
Nov 17, 2011 20:10

I had my haircut at college's training salon today. It was an... interesting experience. I don't think they get many boys in there because the girl that cut my hair didn't seem to be very sure about it. After half an hour, she said she'd finished and got the tutor to come and check what she'd done. The back wasn't right because she'd not used ( Read more... )

haircut, being a student again

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Comments 14

polkadotsquared November 17 2011, 21:00:17 UTC
Yay distinction! Go you smarty pants.

I got my mark for my book review on Tues. Here we have a 22 point scale, and I got 17 which in normal terms is 73.91% and equivalent to a B+, 2:1 or merit. My old uni used a 21 point scale so my brain is slowly turning to mush trying to figure it all out. However it is miles and away much better than the previous critical book review I did a couple of years ago, which I got a C or C- for (can't quite remem).

Now to do a 3000 word essay on do we need different curatorial professions (librarian, curator, archivist etc) or would one suffice. So far I have 400 words on kitchen arrangement - that is nothing compared to the nonsense our professor spouts sometimes ("a contemplative walk across Romney Marsh" being the most unrelated lecture to anything I have ever had to sit through).


ganimede November 17 2011, 22:48:01 UTC
Unis have weird grading scales. I can't remember what my uni used but I know it made no sense to anyone. A B+ is a good grade and certainly better than the previous one so that's good! You're going in the right direction!

Lectures that deviate are so frustrating. I had a lecturer at uni who sidetracked so badly I'd end up with pages of notes that weren't relevant at all. I think the worst lecture I sat through was on the semantic meaning of a chippy.


polkadotsquared November 17 2011, 22:53:47 UTC
We had a chat about a chippy too, in Glasgow the standard fish supper is double fish and chips. Yup, 2 whole battered fish and chips. Where everywhere else it's just the one. Crazy.

I describe him as like one of the comedians that goes off on tangents and eventually remembers to go back to the original point. Luckily we only have one exam, and it's on our guest lecturers stuff rather than a skills based thing. The Romney Marsh thing was the day I felt so ill and my pain meds had stopped working as it was coming up for lunch and second dose so I was so happy when we finished 10mins early, only for someone to ask a question which they then spent 15 mins discussing. *headdesk* why do people never know when to shut up?


ganimede November 18 2011, 20:30:02 UTC
Don't forget the Irn Bru with it!

Oh, I know. It's either just as you're about to go for a break or ready to leave for the day. In my class, it's usually when people start messing about which results in us all being held back until they shut up. So. Annoying.


bella_cheval November 17 2011, 21:50:57 UTC
That's excellent news on your grades!


heikki_cheren November 18 2011, 01:03:40 UTC
Congrats !!!!

Will we get to see your new haircut? ;)


ganimede November 18 2011, 20:31:13 UTC
Well, four people have asked for a picture so I might have to see what I can do.


sullen_hearts November 18 2011, 12:35:17 UTC
We need a pictuuuuuuuuuuure!


ftmichael November 18 2011, 14:08:42 UTC
Aw, I can't wait to see your haircut! I bet it looks v nice even though it's not what you were after. It's annoying that it took so long and it wound up too short, but it's v good that it'll grow into what you wanted and looks all right in the meantime. And it's hard to beat £4.50 for a haircut so that's something.

YAY for you and your distinctions! Not that I'm even a little bit surprised. You worked hard and your talent shone through on top of that. You completely deserved to get distinctions on both and you should be very proud of yourself and your work. :)


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