Crappy day

Sep 13, 2005 20:27

Carter is in trouble. Oh buddy, is he ever ( Read more... )

carter, health, craig

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Comments 24

tularia September 14 2005, 01:56:59 UTC
Carter and Duncan could cause a riot together. Duncan has been the same way since school started back. Lieing to the teacher and such. I'm at wits end. The beatings have begun (to paraphrase Bill Cosby).
You'll feel better after the surgery. I promise. It will take a while to get everything straightened out (A couple weeks more or less), but the imbalances will quit and you'll get back on track to being your normal self.
Sometimes men just have a tendency to be men. And even though slapping the shit out of them would make you feel better, it doesn't make them any smarter or more caring.


gateruner September 14 2005, 02:51:35 UTC
It's so frustrating isn't it? Kids AND men! Gah!

I sure hope the surgery helps. *hugs*


galaxynumber5 September 14 2005, 02:50:27 UTC
I have a spoiled, self-centered, narcissistic child on my hands
Most kids are like that though, you just need to explain things logically to him, even if he acts like he doesn't get it, stay calm at all times and punish him accordingly. I realise that if his grandmother can be fooled into letting him play, it's a problem, though.
Basically, you need to be more stubborn than he is, stand firm.

Of course, my only experience is with my baby brother, so I may be way off.


gateruner September 14 2005, 02:52:46 UTC
No, that's actually pretty spot on I think. It comes down to a battle of wills. And, unfortunately, my resolve is not all there these days. Which makes it more difficult.

But you are definately right! I just need to get stronger.


galaxynumber5 September 14 2005, 03:06:59 UTC
*hugs* It can't be easy. Kids take tons of energy, and it isn't like you haven't got anything else to worry about.


gateruner September 14 2005, 12:17:03 UTC

True. Thanks. :)


qfemale September 14 2005, 06:43:07 UTC
I don't have children and don't know if that's a good idea or not, but did you try the 'mommy is very disapointed in you and is not gonna speak to you unless it's absoluely nesessary'-treatmen?

and urg, my bf reacts the same way when it's about how I feel towards him. he just shurgs and has nothing to say at all. I know how that is frustrating!


gateruner September 14 2005, 12:21:19 UTC
I have tried something similiar to that. Where I don't talk to him when he's in trouble and he can't talk to me either. I tell him "I don't want to hear it" and that sort of thing. He's really bad about trying to rationalize and explain things, which really throws me off because he's only 5! But I've just come to realize you can't play that with him. YOu have to tell him, "I don't care. I don't want to hear it."

Men are sooooo frustrating!


qfemale September 15 2005, 13:05:02 UTC
you know you just made me wonder where he get that attitude from. After all he is only 5 and copies a lot of behaviour from others. [at least I did when I was 5!]

I hope things get better with your son. I can only imagine how stressful that can be.


gateruner September 16 2005, 13:04:36 UTC
you know you just made me wonder where he get that attitude from

He gets a lot of it from his cousin, who's 15, and more attitude if you can believe it. But he's at least good in school. He waits until he comes home and unleashes it on everyone at home.

I hope it gets better soon too!


wive September 14 2005, 08:09:53 UTC
I read an article here that basically said that you have to treat your man the same way you treat your dog.
Its an British author: Clare Staples.
She says: "There is no difference between men and dogs, when it comes to instinct and behavior."

My hubby does that too. Then it comes to a point when I just ignore him.
You just do what you feel is right.Its your body, nobody else knows how YOU feel!
Maybe just the day before you say casually: " Oh and tomorrow I will have a talk with my doctor about surgery, you have to pic up Carter and give him food." And the just leave it to that, make him come to you and ask for details. Sure there is a good chance that he will never com, but it is his loss. :::Hugs:::

Ps: I have no kids, so I wont pretend that I know anything. In my case I would just lock him in a room and throw away the key.......or was that with the hubby?? LOL


gateruner September 14 2005, 12:26:25 UTC
Really! That's about what I'm going to do with him, I think. Tell him I'm going away for a few days and he'll have to take care of Carter.


Men and children... is there really any difference? ;)


kazatomic September 14 2005, 08:32:52 UTC
I can totally feel for you on all counts. Although my son is fast approaching his 18th birthday he is still acting up at the moment on his return to school, though now any threats I have used in the past just don't seem to work, his favorite reply now is 'I can't wait to leave home'. I think that you are doing the exact right thing regarding the discipline and hopefully it will settle down as the school year progresses.

With regard to the surgery. It is as everyone says your body and you have to do what is best for you. Having visited the doctors yesterday and been told that they would be referring me to a gynecologist, I have to admit that I left the doctors office skipping, hoping above all hopes that the gynecologist will agree that I need a hysterectomy, the sooner the better, though the way our health service works it is likely to be 2 years before they get around to the actual surgery.


gateruner September 14 2005, 12:28:00 UTC
Thanks so much! It's comforting to know I'm not the only one going through this. Both the kid and the other. :)

Sometimes I feel like Carter must be the worlds worst kid, then I hear that other people have the same issues and I don't feel quite so bad anymore. Guess I need to realize that kids will act up. It's what we do as parents that matter.

*hugs tight*


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