pm
    go in for the cheek pinch, get obliterated.
    ...are you sure it's not Patrick?
Awkward Turtle 10:10 pm
    I was just gonna say...
    Poor Pete didn't know any better, though.
kamikazeechoes 10:12 pm
    he was just so cute! how was he supposed to know about the death and annihilation?
Awkward Turtle 10:13 pm
    It's all a front. So people let their guard down and BAM. Pete just wishes the BAM hadn't happened so close to his face...
kamikazeechoes 10:14 pm
    even Pete's minion jumps when Patrick goes all... yeah.
Awkward Turtle 10:15 pm
    And it's a damn Felguard. They don't scare so easily.
kamikazeechoes 10:16 pm
    it hides behind him if Patrick looks even vaguely annoyed. he can only barely summon the rest.
Awkward Turtle 10:17 pm
    Gabe the Incubus comes easily enough, though. Pete suspects he likes Patrick's little outbursts. Hence why he doesn't let Gabe out often.
kamikazeechoes 10:18 pm
    Patrick wonders out loud why one day when they're riding between towns. Pete babbles until he thinks Patrick's forgotten what he asked.
Awkward Turtle 10:20 pm
    Patrick knows that Pete is just avoiding answering, so he drops it. He could possibly use this to catch him off guard in the future.
kamikazeechoes 10:21 pm
    Pete is sort of smug about the whole successfully distracting Patrick thing. To celebrate, he's totally going to buy new robes and stuff. Maybe even pay for the inn.
Awkward Turtle 10:24 pm
    Patrick is pleased with this until he finds that Pete "accidently" ordered one less room that he was supposed to.
kamikazeechoes 10:25 pm
    He's even less pleased when Pete comes back with a barely held back grin. "They've only got the honeymoon suite for tonight."
Awkward Turtle 10:27 pm
    Patrick narrows his eyes, but the next inn is several towns over so he huffs, "Fine, but you're sleeping on top of the covers."
kamikazeechoes 10:29 pm
    Pete's face falls but he hides it quickly. "Yeah, sure, no problem. I, ummm, I told them we're not..." He gestures. "It should look normal."
Awkward Turtle 10:30 pm
    "It'd better, for your sake," Patrick says under his breath, and stalks up the stairs toward their room
kamikazeechoes 10:31 pm
    Pete whimpers and follows after him. He still remembers the day they met very well and he'd rather not repeat it. Ever.
Awkward Turtle 10:32 pm
    So does Patrick. He thinks there might still be a small crater in Stormwind trade district because of it.
kamikazeechoes 10:34 pm
    Pete's hand is shaking as he reaches for the door handle. Of course he didn't actually tell the inn keeper not to ready the room but maybe...
Awkward Turtle 10:36 pm
    When Pete opens the door, Patrick's expression is considerably less than amused at the rose petals on the bed sheets.
kamikazeechoes 10:39 pm
    Pete makes a tiny little "eep" noise and scrambles to get out the door fast. Patrick's totally going to kill him again.
Awkward Turtle 10:42 pm
    Patrick simply grumbles and brushes the petals off of the sheets. He's too tired to give chase, and Pete will come back eventually.
kamikazeechoes 10:43 pm
    Pete creeps back towards the room about ten minutes later, after cowering behind an amused trainer who told him no one was even coming. He pushes the door open slowly and peeks inside.
Awkward Turtle 10:49 pm
    Patrick begins removing his heavy armor as he waits for Pete. He lifts his glowing blue eyes toward the door to find Pete peeking inside.
kamikazeechoes 10:54 pm
    "Hi," Pete says quietly, slipping in and easing the door shut. "I'm really sorry about the..." He waves a hand. "So, ummm, I'll just... I'll go or something so you can change. If you want. I... yeah."
Awkward Turtle 10:58 pm
    Patrick shakes his head. "It's not like I'm not wearing anything under this," he says, shrugging off his chest piece. "Just... turn the other way or something."
kamikazeechoes 10:59 pm
    Pete turns and stares pointedly at the wall. More importantly, he stares at Patrick's ass reflected in the mirror hanging on the wall. He bites his lips as it wiggles when Patrick works off his boots.
