
Oct 16, 2014 18:58

I've done it now...

That would be my brand new account on NaNoWriMo. I've had this story buzzing around in my head for several weeks now - it's not even a new story, it's one I made a start on a while ago, but for some reason it returned and has been haunting me. When it was still hanging around at the beginning of October, I thought maybe I should do something about it and that something turned out to be NaNo.

It's the first time I've attempted NaNo since 2005 (I can't believe it's been that long!) and it seems to have changed quite a bit since then. There's a much greater emphasis on support and planning now. Last time I felt there was a very definite anti-planning stance and that it was considered a kind of cheating, whereas now it's the complete opposite and you're encouraged to plan as much as possible in advance so you're ready to go on November 1.

I know I have a couple of writery types amongst my friends, are any of you attempting NaNo this year? It would be very nice to support each other so feel free to add me on there. Last time I wrote everything in daily LJ posts so everyone could follow the story as it developed but I'm considering using Scrivener this year instead. I might post it to LJ, it depends if anyone will be interested in reading it!

nanowrimo, writing

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