But wait, there's more!

Dec 13, 2010 14:58

Oh, LJ and your word limits. Here is the second part to the epic WoW chatfic! First part was on my phone, hence why it's formatted differently...

Part one!

Me: We could continue. I'm pretty sure they just finished having sex.

Allie: yes. Pete's going to have to try very hard not to just sleep now.

Me: It shouldn't be too hard since Patrick is practically dragging him to the boat immediately after.

Allie: Pete whines because he doesn't even have all his clothes on yet. He needs everything on!

Me: Patrick points out that that's rarely ever stopped him before, but Patrick would prefer to put the rest of his armor on himself...

Allie: Pete should probably be worried about... about the thing from last night... Oh! Those guys that fought him at the pub! Well, they shouldn't be too much of a problem before the boat. Being a Worgen has its perks sometimes.

Me: Those guys probably had to make a long visit to the local priest after that fight.

Allie: Pete grins smugly to himself as he continues to shove things in his bags, pointedly ignoring the twinge of pain when he moves.

Me: His potion healed the worst of the wounds, but it was still a weak mix. At least when it came to healing.

Allie: And then after Patrick fucked him so thoroughly... Actually, Pete's sort of surprised he didn't shift in all that.

Me: That would have been bad. Patrick would have been very alarmed.

Allie: Maybe he should have just told Patrick in the beginning. It's not like he wouldn't understand.

Me: Right, especially since Patrick is more or less a reanimated corpse. It's probably hard to judge like that.

Allie: Wait. Pete just had sex with a reanimated corpse. ... At least it was amazing sex. He smiles a little dopily as he thinks about it. It was really really great sex.

Me: He's a little bit disappointed that it doesn't seem to have affected their relationship much, since Patrick is still yelling at him to hurry up for the boat.

Allie: You'd think Patrick would be all for cuddling after or something. Pete just huffs and shoulders his pack before running after Patrick. He catches up with him just before he walks out the inn.

Me: Patrick actually seems to be a little more grumpy than usual. He's not even looking at Pete as they book it toward the docks.

Allie: Pete's sorely disappointed, emphasis on the sore. He and Patrick should be all the closer now. Patrick should not be walking away from him like this. Well, he's got a nice long boat ride to find out what's the deal here.

Me: As soon as they arrive at the boat, Patrick goes below deck and sits in one of the chairs, throwing his bag and weapon to the floor.

Allie: Pete follows and sits almost directly across from him, dropping his bag. He quickly summons his Felguard. "Watch the door for me?" It nods, looking at Patrick with more than a little apprehension.

Me: Patrick looks up at Pete. "You're getting a new profession," he says coolly. "preferably one that you don't make anything we have to consume."

Allie: Pete huffs and turns up his nose. "I just need to pay a little more attention. I'm obviously just mixing a few things up." He cracks a tentative grin at Patrick. "Not like I'll accidentally make poison."

Me: "No," Patrick allows, "but we don't need any more incidents popping up. So either change professions, or find a mentor."

Allie: Pete pulls a face. He hates trying to find a mentor more than he hates most things. "Fine, I'll change professions. How about tailoring? Oh, or alchemy!"

Me: "Why don't we contact that shaman we met back in Shattrath?" Patrick suggests. "He was a great alchemist and he could teach you to make a potion correctly."

Allie: Pete wrinkles his nose a little. "I don't know, I kind of got the feeling he sort of hated me. I mean, yeah, I called him a crazy space tree hugger but it's not like it wasn't true."

Me: Patrick cracked a grin. "He nearly killed you in that duel. Still, he could be helpful if we are to face the Lich King."

Allie: "He could," Pete admits grudgingly. "He's possibly the second toughest opponent I've ever faced on my own. And I could learn alchemy." He smiles brightly. "Anyone else we should call on?"

Me: Patrick thinks for a long while. "I could see if any of my old fellow paladins are still alive. They could help."

Allie: Pete nods, mentally going over a list of people he's met who aren't more likely to kill him then help. Or worse, tell Patrick his secret. "I don't think there's anyone I know." He pulls a face. "Sorry."

Me: Patrick smiles at him. "That's okay. I think one of my good friends, Gerard, had a rogue brother that we could try to contact."