Awkward Turtle 11:04 pm
    Patrick can feel Pete's stare. He can also see it in the mirror from the corner of his eye. He throws one boot in his pile of armor in the corner with a loud clang. The other he throws at Pete's head.
kamikazeechoes 11:06 pm
    Pete's eyes go wide when he sees the boot come sailing at him and he knows it's going to hit him hard.  He sort of wishes he'd been a rogue or something faster. If he'd known Patrick were in his future...
Awkward Turtle 11:09 pm
    Patrick uses his Death Grip to yank the boot back to him just inches before it collides with Pete's skull. As upset as he is, his instincts to protect hadn't left after the change. He does, however, take pleasure in Pete's surprised yelp.
kamikazeechoes 11:13 pm
    Pete's mouth works like he wants to say something but not a single word comes out for almost a minute. "Thanks for not killing me with footwear," he squeaks. "I'll just go change now." He goes into the corner furthest away from Patrick to work his way out of his clothes. Starting with his too-small boots.
Awkward Turtle 11:15 pm
    Patrick rolls his eyes and climbs into the bed. "I told you not to wear those boots. Just because they're magic does not mean that they will fit. You looted them off a gnome, for fuck's sake."
kamikazeechoes 11:17 pm
    "But they match," Pete whines, hopping around as he finally yanks the first one off. "I don't think you appreciate how hard it is to find good magical red and black boots." He tosses it at his corner to work on the second.
Awkward Turtle 11:19 pm
    "I suppose we could take them to a tailor," Patrick sighs. "Providing the alterations won't wear off the magic."
kamikazeechoes 11:21 pm
    Pete falls flat on his ass as he yanks off the second with a triumphant yell. "They're only, like, two sizes too small. We're not harming my babies."
Awkward Turtle 11:22 pm
    "You're impossible," Patrick huffs. "You just wait until we're trekking across Borean Tundra. You're going to have blisters to last you a decade."
kamikazeechoes 11:24 pm
    Pete bites his lip as he strips off his layers of robes and light armor. "But that's not for, like, a week. ... Right? Weren't we waiting until... whatever?"
Awkward Turtle 11:29 pm
    Patrick sits up in the bed. "Personally, I'd like to get to Northrend as soon as we can. I have been dying for a chance at Arthas's ugly face since he turned me into... this." He waves a hand over his body. "I'm just waiting on you."
kamikazeechoes 11:31 pm
    "Oh," Pete says quietly, looking down at his lap. "I kind of... I like you how you are. I mean, it's the only way I've known you, yeah, but..." He sighs and looks straight at Patrick. "You're not just with me for revenge, right?"
Awkward Turtle 11:35 pm
    "No," He says quickly, then pauses. "Well. Okay, maybe a little bit at first. We had a common purpose, and I could see that you were powerful enough to be of some benefit. But now..." Patrick stares pointedly at a wall. "I actually enjoy your company."
kamikazeechoes 11:39 pm
    Pete scrambles out of the rest of his clothes with a grin so he can join Patrick on the bed. He makes sure he's on top of the covers and very obviously not touching Patrick but he's still grinning ear to ear. "You really mean that, right? You like me?"
Awkward Turtle 11:44 pm
    Patrick shrugs. "I'm still not entirely pleased with you right now, but overall, yes." He finally looks at Pete. "You are one of the few people I've met that can look at what I am and what I've done and not hold it against me."
kamikazeechoes 11:47 pm
    Pete inches a little closer, masking it with a shrug and a genuine smile. "You're... you're you and I didn't think that ever changed. You still get that upset look on your face when we kill beasts. You're a good guy."
