Crappy day

Sep 13, 2005 20:27

Carter is in trouble. Oh buddy, is he ever!

First of all, he got a sad face again yesterday. And a note sent home to call his teacher. *moans* Apparently he was talking during storytime again. But the kicker was that during snack time, he just got up and walked away and went into another classroom. OMG! What the hell am I going to do?!

The teacher was really nice and just said that she wanted to touch base and let me know he was having problems. Well, duh. lol. I told her that I had taken his games away and that had seemed to work, but apparently not.

So, we are really going to have to crack down now. And then today, I had errands to run, so I dropped him off at his grandmothers. He got a smiley face today (thank goodness) but I told him no games and he argued and I told him again, NO! Well, when I picked him up I found out he lied to her and told her he could play games for a little while.


I was furious. There was some yelling going on in this house tonight. I know that's really not the answer, but it was just a knee-jerk reaction. I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I have a spoiled, self-centered, narcissistic child on my hands. And it's all my doing really. We've let him get away with so much crap in the past. Now I'm having to face the fallout.


In other news, I'm going to the doctor on Thursday to see about the hysterectomy. I haven't told Craig. And frankly, I don't want to. I'm not sure why, but I don't even want to be around him right now. I've been snapping at him for weeks now. If he even opens his mouth to me, I snap back. Maybe it's hormones, or just stress from everything. Either way, I don't want to tell him about it because he won't say anything. He'll sit there like a dumbass, like he always does. And tell me, "whatever." "Doesn't matter to me." So why bother, ya know?

I really don't know what's going on with me, but it's starting to bother me, a lot. I'm pissed off at the world, at myself, my family, my friends. I feel like the sludge under a rock, and have no desire to do anything but wallow in my own misery.


carter, health, craig

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