Allie: Pete blushes and looks away. He remembers Gerard's brother from before he met Patrick. They still write sometimes, at least. "O-okay. Sounds good to me. We should get some people who are more... fighty."

Me: Patrick hums. "I should try to contact Bob. I haven't talked to him for a while."

Allie: Pete snaps his head to look Patrick in the eyes. "And who the hell is Bob? Not that..." He stammers after a moment. "Not that it matters or anything."

Me: "An old lover," Patrick says plainly. "That's not going to be a problem, is it?"

Allie: "As long as he knows you're mine," Pete mutters under his breath, arms crossing over his chest, "it shouldn't be."

Me: Patrick raises his eyebrows. "Yours? I wasn't aware of you having any claim over me."

Allie: "I... It's..." Pete's eyes go wide and he looks anywhere but at Patrick. "I don't. It's... Forget I said it."

Me: Patrick drops his forehead into his hand. "Pete. If this is about... Please don't, okay? We can't..." he waves a hand.

Allie: "I know," Pete says quietly, looking at his feet shuffling on the floor. "Look, we can completely forget it happened if you want. I can do that for you."

Me: "We have to," Patrick says, tracing patterns in the table. "It's the only way."

kamikazeechoes 8:41 pm
    "Okay. I'm going to go... take a nap or something." Pete gets up without looking at Patrick and walks out, his minion looking between them as they go.
Awkward Turtle 8:43 pm
    Patrick sighs and follows him out to lean across the rail of the boat, squinting off toward the north.
kamikazeechoes 8:45 pm
    Pete heads into a different part of the hold, finding a secluded corner. He shifts with a sigh and tiredly gives his minion instructions before sleeping fitfully.
Awkward Turtle 8:50 pm
    Patrick stares over the horizon for a long while, for once a little grateful that Pete's minions kept a distance from him. He sort of wants to be left alone. It's really not that he doesn't want Pete, but since the change... he just can't be with him. He wouldn't be able to bear it if he ever hurt him.
kamikazeechoes 8:55 pm
    Patrick goes off to look for Pete as the icebergs in the water start to grow more consistent and he begins to see land. He checks everywhere but only manages to find Pete's minion. He looks up at it for a long moment and it looks back rather stonily. "Where's Pete? We're going to land soon."
Awkward Turtle 8:59 pm
    The minion points Patrick to the small hammocks hanging deeper in the hold. He finds Pete sleeping in one all the way in the back. Pete is twitching in his sleep again, Patrick observes distantly before shaking Pete's shoulder. "Wake up, Pete. We're almost there."
kamikazeechoes 9:01 pm
    Pete jumps, nearly falling out of the hammock and hitting his head hard. He blinks at Patrick blearily before finally nodding. "Alright. I should be up in a few minutes, okay? I just need a few minutes to... to wake up and everything."
Awkward Turtle 9:03 pm
    "Alright," Patrick says, turning to gather his belongings. "Just don't take too long. We should be landing in Valiance Keep shortly."
kamikazeechoes 9:05 pm
    "I know, I just need some time in private." Pete winces a little at all the implications that has and hurries to cover it. "It's, ummm, stretches. For the pain. From the fight."
Awkward Turtle 9:07 pm
    "Of course," Patrick says, slinging his pack over his shoulder and smirking to himself.
kamikazeechoes 9:10 pm
    Pete pouts and glares at Patrick's back until he's out the door before he sighs with relief, falling back into the hammock. He's so glad that rough patch of water about halfway through woke him up so he could shift back into his human form. He lays there for a few minutes more before putting on his armor and going up to the deck.
Awkward Turtle 9:11 pm
    Patrick is leaning against the railing when Pete emerges. He looks at him curiously. "That was quick."
kamikazeechoes 9:12 pm
    "I told you I was stretching," Pete says huffily, joining Patrick at the railing and watching the land grow more distinct.
Awkward Turtle 9:15 pm
    "It's going to be a long trek to Icecrown," Patrick says conversationally. "We should write to our friends while we're in Valiance Keep and probably help the people there while we wait."