Awkward Turtle 11:51 pm
    Patrick smiles weakly at Pete. "See? That's just it. No one else seems to realize that all of the things I did before the death knights broke free of Arthas's control... It wasn't me. My mind and body belonged to the Lich King." His smile disappears. "I don't know if I can even forgive myself for some of those things."
kamikazeechoes 11:55 pm
    Pete only pauses a second before he has to wrap his arms around Patrick. "You can forgive yourself," he whispers fiercely, face buried in Patrick's shoulder. "I'll get new boots and we'll head to Northrend in the morning." He pulls back with a smile but it quickly falls away. "Don't hurt me, I was caught up in the moment."
Awkward Turtle 11:59 pm
    Patrick blinks at Pete several times, then quirks his lips into a half smile. "Okay," he says, slipping under the covers. "The boat leaves early tomorrow. If we miss it, I'm throwing your favorite cloak into the ocean."
kamikazeechoes 12:02 am
    Pete's grin comes back full force and he settles on top of the covers. "I should probably pick up some heavier clothes too. And some extra food. Actually..." He pops up and starts to pull on his clothes again. "I'll go now."
Awkward Turtle 12:05 am
    "Okay," Patrick says, closing his eyes as he sinks against the pillow. "Get me some vials while you're out. You broke the last ones when you tried to make that elixir of underwater breathing."
kamikazeechoes 12:07 am
    "I nearly had it right, okay?" Pete huffs, tugging on his boots. "I'm not even sure how it went wrong." He lets out a sigh and looks over at Patrick with a fond smile. "I'll be back soon, promise."
Awkward Turtle 12:09 am
    "You got the base wrong," Patrick murmurs into the fabric. "See you later."
kamikazeechoes 12:11 am
    "No, I--" Pete shrugs and brushes Patrick's hair out of his eyes. "Maybe I did." He tip-toes out with a soft smile on his face.
Awkward Turtle 12:12 am
    Patrick's mouth twitches into a smile as he drifts off to sleep.
kamikazeechoes 12:14 am
    Pete drags himself back into the room as quietly as he can almost three hours later. He winces when the door slams closed.
Awkward Turtle 12:17 am
    Patrick groans and rolls over. "What the hell, Pete," Patrick slurs sleepily, rubbing at his eyes. "Could you be any louder?"
kamikazeechoes 12:19 am
    "Sorry," Pete wheezes, stopping to cough wetly. "Go back to sleep, alright?" He puts down his bag as quietly as he can with a soft sigh before plopping into a chair with a groan.
Awkward Turtle 12:21 am
    Patrick sits up in bed, squinting through the dark. "Pete? Are you alright?"
kamikazeechoes 12:22 am
    "I'll be okay in a minute." Pete pulls out a healing potion, one of the ones he'd just brought, and chugs it down.
Awkward Turtle 12:24 am
    "Pete, what happened?" Patrick asks, slipping his feet down to the floor. "Why are you hurt?"
kamikazeechoes 12:26 am
    Pete shrugs, wincing as he feels himself mending. "I maybe was jumped by some guys in the pub."
Awkward Turtle 12:27 am
    "Why were you at the pub?" Patrick asks, frowning in disapproval.
kamikazeechoes 12:28 am
    "I know they had that bread you like." Pete grins lopsidedly. "And I only had one drink."
Awkward Turtle 12:30 am
    Patrick pads over to him and runs a hand through Pete's hair, wincing when he feels dried blood. "Why did they attack you?"
kamikazeechoes 12:32 am
    Pete shakes his head, frowning and looking at the wall instead of Patrick. "It's really not that important. I'm back and okay. We should sleep."
Awkward Turtle 12:34 am
    "It is important, Pete. They hurt you." Patrick steels his expression. "I'm not going to sleep unless you tell me."
kamikazeechoes 12:35 am
    Pete's mouth hardens into a thin line. When Patrick doesn't move at all, he caves. "They saw us walking around earlier, I guess."
Awkward Turtle 12:37 am
    Patrick flinches. "Oh." He shuffles back to the bed. "I'm sorry," he says softly.
kamikazeechoes 12:38 am
    "I heard them talking about you while I was drinking and I..." Pete shrugs. "Sorry for waking you up."
