Expect problems and eat them for breakfast. [Accidental Voice]

Jul 16, 2010 15:01

[The sound of a brand new ChopPro kitchen knife can be heard neatly slicing its way through a steaming loaf of bread. Accompanying this is a chorus of other Schmilton Hotel kitcheny sounds - french toast sizzling in a skillet, breakfast pastries rising in the stove, coffee bubbling in an Automatic Ultra De-Lite Coffee Maker, a space cow mooing from the next room (we assure you it's for the milk!), that one food item we're not quite sure what is doing its thing in a saucer of maple syrup, et cetera...]

[What it might sound like to the casual listener is this...]

Chopchop chopchpchpchpchp...
Sizzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz...
iamjustdoingmythinginasaucerofmaplesyrup... goonignoreme...

ChopchpMooozzzziiiburzzzzchpam MOOooobrblbrlbrbl jussszzzzzmoooozzzzz chpchpdochpchpingmy chpchp moo!

((OOC: Quote - Alfred A. Montapert))

asch the bloody

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