[A new show is starting up on Thor TV. It promies to be educational, inspirational, entertaining, and with real stories you'll refuse to believe! The music is playing up, and scenes start flashing across the screen, of fighting and hugging and cooking and sleeping, even showering! All domestic, and all promising another equally mindless midday show
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Standard human translation error? Ha ha! What could that mean, I wonder?
Also, those don't look much like standard human pets to me...
I don't see how I'm an easy target. Though I'm sure I have more to laugh about than you do, right now.
Lol, well. Perhaps. And you don't know that for certain. You just admitted yourself that you know nothing of substance about me, our ideas of what is or isn't demanding could be perfectly synconised.
That's the thing, you never fucking see it. And so far, all you got is the fact that I don't have any beer.
Not maybe. No shy person walks around like that and doesn't try to hide. Plus, you don't fucking shut up. And yeah, they could be synced, but I don't feel like taking that chance while I still got other options.
I just think that perhaps you're mistaken, that's all. And I'm sure it will become funnier the longer you're stuck in there. Besides, I always have plenty to laugh about.
That's unkind. Though you can't find my unwillingness to 'shut up' so intolerable, or you wouldn't continue talking to me~ And I suppose that's your prerogative, but maybe this is a one-time offer, and if your other options fail I won't be so inclined to help out anymore.
[Nevermind that he's actually in a relationship of sorts with Hakkai. They don't tell anyone that.]
Nah, I'm not. It's entertaining to me, and that's all I give a shit about. I doubt it, there's nothing to fucking do in here, so you're gonna have to laugh at yourself.
Didn't say it was, just that it means you're not shy. That's the thing, shy people don't talk all that much with strangers. And y'know what, I'll take that risk, 'cause now it's sounding more and more like something I'd regret.
Ah, I suppose that's fair. Though you should be careful about laughing at other people's expense. It doesn't always work out in your favour. Lucky we're only talking about me, I suppose~ And don't worry, as I said, I can usually find plenty to laugh about.
There are different kinds of shyness. Or maybe you could call it insecurity? Perhaps I'm concerned that if people knew anything about me, they'd no longer find me interesting. And again, you're being a little hard on me. I'm not sure what you think a person like myself - incapable of loosening up and enjoying myself, as you say - could possibly ask of you to cause such concern. But that's okay. It's your decision after all, and really I'm of the opinion that a few days without alcohol would do you some good.
It works in my favour as long as I'm the one laughing. If I'm gonna worry about that shit, it'd seriously limit the kinda fun I'd have. Yeah, good thing it's just harmless little you, huh. What're you laughing about?
Shy isn't the same as insecure. Though I'm not buying that, either. You're fucking arrogant, we already agreed on that. And how the hell's it being hard on you? It's a general fucking principle, owing unspecified favours are a bad idea. Pick something, or narrow it down, and maybe I'll agree. 'Cause I don't give a shit what your opinion is.
All I mean is, it might not always be that way, it may end up biting you on the ass. But whatever, it's not any of my business if you want to take that risk. And hey, I'm not that little :| Though I never said I was harmless, just perhaps not as well-equipped as a lot of the other people here. I find most things amusing, haven't you noticed yet ( ... )
What, you think I'm expecting people to just let whatever the hell I do slide? It's never worked that way. [everything bite shim in the ass, always.] Not as well equipped, huh? That's too bad for you. But you might as well be harmless, then. And good for you, it fucking sucks to be bored.
[you can practically see Gojyo's eyes glaze over as he stares at this block of text. After a moment he yawns dramatically.]
Shit, way to prove my point. And you already told Hakkai we're not friends, c'mon.
[RUBBING AT HIS EYES, because reading is boring, okay, and no he's not responding to all of that.]
So long as you're aware of the consequences, I suppose. Not that it really matters to me. Fairly harmless, I'll admit. So I guess that means you can go on bullying me to your hearts content without fear of repercussions :|
I told him I doubted you considered me as a friend. And if it really taxes you to read that much, just skip to the end, that part is most relevant to your current situation.
[He still thinks your humans - and even as someone who's half human you'd more or less count - so he automatically counts you as his 'friend and family' :|]
You mean you don't give a shit about me? Now I'm just sad. And I wouldn't call it bullying, just teasing, 'cause it's not like you can't take it. Unless you spend your nights writing long entries in your diary about how fucking awful your life got since you met me, staining every page with your tears. I mean, I can't know for sure, I guess.
And now you said you thought we're friends, which is the same fucking thing. But hell, get me that beer, I'll be your friend. Say you're a standard human messenger or something. Or say you're my doctor and it's my medicine, 'cause they bought that shit when I told 'em I'd die without my smokes.
I didn't say that, exactly. No need to be sad~ I'm just not a good enough person to stand in your way if you wish to get yourself hurt. Ha ha! But I suppose you're right, a little teasing won't do me any harm. I've certainly had much worse.
[Playful he likes. Just don't throw any vending machines :|]
Ah, such a shallow basis for a friendship. I'll do it for you, but I want you to remember what a generous person I am, and how willing I was to help you out. How much do you want?
[Gojyo throws punches, not vending machines, is that okay?]
Like most friendships are so goddamn deep. Thanks, though. Don't worry, I remember this kinda stuff. How 'bout a couple bottles of sake and several six packs of beer, to start with. I'll get you the money for it somehow.
[No punches either, thank you; he has a high pain tolerance, but he'd still rather avoid it :T]
It depends how you approach the concept of friendship, I guess. And alright. I'll see what I can do.
[He's actually very sneaky, and very persuasive, so if anyone was going to succeed with such a venture, it would be Izaya]
[Gojyo is more a fan of entertaining people until they piss him off, so it should work out. /o/ ]
How d'you approach it, then? Again, thanks, I'm already getting fucking desperate.
[He will be so grateful you have no idea.]
I'm not sure you'd understand even if I explained it to you ☆ Don't mention it~
[Though Gojyo was right in his original assessment that owing things to people is rarely a good thing. Especially this person]
(ooc: Do you want to succeed in getting Gojyo the beer?))
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