Awkward Turtle 12:40 am
    Patrick turns a surprised look on Pete. "Pete." He fumbles for words for a long moment before settling on, "You didn't have to defend me."
kamikazeechoes 12:43 am
    "You weren't there," Pete mumbles, pulling off his clothes again. "Someone had to defend you honor." He sighs when he tugs off his boots, brand new ones. "Come on, sleep now."
Awkward Turtle 12:45 am
    Patrick sits of the edge of the bed with a sigh. "It's fine, Pete. I'm used to people saying things about me. Besides, it's not like their fears are unfounded."
kamikazeechoes 12:47 am
    Pete huffs, striding up to the bed and taking Patrick's face in his hands. "You don't get to say that. You're one of the kindest people I know. Their fears are stupid and baseless. Bed. Now." He lets go and flumps on top of the covers.
Awkward Turtle 12:49 am
    Patrick shakes his head, but slips back under the covers anyway. "Do you have any idea what I've done, Pete?"
kamikazeechoes 12:51 am
    "Not really and I don't care." Pete curls himself into a ball with his back to Patrick. "We really should sleep now."
Awkward Turtle 12:52 am
    Patrick sighs, staring at Pete's back for several moments. "Get under the covers, it's freezing," he says finally.
kamikazeechoes 12:54 am
    Pete uncurls a little before rolling over to look Patrick in the eyes. He's not even unnerved by the glow, thanks to the sheer number of night elves he knows. "You sure?"
Awkward Turtle 12:55 am
    "Yeah." He quirks a smile at Pete. "You've sort of earned it."
kamikazeechoes 12:56 am
    Pete grins, working his way under the covers with a respectful amount of room between them. "This okay?"
Awkward Turtle 12:57 am
    "Yeah, it's fine." Patrick rolls over, nuzzling his pillow. "G'night, Pete."
kamikazeechoes 12:58 am
    "G'night." Pete mumbles back, not even trying to fall asleep. He just watches Patrick until it creeps up on him.
Awkward Turtle 1:03 am
    The first thing Patrick notices when he wakes up is Pete clinging to his back. The second thing is that there is enough sun filtering through the window for him to be sure that they've already missed the boat. Patrick simply sighs and untangles himself from the mess of Pete.
kamikazeechoes 1:04 am
    Pete whimpers sleepily with a few half-hearted grab before latching on to Patrick's pillow. He reels it in with a contented sigh and drifts off again.
Awkward Turtle 1:07 am
    Patrick latches on his armor slowly, going through the boat schedule in his head. The next one shouldn't be for another few hours, so he leaves Pete undisturbed.
kamikazeechoes 1:10 am
    Pete sighs again, a quiet little noise buried underneath it. "P'trick," he slurs as he rolls over again and hums brokenly. "'Trick..."
Awkward Turtle 1:11 am
    Patrick glances over at him, eyebrow raised. "Pete?"
kamikazeechoes 1:12 am
    Pete's eyes open slowly, a dopey smile fixed on his face. "You smell great."
Awkward Turtle 1:13 am
    Patrick furrows his brows. "Thanks, but I'm all the way over here."
kamikazeechoes 1:15 am
    Pete yawns and buries his face in the pillow. "Kinda smells like you still."
Awkward Turtle 1:17 am
    "...Okay," Patrick says, rummaging through his backpack. "We missed the boat by the way. Next one comes in a few hours so we can probably get breakfast first."
kamikazeechoes 1:18 am
    "Could do something else first," Pete sighs and rolls onto his back, morning wood on proud display. He stifles another yawn. "Always kinda wondered."
Awkward Turtle 1:20 am
    Patrick presses his mouth into a flat line. "Or you can summon Gabe to take care of that before I follow through with throwing your cloak into the ocean."
kamikazeechoes 1:22 am
    "No," Pete whines, hanging on to the pillow(?) and making grabbing motions at Patrick. "Gabe couldn't blow a guy to save his existence. Need you."
