
Oct 16, 2014 18:58

I've done it now...

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nanowrimo, writing

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Comments 17

chaquir October 17 2014, 07:23:27 UTC
I wouldn't mind reading it, yet i haven't got the time really.

Good luck with the writing!!


ganimede October 22 2014, 19:37:21 UTC
Aw, never mind.


bella_cheval October 17 2014, 17:46:30 UTC
w00t!! I've tried twice to do NaNo but kinda ran out of steam the first month or so. Go you!


ganimede October 22 2014, 19:38:16 UTC
It only lasts for a month! How long were you doing it for?!


bella_cheval October 23 2014, 17:51:07 UTC
Dangit, I meant few DAYS, not months...sheesh. Brains, I no has them.


ganimede October 23 2014, 20:10:48 UTC
Ohhh, that makes more sense! I did wonder if you meant weeks actually.

I think if you have a good enough idea and you've plotted it out enough, it should hopefully carry you through. There's various suggestions on the NaNo site about ways to get your word total up or help you overcome a block, such as magically transporting two of your characters into a sealed room and just having them talk about what they're doing. Anything to get you closer to that 50k target ;)


hobbitblue October 17 2014, 23:38:57 UTC
Whoohoo! All primed and ready for action, yay nano :)


ganimede October 22 2014, 19:40:58 UTC
Well, I wouldn't go that far! I still need to finish off going through the tutorial for Scrivener so I'm familiar with how it works before the whole thing kicks off. And I also need to sort out one part of the plot because I need a certain thing to happen but I'm not sure how to do it. It requires knowledge that I don't have!


hobbitblue October 23 2014, 22:36:24 UTC
Well yeah, the little details *g* I meant NaNo knows you exist! :)


sullen_hearts October 18 2014, 22:45:10 UTC
We met through that Nano, remember!

I am doing it again this year yep


ganimede October 22 2014, 19:41:53 UTC
How could I forget? :) You should add me on the site and we can angst together about word totals and things.


sopoliini October 21 2014, 20:53:01 UTC
added you as a buddy. I'm Voynich. This is my first try so I'm not too confident yet but I'm going to give it a shot.


ganimede October 22 2014, 19:44:03 UTC
Yay! I have added you back. Have you got an idea and made a start on planning it out? Or are you more the sort of fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type of writer?


sopoliini October 22 2014, 19:49:42 UTC
I have an idea and at first I thought it would be fantasy and I was gonna pants it hard, but it's slowly morphing more into a sci-fi story that requires a bit more planning so I'll be spending the next week figuring out what parts of the story need actual research and which parts I can just 'timey-wimey' for now. And the ending is unclear atm so I'm wondering if i need to figure that out now or see if writing the story leads me to a conclusion.


ganimede October 22 2014, 20:15:18 UTC
I just saw the brief synopsis of your idea and I can see how that could go either way from fantasy to sci fi. I think it'd also make a great graphic novel ;) I suppose the good thing about sci fi stuff is that you can timey-wimey a lot of it, as long as it sounds plausible. And there's a section on the NaNo forums where you can ask for information on various things should you need help.

Do you have any kind of ending at all? I have a sci fi story that I really wanted to do for NaNo but I have absolutely no idea of how it ends so I decided not to use it. If you have a vague idea of how it could end, you could possibly chance not planning that bit and just seeing how it goes. I think there's various ideas on the NaNo site on how to get out of a hole should you get stuck if that's a worry for you.


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