Anyone else shitting bricks?
I am opening the floor to discussion here, about the finale, the season, the show in general! - I want to hear what you love, hate, etc. Anything and everything. Lets discuss! Nothing is off limits! - As well, I am going to provide you guys with awesome links I found today. None of them are hugely spoiler, but that
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Comments 49
I'd be interested in seeing T-Dog actually do something. The ma is vastly underused. I don't know how much a part he plays in the comic, but I have to imagine it's more than the doorstop he plays on the show.
I'm both excited as sad. I hate hellatus time. Soon everything will be gone and I'll have to find something else to entertain me.
The promo nearly had me piddling myself. There was this scene where you see someone (looks like either Beth, Patrica, or Maggie) surrounded by a mass of hands. Which made me die a bit inside. I re-watched it a zillion times but just couldn't tell. And the bit where Carol seems to be surrounded has me really, really worried. One: I like Carol. Two: I don't want to imagine what happens to Daryl if they loose Carol. Really, I don't.
But nonetheless, I am excited to see this prominent T-dog role. And an explanation for his 'distance.' I am really looking forward to that.
I am also sad. Waiting till October is gonna be a blatch and a half. DO. NOT. WANT.
Question: Do you think Hershel is going to make
If Maggie survives and joins the group, Hershel will have to be dead. There's no way she would leave him.
I have to be honest, I am still not entirely on the Like-Maggie bandwagon. I am trailing behind it all uncertain and hoo-hoo. I don't really like the way she treats Glenn, going hot-cold-bam kind of thing. But I can't really bring myself to dislike her either.
What I hope to also see: Jimmy moments. - There I said it. He is kind of beautiful. And I swear we have seen more of him them T-dog yet no where near enough. Hell we have had more Beth them him.
That picture makes me. So. Happy. If they kill of either of them, I'm gonna be gutted.
I know, that picture makes me happy in all the ways. And like I mentioned I so have been waiting for it all season. (Now I just need Glenn up on there behind him too and my life will be complete.) ...*cough. LOL.
So! Tell me everything! Who is your favorite character? Why? What is your favorite episode?
Like I said this is no holds barred! Feel free to talk/ask/rant/worry/and discuss anything WD!
I know! I was doing a little happy dance, especially after seeing some of the promo shots in the teaser for tomorrow episode.
I swear she has a little satisfied grin going on there too. LOL. Go Carol!
I love the mother/son aspect of Carol and Daryl. She seems to be the character that actually cares about him. I think most of the group would be saddened by his death because hey, he's been a useful member of their group since this started, but they're not exactly pals.
I love his character development. He went from "I had a racist upbringing and I don't care" to "I'm saving T-Dog from the zombies and giving him antibiotics, even if he accidentally dropped that damn key". And Sophia. Oh, don't get me started on her and his dedication to saving her, despite the risks to himself!
Can you tell I'm a Daryl fan?
I agree. I think what Daryl and Carol have is unique. Carol needs him, and she knows he kind of needs her too, even thought he'd probably walk on burning coals then admit it. I like how this season we are seeing Daryl open up a little bit, allowing himself to care. Even if it burns him.
Spoilers for: "Judge, Jury and Executioner":
I thought another really good example of that was when Dale was attacked. *cries a thousand tears* - The way he just THREW himself at the walker, then called him "bud", and later "brother." Those things aren't empty words to Daryl, or gestures. And I think him openly expressing such things mean so much more then they appear.
PS: So a Daryl fan too. It is reldonkulous really.
And okay, the slash-goggly fic writer in me was a little sad that it wasn't Glenn on the motorcycle. XD But I realize that's not actually canon-related and probably not even justifiable (*cough* technically *cough*) anymore and I love Daryl and Carol's dynamic too in a platonic damaged-people love way so it's also awesome.
...Apparently I just came over here to spew random thoughts and feelings. Hey, what's up. XD
I know, as a staunch Daryl/Glenn girl I am on tender hooks for them to just roar off into the sunset together. (IDEK THAT REALLY NEEDS TO HAPPEN. Like yesterday already.)
You never know really, after their little moment in the last episode. Daryl, chest tap? (I DIED OF HAPPY). Anything is possible! (I WANT IT ALL.)
No judgements. I can dream. :D
I'd love to see a queer character at all, really. Not even as an Issue Thing, just there's already this kind of on-purpose diversity going on and I mean, only straight people survived the apocalypse? Surely not. (More dreams, probably.)
That would be awesome if they include such a character. I will ship Daryl/Glenn until we all go down like the Titanic, but yeah. WANT.
Maybe the reveal about T-dog is that he streaks around the front yard with a gay pride flag?
....Is it bad I want this in a fic now?
*head desk*
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