Awkward Turtle 1:24 am
    Patrick huffs and looks away. "No. We're not... Get dressed, Pete. Seriously."
kamikazeechoes 1:27 am
    Pete whines again, arching off the bed in a way his sleep-fogged mind is sure is seductive. "Come on, Patrick, I'll make it good and stuff."
Awkward Turtle 1:30 am
    Patrick tries his damnedest not to look. "Pete, what the hell is possessing you into thinking this is a good idea?" Patrick thinks for a while. "Wait, you didn't make the health potion you drank last night, did you?"
kamikazeechoes 1:33 am
    Pete slumps back into the bed and thinks hard for a moment. He'd seen someone about it when he'd been running from Patrick. He tried it out before the pub. "Maybe," he mumbles, arching up again. "Fuck, Patrick, we should have sex on the boat."
Awkward Turtle 1:35 am
    "No! There are other people on the boat," Patrick hisses. "And we are not having sex. Put your clothes on."
kamikazeechoes 1:38 am
    Pete whines again and drags himself to the edge of the bed. "There's a bath house or something attached to this place, right? I need--" He cuts himself off with a moan. "I really need some alone time."
Awkward Turtle 1:40 am
    Patrick slings his pack over his shoulder. "I'm going to talk to the innkeeper about getting us some food. You stay here and..." he waves a hand. "...do what you need to."
kamikazeechoes 1:45 am
    Pete nods, licking his lips and willing off Patrick's armor as he walks out the door. Patrick looks fucking amazing without his armor, Pete muses, wrapping a hand around his cock and jerking slowly. You could appreciate every square inch. God, if he were naked? Pete whines high in his throat as he comes, slumping against the mattress.
Awkward Turtle 1:49 am
    Patrick returns shortly, balancing some bread, cheese, and meat that the even the innkeeper couldn't identify, but looks vaguely like ham. He knocks gingerly on the door. "Pete? Are you...finished?"
kamikazeechoes 1:52 am
    Pete opens the door with a bright smile, almost completely dressed. "Yeah, I... I'm really sorry about earlier. I don't... I shouldn't make your health potions, huhn?" His smile twitches. He's still rock hard and stuffed painfully into his pants. Just so long as Patrick doesn't notice.
Awkward Turtle 1:55 am
    Patrick wanders over to the bed, placing the food on the bedside table. "No. Especially not if they make you act like that."
kamikazeechoes 1:56 am
    "Yeah, I..." Pete takes the opportunity to take a deep breath now that Patrick's back is turned. "Sorry. Really. So, breakfast?"
Awkward Turtle 1:58 am
    "This is all I could get us," Patrick says, nodding toward the food. "The rest of the guests probably got the better options."
kamikazeechoes 2:01 am
    Pete prods at the meat. "Is this even edible? I'm pretty sure it's not food." He'd gladly cover Patrick in it and lick it off. He has to bite his lip to hold back the moan.
Awkward Turtle 2:04 am
    Patrick looks at the meat sadly, missing Pete's expression. "I'm not sure. I'm sure we've eaten worse before, though. I mean, remember that murloc fin soup that farmer's wife gave us that one time?"
kamikazeechoes 2:07 am
    "I'm never forgetting that soup." Pete's also never forgetting about that grimace they shared while eating it or the smile Patrick gave him. Patrick would look great on his knees with that shy smile. "I'll stick to cheese and bread," he says quickly.
Awkward Turtle 2:10 am
    Patrick makes a face. "Probably a good idea." He looks up as he reaches for the bread, finally catching the distant look in Pete's eyes. "Are you doing okay, Pete?"
kamikazeechoes 2:11 am
    Pete's eyes snap up from where they've locked onto a rather delicious looking spot on Patrick's neck. "What? Me? I'm fine. Just hungry and kind of anxious. Boat rides..."
Awkward Turtle 2:13 am
    "You're usually fine on boats," Patrick points out. "Is this about last night?"
kamikazeechoes 2:14 am
    Pete quickly struggles to remember exactly what happened last night. "Uhh, yeah, kind of. I'm just worried about... us." He's more worried about where and how he's going to get off.
