Transmutation 04 [VERY DELIBERATE VIDEO]

Aug 21, 2010 00:47

[The feed turns on abruptly, and not just from the Guide.  Anything capable of receiving a video broadcast will find itself momentarily commandeered. There is no light, save for a very, very dim lamp, that appears to be worse for wear.  All that really remains is a broken light bulb, though it is still somehow casting light. However, that and the luminescence of the Guide that is broadcasting this transmission are enough to illuminate two lenses, the spectacles of an old man.  His face cannot be seen.  It's not meant to be seen, though if you've spoken to Hohenheim before, then you can recognize his voice.  it is soft, it is dark, and it drips with an inhuman drive.]

[For the first few minutes, you are treated to silence.  Just two disembodied lenses, leering at the screen, unblinking, unmoving.  Then, the voice speaks.]

I do hope the residents of the S.S. Thor will see it fit to forgive me for interrupting their regularly scheduled programming.  Once I have delivered my message, made my point, I will return things to the way they were, though things cannot be as they once were for me.

It is said that one of nature's greatest crimes is for a father to outlive their offspring.  It is something I have feared, it is something that I have dreaded with all of my being for years, because it is unfortunate that such a thing is a very real possibility for a man like me.

[A pause.]

But tonight, something was stolen that cannot be returned.  And so I seek to do what any parent would do in my place.

I have no doubt that the culprit in question will be brought to justice.  It is not she who I seek.  I will deal with her at a later date.  It is her conspirator that I wish to see.

I am looking for Badou Nails. [A video of the red haired man is brought up for a few long moments, a screencap taken from one of his posts on the network, before it is sent away.]

[There's a pause and the figure moves.  Behind him on what might have been a desk, are several dozen gold bars, glinting in the light of the battered lamp.]

Rest assured, you will be rewarded.  As much gold or precious metals as you want.  Something like this is frowned upon where I come from but...I assume that those from my world will forgive me in my grief.

I am looking for him alive, though I care not how alive he is.  There are many things you could do to a man, many things that, if tenacious enough, he will survive.  In my centuries of life, I've seen thousands of them.

Badou Nails, if you are listening, I will find you.  I have means.  And if you do not believe me...

[At this point, several of the hundreds upon hundreds of transmutation circles he's inscribed around the ship activate.  Power is cut randomly to random sections of the ship, water is stopped, the floors, the walls begin to heave and shift, and the doors...the doors begin to scream in absolute horror.]

A man's family is his life.  You helped take mine away.  Step forward if you so choose, but I will find you.  Mark my words.


(OOC: SO HOHENHEIM IS UNDERSTANDABLY A LITTLE ANGRY.  He's also commandeered several transmitting dishes, as well as power, water, and all kinds of other amenities throughout the ship by way of countless transmutation circles he's set up since he arrived.  If you do not wish to be affected by any of this PLEASE FEEL FREE, as he's not affecting the entire ship, just random places at random intervals!  But most of all, have fun!  If you have any questions, IM me at daigurrenkamina!)

van hohenheim

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