I haff a story for you all to listen to. Now sit down und shut up vhile I tell it! *Yes, he's just addressing anyone who might be listening at the time. Medic clears his throat before continuing.*
Zhere vas a moment back vhere I am from in zhe sewers of zhe godforsaken base zhat I called home. I vas behind zhe Heavy, a good strong fellow who can vithstand all sorts of zhings...Except for Spies. Und guess vhat vas vaiting for us in zhe BLU sewers? A Spy! It vas too late vhen I noticed und my patient vas killed before I could varn him...Leaving me alone vith zhe Spy und two of his friends zhat decided to show up, zhe Soldier und zhe Pyro.
Vhat vould you haff done in my situation? Run avay? Ja, zhat vould haff been zhe smart zhing to do, but I vas feeling reckless up pulled out zhis... *Medic pulls out a
particularly vicious-looking saw and grins in a rather unsettling manner.* ...Und zhen I killed zhe Spy, took some heavy damage from zhe Soldier but killed him as vell! He did not like zhe feeling of mein übersaw in his stomach, I zhink. Zhe Pyro also died, but zhat vas not because of zhe saw, nein, zhat vas because of this! *He holds up another weapon from his arensal, a
strange-looking gun of some sort. He pulls out of the cartridge in the back, revealing it fires syringes.* I vas able to heal zhe damage I had taken und escape safely because I had killed my pursuers.
Zhere are zhose zhat vould call me a bad doctor for zhis, but I disagree! A good Medic alvays saves himself to fight again, even if it means some collateral damage! *He starts to laugh.*
Danke for listening. *And the feed shuts off, the Medic's laughter still going.*