Awkward Turtle 2:18 am
    Patrick shakes his head, then focuses on cutting the bread in half. "Nothing's going to happen to us, Pete. We're in this together. People will say shit, but there's nothing we can't get through together, right?"
kamikazeechoes 2:19 am
    Pete really wants to smile at that. Or maybe launch himself at Patrick and kiss him stupid. Then straddle him and grind down into his lap. His dick twitches and he can't hold back the tiny noise that slips out.
Awkward Turtle 2:21 am
    Patrick hears it and looks up, concern written on his face. "Pete? Are you sure you're okay?"
kamikazeechoes 2:23 am
    Pete nods vigorously. "Yeah, I'm good, just... hungry." He grabs one of the halves of bread, tearing off a hunk and stuffing in his mouth.
Awkward Turtle 2:25 am
    Patrick frowns at him. "You're sure? Because I don't want to have to deal with this all day if you don't want to tell me."
kamikazeechoes 2:27 am
    "I'm fine, really." Pete's very proud that he manages not to say 'I want to fuck you, really'. He taps a foot a little impatiently. "How long until the next boat?"
Awkward Turtle 2:28 am
    Patrick give him a look, then sighs. "A little over an hour," he replies, popping some bread into his mouth.
kamikazeechoes 2:29 am
    Pete does not whimper. "Okay," he says a little shakily. "I think I might stop by the bank before we go."
Awkward Turtle 2:32 am
    "I should probably stop by there, too. I'm running out of those whetstones that dwarf made me." He hums around the next bite.
kamikazeechoes 2:34 am
    Pete feels his mouth dry out and he swears time slows to a crawl. Eating bread and cheese should never be sexy but... "Oh my god," he murmurs.
Awkward Turtle 2:35 am
    Patrick arches an eyebrow at him. "What?" He pops another piece into his mouth,
kamikazeechoes 2:36 am
    Pete tosses his bread on the table in a daze, kneeling in front of Patrick. He plucks some off the hunk in Patrick's hand and presses it to his lips with a shuddering sigh.
Awkward Turtle 2:38 am
    Patrick's eyes widen as he recoils just a little. "What are you doing?"
kamikazeechoes 2:39 am
    "Patrick, please." Pete presses his face into his neck and breathes deep, hips bucking as he exhales.
Awkward Turtle 2:45 am
    Patrick shifts, making a frustrated noise. "I told you to take care of that while I was gone."
kamikazeechoes 2:46 am
    Pete nails claw lightly at Patrick's armor. "Tried. Can't. Need you." He makes a plaintive little noise in the back of his throat.
Awkward Turtle 2:49 am
    "Pete, we can't..." Patrick bites his lip. "You seriously can't get Gabe?"
kamikazeechoes 2:50 am
    "I can't wait." Pete worms a hand under the heavy plates and whines when he hits chainmail. "Has to be you."
Awkward Turtle 2:53 am
    "But..." Patrick starts again, but Pete's desperate actions give him pause. "What do you need?" He asks finally.
kamikazeechoes 2:54 am
    "You." Pete scrambles up and into Patrick's lap, practically humping him. "You you you you."
Awkward Turtle 2:55 am
    "Okay, okay," Patrick says, fumbling with the latches on his armor. "Just help me with this."
kamikazeechoes 2:58 am
    Pete groans and tosses the heavy pieces away as Patrick undoes each set of latches. He grabs the edge of the hauberk. "Up. Now."
Awkward Turtle 3:00 am
    Patrick lifts his arms, letting Pete lift the hauberk off before starting on his leggings.
kamikazeechoes 3:01 am
    Pete growls under his breath when Patrick takes too long. "Hurry." He rolls his hips down pointedly.
Awkward Turtle 3:03 am
    "Sorry, but plate mail isn't exactly easy to remove," Patrick growls. "Also, you're difficult to work around. Get off my lap and strip or something."
kamikazeechoes 3:05 am
    Pete looks down at himself in confusion before jumping up and working his way out of his clothes. The shirt and boots are gone fast but he hisses when his fingers brush his dick as he unlaces his pants.
