Aug 25, 2010 08:44

[The guide is being hit with the smaller end of a vuvuzela (the American flag one on the end). Said guide happens to be in a dark and dustbunny-infested corner underneath a bed. After a few moments, the view begins to move sideways as Meriken uses the "instrument" to get the guide out.]


It takes a second before she realizes it's on.]

Have you ever noticed how things are always in the last place you look?

Okay! So... uh....

[Guide=on. Well, there has to be something she can say that won't make her look like an idiot who accidentally hit a button while showing the entire ship that she almost never cleans her room and took almost a month to think of looking under the bed.]

Right! I want a list of like, two different things!

Firstly! All you countries, report!

Secondly! There is no good reason why I only got like less than ten people who're Americans last time I asked. So! Americans! Report again!


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