kamikazeechoes 9:18 pm
    "We should," Pete nods. "We could probably find a person or two there who would want to go with us. There's a druid I've heard about that might go with us if we contact him."
Awkward Turtle 9:20 pm
    Patrick nods slowly. "We should find him, then. I've also heard rumors of a mage that has been helping out there as well. We should track her down as well."
kamikazeechoes 9:22 pm
    "Definitely." Pete grins at Patrick. "So we're really doing this. We're going after the Lich King and you're getting your revenge. It's kind of... unreal."
Awkward Turtle 9:25 pm
    Patrick takes in a deep breath and smiles. "I know. I can hardly believe it myself." Patrick looks down at his folded hands. "This is going to be unlike anything we've ever done."
kamikazeechoes 9:27 pm
    This, Pete thinks, would normally be a moment when I sweep him into my arms and kiss him. "It's bigger, yes, but we'll do it. We've done the seemingly impossible before, right?"
Awkward Turtle 9:29 pm
    Patrick looks at him for a long while, then nods, his smile just a little brighter. "Yeah, we can do this," he says, then looks back over the ocean.
kamikazeechoes 9:31 pm
    Pete follows his gaze with a sigh and they both fall quiet until they dock. "Should we stop by the inn first? Book rooms and write out letters?"
Awkward Turtle 9:35 pm
    "Yes," Patrick replies. "We will probably be staying there for a very long time, so it's a good thing we could sell that armor we found. The coin will be very helpful."
kamikazeechoes 9:36 pm
    "I kind of liked that armor. It matched my old boots." Pete frowns a little into the distance. "I sort of miss those boots. They weren't that uncomfortable."
Awkward Turtle 9:38 pm
    Patrick laughs softly. "You didn't have to get rid of them. I told you you could take them to a tailor."
kamikazeechoes 9:41 pm
    "I didn't sell them, I auctioned them." Pete sighs sadly. "Maybe we'll be really lucky and no one will by them."
Awkward Turtle 9:44 pm
    "Hopefully," Patrick agrees, placing a hand on Pete's arm. "I'm sorry I made such a big deal out of it. I would never make you get rid of something you love so much."
kamikazeechoes 9:46 pm
    Pete smiles over at Patrick, shaking his head. "No, I didn't really have the room in my bag for them. Or the bank." He frowns. "I might want to clean both of those out a bit before we go."
Awkward Turtle 9:47 pm
    "I should probably do the same," Patrick admits. "I have a claymore in my bank that I never use anymore."
kamikazeechoes 9:49 pm
    Pete's three seconds away from making a joke in very poor taste before he stops himself. "So, inn then letters then vendors?"
Awkward Turtle 9:50 pm
    Patrick nods. "Sounds like a plan." He picks his backpack up off the deck. "Come on, I think we're docking."
kamikazeechoes 9:52 pm
    Pete bounces excitedly as they dock and he's one of the first off the ship, looking around excitedly. "I don't think I've ever been to Northrend before."
Awkward Turtle 9:55 pm
    Patrick follows behind him, a little slower. "I have, but only for a brief time after I was changed. Before Arthas send us to the Eastern Plaguelands."
kamikazeechoes 9:56 pm
    A look flickers briefly over Pete's face but he covers it with an exciting grin. "Then it'll be like we're both here for the first time. It'll be a real adventure."
Awkward Turtle 9:58 pm
    Patrick returned the grin, though a little weakly. "Of course. Another adventure."
kamikazeechoes 10:00 pm
    Pete shakes his head, leading the way that he thinks leads to the inn. "One of us had been to most of those other places. This is a real adventure."
Awkward Turtle 10:02 pm
    Patrick simply chuckles and follows after him, Pete's high spirits chasing off the shadows of his past creeping up on him.
kamikazeechoes 10:04 pm
    Pete keeps up a steady stream of chatter before stopping suddenly. "Maybe having never been somewhere isn't that great. I don't know where the inn is."
Awkward Turtle 10:05 pm
    "I believe we're headed toward the armory," Patrick says, grabbing Pete by the arm and dragging him in a different direction. "I think the inn is this way."
kamikazeechoes 10:07 pm
