[The Guide tunes in on Haruka, who is handsomely dressed up in the Tsunshine Café waiter outfit, while the other speaker is standing somewhere slightly out of view. With his attention focused on the other person, Haruka is currently looking a little... apathetic.]
You are to be tsundere!
... Sure.
Give them their dish and tell them 'It's not like I care if you get your food or not.'
[With a puzzled look on his face.] Why would I tell them that?
Because it's part of the image.
It's not like I actually care either way...
That's the spirit!
[He quietly facepalms.]
Do you really want them to come back?
The less interested you seem, the more they will come back.
That's completely backwards...
But don't be too mean, they need to see that you care deep down inside.
But I don't.
That's the spirit!
[[OOC: Haruka is in blue. Special thanks goes to
kan_chyan for contributing to this post. ♥]]