It's behind you!

Dec 20, 2017 19:33

I really need to check my old Yahoo email account more often. I found an email in it this morning from November which I really should have replied to earlier. It was from an amateur dramatic group asking for permission to perform Harry Potter: The Panto. This is the third request I've had to do that, the others were two years ago. I'm still surprised that people think it's good enough to perform! I just wrote it for fun, mostly to amuse myself, so it's very flattering that people want to use it. And are willing to pay me a licensing fee to do so! I am a little baffled that people don't think there's any copyright issue with using the Harry Potter name and characters, never mind all the licensed music included as well which would also be an additional problem.

In all good conscience I really can't let people use it on the off-chance they have Warner Bros come down on them like a ton of bricks. It's a shame though. I could have made... ooooh, hundreds of pounds from it otherwise. I actually found a pantomime script site which listed their fees and it was £40 for the master script plus royalties of £40-70 per performance, depending on the size of the audience. Even the smallest audience for a week of shows would bring in £320! Not bad for something I dashed off in a couple of days, although I rather doubt I'd be able to ask those kinds of amounts. As much as I would like to make money from writing, I always thought it would be for something that was entirely my own work, not fanfiction!

writing, my website

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