    "That explains the blacksmiths." Pete lets himself be dragged along. Not that he's expecting anything to happen at the inn this time. Because he doesn't. Really.
Awkward Turtle 10:09 pm
    Patrick locates the inn eventually and pulls Pete inside. "I'll get the rooms this time," he says. "I think it would be best if we get separate ones this time."
kamikazeechoes 10:11 pm
    "Yeah, definitely," Pete says, trying his hardest not to look or sound too disappointed. They talked about it, he knows they shouldn't. "I'll be waiting over there." He nods at a few chairs near the bar.
Awkward Turtle 10:14 pm
    Patrick turns and heads over to the innkeeper. Pete watches them from where he stands, suddenly becoming more interested when there seems to be a great deal of hissing and sharp gestures involved. After the rather heated discussion, Patrick stalks back toward Pete. "You're not going to believe this, but it looks like they only have one room left."
kamikazeechoes 10:16 pm
    "Is it the honeymoon suite?" Pete asks before he can bite his tongue. He slaps a hand over his mouth, his muffled laughs still breaking through. "I'm sorry, I had to. Do we, ummm, do we only have one bed again?"
Awkward Turtle 10:19 pm
    Patrick narrows his eyes a little, but he forces the anger down. It technically wasn't Pete's fault. At least as far as he knows. "No. I refused to pay him unless he got us two beds."
kamikazeechoes 10:21 pm
    "Good," Pete says, forcing down another laugh. "I'm probably going to need to go out a little later and I don't want to wake you up. Let's go to the room."
Awkward Turtle 10:23 pm
    "Go where?" Patrick asks casually. Come to think of it, Pete's been going out in the middle of the night a lot lately. "You should probably get some rest."
kamikazeechoes 10:24 pm
    "Oh, you know, just out," Pete says flippantly. God, he hops Patrick's not finally catching on. He kind of loves running in the moonlight and doesn't want to give it up. "I'll get the sleep I need."
Awkward Turtle 10:26 pm
    Patrick turns a concerned look on him. "Are you sure? You probably shouldn't go out alone. I can come with you."
kamikazeechoes 10:27 pm
    "No," Pete says quickly, turning serious. "Last night was just a fluke. I can take care of myself and I'll be fine."
Awkward Turtle 10:29 pm
    "I just don't want anything to happen to you," Patrick says sternly, "and it's not other people I'm worried about. There's creatures in Northrend that neither of us have encountered before."
kamikazeechoes 10:30 pm
    Pete stiffens at the word 'creatures' and it takes everything in him not to sneer. It's not Patrick's fault he doesn't know. "Look, I'll be perfectly fine. I'll even grab more health potions and wear all my best armor this time."
Awkward Turtle 10:33 pm
    Patrick sighs. "Fine. And summon Gabe or your Felguard, too. If you come back to the inn injured again, I'm coming with you if you want to go out."
kamikazeechoes 10:35 pm
    Then I'll just stay away so you don't know, Pete thinks. It probably would just be easier to tell Patrick. "Fine, it's a deal. If something happens, I'll send someone to let you know."
Awkward Turtle 10:37 pm
    "You'd better," Patrick warns. "I worry about you, okay? I don't want to wake up one morning and have you gone."
kamikazeechoes 10:39 pm
    All the fight goes out of Pete quickly at that. "I know and I'm sorry. Really. I just... It's a thing that I need to do sometimes."
Awkward Turtle 10:42 pm
    "Alright," Patrick says as they arrive at their room. He opens the door for Pete. "I would prefer if you would tell me why to help me understand, but I won't force anything out of you."
kamikazeechoes 10:44 pm
    It's right there, a perfect opening for Pete to come clean with but he just shakes his head as he walks in the room. "I can't. I just... I can't right now. It's complicated. Really complicated."
Awkward Turtle 10:45 pm
    Patrick tries his best to keep a hurt look from crossing his face. "Of course it is."
kamikazeechoes 10:47 pm
    Pete catches the look anyway and his face falls. "It's not like that, Patrick. I mean, I still trust you. I trust you with my life. This is just... different."
Awkward Turtle 10:49 pm