Awkward Turtle 3:07 am
    Patrick's leggings finally clatter to the floor, followed by his undergarments. He kicks then to the side, then crawls backwards onto the bed.
kamikazeechoes 3:11 am
    Pete pants as he watches Patrick crawl up the bed, stroking himself through the fabric. He yanks then and his underwear off fast enough that he can hear them rip. He follows after Patrick, pressing his face into his neck again and breathing deep.
Awkward Turtle 3:12 am
    Patrick shivers and grabs Pete's hips. "Are you sure about this, Pete?"
kamikazeechoes 3:13 am
    Pete whimpers, nodding his head without pulling away. "Need it, need you. C'mon."
Awkward Turtle 3:15 am
    "Okay," Patrick breathes, and reaches helplessly for his bag. "Lube and condoms are in that bag."
kamikazeechoes 3:17 am
    Pete shakes his head, pressing his hips down. "You could fuck me like this," he whispers. "Won't mind. Probably love it."
Awkward Turtle 3:20 am
    "I won't hurt you, Pete," Patrick says firmly, hoping he can draw a line somewhere. "Get them, or it's no deal."
kamikazeechoes 3:22 am
    Pete whines, high, loud, and broken, before crawling off Patrick and rooting through the bag. He tosses the little bottle of lube and handful of condoms onto the bed.
Awkward Turtle 3:24 am
    "Good," Patrick mumbles. He grabs the lube and pours a generous amount over his fingers before hastily pressing a finger into Pete.
kamikazeechoes 3:27 am
    Pete immediately presses his hips back with a groan. He shivers at the feel of Patrick's eyes on him, a tingle just below his skin.
Awkward Turtle 3:28 am
    Patrick works the second finger in without much delay, watching Pete's face for any signs of pain.
kamikazeechoes 3:30 am
    Pete's eyelids flutter as Patrick's fingers curl just right inside him. He makes a happy sound, almost a purr.
Awkward Turtle 3:33 am
    Patrick curses under his breath when his dick twitches at the sound. He presses the third finger in, hitting the same spot hard.
kamikazeechoes 3:35 am
    Pete practically howls, arching off the bed with his eyes open wide. He knows he's saying something but he can't make sense of it.
Awkward Turtle 3:38 am
    Patrick slips his fingers out, then grabs a condom, tearing the wrapper open with his teeth. After a brief struggle, he manages to roll it on. He grabs Pete's hips and slowly sinks in.
kamikazeechoes 3:40 am
    Pete rocks his hips back at the first press, sighing and moaning all at once until Patrick's buried completely inside him. "Fuck me," he urges breathlessly, "please."
Awkward Turtle 3:43 am
    Patrick pulls back and thrusts in slowly, waiting for Pete to pick up on the rhythm before shoving in harder.
kamikazeechoes 3:45 am
    Pete's legs wrap tight around Patrick's waist, pushing him faster and harder. It's enough to make Pete moan out "more, now".
Awkward Turtle 3:47 am
    Patrick moans in return, forcing his hips to go faster and reaching for Pete's cock.
kamikazeechoes 3:48 am
    Pete bats his had away as soon as he feels the touch to his cock. "Don't need it, Just..." He rolls his hips back.
Awkward Turtle 3:50 am
    Patrick nods, planting his hand on the bed and breathing on Pete's neck.
kamikazeechoes 3:51 am
    Pete shivers and screws his eyes shut, focusing hard on not coming right then.
Awkward Turtle 3:53 am
    "Come on, Pete, come on," Patrick whispers breathily, adjusting his angle and pressing his lips to Pete's neck.
kamikazeechoes 3:56 am
    Pete's eyes fly open and he howls as he comes hard between them, back bowed almost breaking. He flops against the mattress as he comes down.
Awkward Turtle 3:59 am
    Patrick follows a few thrusts later with a hitched moan. He almost immediately pulls out and rolls away.

Part two!

nerdgasm, wow, chatfic

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