It's behind you!

Dec 20, 2017 19:33

I really need to check my old Yahoo email account more often. I found an email in it this morning from November which I really should have replied to earlier. It was from an amateur dramatic group asking for permission to perform Harry Potter: The Panto. This is the third request I've had to do that, the others were two years ago. I'm still ( Read more... )

writing, my website

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Comments 10

meathiel December 21 2017, 06:15:49 UTC
Yeah ... I guess J.K. wouldn't be thrilled.


ganimede December 21 2017, 19:45:32 UTC
I've heard of people who have used Disney characters or songs in pantos and Disney has really come down hard on them. I can't imagine Jo or Warner Bros being any different about the use of Harry Potter.


chaquir December 21 2017, 07:20:54 UTC
so, did you gave them permission?

They might think, that when they pay you for it, all is well that they use everything that comes with it.


ganimede December 21 2017, 19:47:19 UTC
No. I really have no idea how the licensing works for one thing but I can't give them permission to use characters that I don't own.


howlin_wolf_66 December 21 2017, 13:36:50 UTC
It's certainly no small measure of success - even though it's a shame that it can't be put on! :-)


ganimede December 21 2017, 19:49:13 UTC
It would have been amazing to be able to actually see it being performed. The am dram group was only based in Liverpool as well! Talk about a tease!


hobbitblue December 24 2017, 20:27:05 UTC
That would have been great :) Pity they can't just change the names and do it as a pastiche but none of you want the lawyers down on you, thats for sure...


ganimede December 28 2017, 19:26:38 UTC
There must be some way around it. After all, Barry Trotter managed to get published and didn't seem to have any problem.


ellierachael December 21 2017, 20:17:12 UTC
That really cool though, even if it's not feasible!


ganimede December 21 2017, 21:21:17 UTC
Absolutely! There's nothing better than positive feedback :D


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