    "I understand," Patrick says distantly, dropping his belongings on a chair. "As I said, I'm not going to force it out of you."
kamikazeechoes 10:51 pm
    Pete pulls at his hair, growling low in his throat out of irritation. "Fuck, you would make me feel terrible about this but..." He sighs and drops his hands.
Awkward Turtle 10:55 pm
    "I said it's fine, Pete," Patrick says again. "Everyone has their secrets. I know for a fact that I haven't told you mine."
kamikazeechoes 10:55 pm
    Pete looks up sharply, narrowing his eyes at Patrick. "You shouldn't have said that. Now I have to find out. Tell me."
Awkward Turtle 10:56 pm
    Patrick barks out a bitter laugh. "You first."
kamikazeechoes 10:58 pm
    Pete's mouth works soundlessly for a few long seconds. "Okay."
Awkward Turtle 11:00 pm
    Patrick lays out on one of the beds and lolls his head over to look at Pete.
kamikazeechoes 11:01 pm
    Pete takes off most of his armor and boots before he drops onto the other bed. He takes a slow, deep breath. "Please don't hate me."
Awkward Turtle 11:02 pm
    Patrick quirks a smile at him. "I could never hate you, Pete."
kamikazeechoes 11:03 pm
    Pete smiles slowly before shifting into his Worgen form. He blinks at Patrick.
Awkward Turtle 11:05 pm
    Patrick bolts upright, eyes wide. "You... you're," he stammers, dumbstruck. "You're one of those."
kamikazeechoes 11:07 pm
    Pete growls at Patrick before shifting back to his human form. "I knew I shouldn't have shown you. "
Awkward Turtle 11:08 pm
    "Pete, no, it's not..." He scrambles from the bed. "I'm just surprised, that's all. Why did you hide it from me?"
kamikazeechoes 11:11 pm
    Pete starts to angrily pull his armor back on. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because everyone I've ever met thinks I'll go mad and kill them if they turn their backs. It's self-preservation at this point."
Awkward Turtle 11:14 pm
    Patrick blinks at him a few times before bursting into laughter. "And what? You thought I wouldn't understand? People think the same of me, I just can't hide it as easily. Come on, Pete. Did you really think that would change my opinion of you?"
kamikazeechoes 11:19 pm
    "Kind of," Pete says quietly. "People don't really get it so I just hide. It's easier." He shrugs, dropping the robes in his hands back onto the bed and sitting hard. "Staying human makes me go stir-crazy eventually so I go out for runs at night."
Awkward Turtle 11:23 pm
    "See, I'm okay with that now," Patrick assures. "I mean, I still want you to be careful not to run in to anything or anyone that might want to hurt you, but." Patrick moves toward Pete, settling next to him and placing a comforting hand on his back. "I don't hate you, Pete. Who you are is not something you can choose sometimes."
kamikazeechoes 11:27 pm
    Pete smiles and presses himself into Patrick. "I'm usually pretty careful. I mean, I usually run naked so, you know, no one catches on if they do see me." He blushes a little and presses his face into Patrick's shoulder. "I've only gotten really hurt once and it was a while ago. I should be okay."
Awkward Turtle 11:29 pm
    Patrick pulls Pete closer, one arm around his waist, and kisses the top of his head. "Okay. I was serious when I said I'm coming with you if you ever come back hurt again."
kamikazeechoes 11:31 pm
    "Unless I get jumped in a pub again, I'll be fine and it's not..." Pete trails off and stiffens. "Shit. Maybe you should come with me for now. At least until we're away from the city."
Awkward Turtle 11:36 pm
    "I will," Patrick replies, petting Pete's arm with a faint smile. "I think I might actually enjoy watching you run wild."
kamikazeechoes 11:38 pm
    Pete relaxes and presses himself closer to Patrick. "It's amazing. I could never describe to you how it feels."
Awkward Turtle 11:41 pm
    Patrick allows him to press against him without protest, continuing to stroke his arm. "Then I could never force you not to."
kamikazeechoes 11:43 pm
    "Maybe you'll see it and understand," Pete mumbles. He climbs half into Patrick's lap with a tiny noise in the back of his throat.
Awkward Turtle 11:45 pm
    Patrick laughs softly, wiggling under Pete a little. "I don't imagine my armor is terribly comfortable to cuddle with."
kamikazeechoes 11:47 pm
    "Then you should take it off." Pete pulls back a little and smiles softly. "Then we should..." He makes a face. "Well, maybe we could just cuddle and you can tell me your secret."
Awkward Turtle 11:50 pm
    Patrick stiffens a little bit, but he nods and pushes Pete off of his lap. He strips off his armor until he's only wearing a light tunic and breeches before rejoining Pete. He pulls him close again, not sure if he can look him in the eye for this. "I mentioned I did some operations in Eastern Plaguelands earlier. Are you familiar with the Scourge's sacking of Havenshire?"
kamikazeechoes 11:57 pm
    Pete shakes his head slowly. "Not really. I don't always pay very close attention to news." He curls himself around Patrick and runs a hand through his hair. "It's okay, you can tell me."
Awkward Turtle 12:05 am
    "Havenshire and New Avalon were both towns under the control of the Scarlet Crusade, which I'm sure you know is a holy order dedicated to the eradication of the Undead and the Scourge," Patrick begins, breathing deeply. "So naturally, the Lich King wanted them dead. They may be slightly crazed zealots, but they were servants of the Light, and their cause was noble." Patrick bites his lip and buries his face in Pete's shoulder. "I was a significant part in the operation. I was practically the Lich King's favored pet."
kamikazeechoes 12:07 am
    "But you were under his control," Pete says fiercely, hugging Patrick close to his chest. "You can't blame yourself for not being under your own control. So stop doing it."
Awkward Turtle 12:13 am
    Patrick shakes his head, keeping his face hidden. "Pete, you don't understand. I killed children there. Infants. I killed..." He swallowed a sob. "I killed my friend, Pete. A fellow paladin of the Light. It was a rite of passage for them. I looked Jon in the eye and I murdered him. That memory will haunt me forever."
kamikazeechoes 12:18 am
    Pete can't think of anything at all to say to make Patrick feel better, simply holds him and hopes it does something to help. "You didn't have a choice," he says after a long moment. He pushes his hair gently behind his ear. "You didn't want to and you didn't have a choice so it's..." He squeezes tight and hopes Patrick gets it.
Awkward Turtle 12:22 am
    "Sometimes," Patrick mumbles into Pete's shirt, "I'm afraid that Arthas will regain control over me. I'm afraid that he will take over my mind again. I'm afraid I could hurt you. I would never forgive myself if I let that happen."
kamikazeechoes 12:25 am
    "Then we'll make sure that he never can." Pete says, knowing just how immense that is even as he says it. "We'll fight him and... and defeat him and you'll never have to worry about him gaining control of you ever again. I promise."
Awkward Turtle 12:29 am
    Patrick pulls back, finally looking Pete in the eye. "It will not be easy," Patrick says solemnly. "In fact it will probably be the hardest thing we will ever do." He takes Pete's face in his hands. "But we can do it. We will do it, and I won't have to be afraid anymore." He leans in and kisses Pete softly.
kamikazeechoes 12:33 am
    Pete makes a small noise in the back of his throat, sliding his fingers up into Patrick's hair. He pulls back slowly, blinking and smiling hazily at Patrick. "We can do it. We've got an extensive network of comrade and the power of love on our side." He blushes. "You do love me, right?"
Awkward Turtle 12:37 am
    "Yeah," Patrick admits, a smiles slipping across his face. "Yeah, I do. I love you, and it scares me more than anything, but I can't hide it any more than we can hide what we are." He leans in again, kissing Pete harder this time.
kamikazeechoes 12:40 am
    Pete moans into the kiss, letting himself fall back against the bed. "I'm the luckiest guy on the planet," he mumbles with a happy smile when they finally break apart. "At least it's one less thing I have to hide from everyone."
Awkward Turtle 12:43 am
    Patrick smiles, stroking his thumbs along Pete's jaw. "I think we're both a little more free tonight." He drags his tongue along Pete's bottom lip. "Thank you for understanding."
kamikazeechoes 12:46 am
    Pete shudders and sighs, winding his arms around Patrick's neck. "After I run, we should fuck in the moonlight. I want to see it on your skin." He sighs and squeezes his eyes shut. "Shit, that wasn't what I wanted to say."
Awkward Turtle 12:49 am
    "That's too bad," Patrick hums, moving his hands to the mattress so he can nip at Pete's throat, "because it's really not a half bad idea."
kamikazeechoes 12:51 am
    "Oh." Pete whines softly, turning to the side to give Patrick more room. "Then we can definitely do that."
Awkward Turtle 12:54 am
    "I want to," Patrick says into Pete's skin. "Somewhere where the guard towers can't see us, but somewhere we can see the ocean. We'd have to bring a blanket in case it gets too cold."
kamikazeechoes 12:59 am
    "If it's cold at night the way Ironforge can be, then we definitely should." Pete sighs and wraps his legs around Patrick's waist. "I nearly froze the last time I went for a run there."
Awkward Turtle 1:01 am
    Patrick laughs and rolls his hips down. "You tried to go for a run around Dun Morogh? That's definitely not one of your smarter choices."
kamikazeechoes 1:05 am
    Pete mock-pouts, biting his lip to hold back his moan. "It was either go for a run or lose myself, okay? I sort of let it go too long."
Awkward Turtle 1:10 am
    "I can't wait to see you let go like that," Patrick whispers, tugging at Pete's pants. He unlaces them and pulls out Pete's dick. He lets his voice drop an octave when he says, "I want to hear you howl." He then licks a long stripe up Pete's cock.
kamikazeechoes 1:14 am
    Pete rocks up into the touch, panting and tugging at Patrick's hair. "Oh god, Patrick," he whispers in awe. "I'd howl for you now if I could. I'd howl until I didn't have a voice left. Just don't stop."
Awkward Turtle 1:16 am
    Patrick grips Pete's hips and looks him in the eye. "Oh, don't worry. You will." He dips his head down and takes Pete into his mouth.
kamikazeechoes 1:17 am
    Pete whines, high and broken, as he tries to arch off the bed into Patrick's mouth. "God, your mouth. Your fucking mouth."
Awkward Turtle 1:19 am
    Patrick bobs his head and lets out a long moan before pulling back and swiping his tongue over the head.
kamikazeechoes 1:20 am
    Pete looks down at Patrick, trying hard to look more annoyed than almost painfully turned on. "You stopped."
Awkward Turtle 1:24 am
    Patrick pets Pete's cock softly, blinking up as innocently as he can with his evilly glowing eyes. "That's because I want to fuck you," he explains sweetly. "Would you let me do that?"
kamikazeechoes 1:26 am
    Pete whines and bucks his hips up, nodding so hard it hurts and he nearly gives himself whiplash. "You can fuck me whenever you want. Several times a day even."
Awkward Turtle 1:31 am
    Patrick kisses his way up Pete's chest. "I can, can I? When we're not on the road anymore, I might take you up on that." He licks Pete's neck. "We'll find a nice, peaceful house and we'll fuck constantly until neither of us can even stand." He peels himself away from Pete, standing to fetch the lube from his pack on the other side of the room.
kamikazeechoes 1:34 am
    Pete whimpers at the loss of Patrick's body warmth but he's too busy turning over the image in his mind to do much about it. "Can we really?" he says finally when he feels the bed dip again. "We could get a place somewhere warm near a wood with a clearing. For the moonlight."
Awkward Turtle 1:41 am
    Patrick crawls over Pete again, opening the lube and pouring it over his fingers. "Of course we can," he says with a smile. "Somewhere where there are wolves so no one will be alarmed by howling." He slowly presses one finger into Pete.
kamikazeechoes 1:44 am
    Pete shivers and bites back his loud moan. "Yes. Very vocal and active wolf population." He pushes his hips back against Patrick's finger with a quiet little noise. "You should add another. We don't have to go slow."
Awkward Turtle 1:47 am
    Patrick smirks at him, but works in a second, curling his fingers inside Pete.
kamikazeechoes 1:48 am
    Pete arches up with a shout, gripping the hair at the nape of Patrick's neck.
Awkward Turtle 1:52 am
    Patrick dips his head to kiss Pete, pressing into Pete again and again, hitting that same spot hard each time. "I bet I could make you come like this," Patrick says into his lips. "Just like this, with my fingers inside you."
kamikazeechoes 1:54 am
    "Could make me come with just your voice," Pete mumbles, pushing his hips back into every thrust of Patrick's finger. "Could tie me down so I couldn't touch myself if I wanted and just talk me into a frenzy until I just lose it."
Awkward Turtle 1:58 am
    Patrick moans, shoving in with a third. "God, I want it. I want to see you like that so bad, you don't understand." He pulls his fingers out finally to coat his dick.
kamikazeechoes 2:00 am
    Pete whimpers and writhes against the sheets at the loss of Patrick's fingers. "I'd give it to you. I'd give it to you and more. Now please fuck me. I might die otherwise."
Awkward Turtle 2:02 am
    "Yeah, yeah, okay." Patrick strokes himself a few more times, just staring at Pete lying across the bed, before slowly pressing in.
kamikazeechoes 2:04 am
    Pete moans and presses back, trying to take Patrick in faster until he's buried within him. He squirms at the full feeling, shivering when Patrick brushes his prostate. "Move."
Awkward Turtle 2:06 am
    Patrick bites at Pete's shoulder as he pulls all the way back, then thrusts back in hard.
kamikazeechoes 2:08 am
    Pete groans, scratching at Patrick's chest. "Please, come on," he murmurs.
Awkward Turtle 2:11 am
    Patrick obliges, bracing a hand on Pete's thigh as he sets a fast pace.
kamikazeechoes 2:13 am
    Pete makes a slight face before shifting his hips. When Patrick finally hits that spot again, he can only babble out a litany of nonsense.
Awkward Turtle 2:16 am
    Patrick lets out a low moan when Pete spasms around him, making him skip a beat.
kamikazeechoes 2:17 am
    "Patrick, please please, need you." Pete pushes his hips back as if he needs to prove it.
Awkward Turtle 2:18 am
    "Fuck, yeah," Patrick groans, reaching for Pete's dick as he pounds in harder.
kamikazeechoes 2:20 am
    Pete keens, rolling his hips back onto Patrick's dick and up into his hand as fast as he can. "So close."
Awkward Turtle 2:22 am
    Patrick lifts his head and kisses him hard. "Come on, Pete," he murmurs, biting at Pete's lips. "Come for me. I want to hear you."
kamikazeechoes 2:24 am
    Pete presses up into his one more time, eyes huge and focused entirely on Patrick before he comes with a long moan. He falls back limp against the mattress and looks hazily up at Patrick. "You too, baby."
Awkward Turtle 2:28 am
    Patrick braces both hands on the mattress and thrusts into Pete until he's coming with a choked cry. He collapses over Pete, sighing contentedly.
kamikazeechoes 2:30 am
    Pete lets Patrick lays there for a few minutes before squirming under his weight. "Okay, come on, get up. You're heavy and I want to cuddle properly this time."
Awkward Turtle 2:33 am
    Patrick makes a noise in complaint, but he pulls out carefully and lies out next to Pete.
kamikazeechoes 2:34 am
    Pete sighs contentedly and tucks himself against Patrick's side. "Much better," he mumbles.
Awkward Turtle 2:36 am
    Patrick wraps his arms around Pete, kissing him on the forehead and petting his bare hip.
kamikazeechoes 2:38 am
    Pete drifts off to sleep quickly, one hand curled over Patrick's heart.
Awkward Turtle 2:40 am
    Patrick smiles softly down at him, gently stroking Pete's skin until he drops off as well.
kamikazeechoes 2:49 am
    Pete jerks awake after only a few hours. He winces at the cold mess in the sheets and slips out of bed, quickly washing up in the basin in the room. He only considers for a moment before washing Patrick as well.
Awkward Turtle 2:52 am
    Patrick wakes to something wet touching his skin. He opens his eyes to find Pete washing him with a wet cloth. "Hi," he says through a yawn.
kamikazeechoes 3:04 am
    "Hi," Pete says quietly, planting a chaste kiss on Patrick's lips. "You can go back to sleep in the other bed if you want. This one's gross."
Awkward Turtle 3:07 am
    Patrick lolls his head to look at the other bed and laughs. "It looks like that other bed is going to be useful after all," he says, then rubs his eyes. "I can't, though. I have to write those letters."

nerdgasm, wow, chatfic

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