(no subject)

Nov 17, 2011 20:10

I had my haircut at college's training salon today. It was an... interesting experience. I don't think they get many boys in there because the girl that cut my hair didn't seem to be very sure about it. After half an hour, she said she'd finished and got the tutor to come and check what she'd done. The back wasn't right because she'd not used the clippers on it and the tutor had to tell her how to use them. The tutor also said that there was too much weight at the front so she had to recut that and there was a problem with her thinning scissors so the tutor had to sort that for her too. Another half an hour later, the tutor was happy with it and I was done. It's ended up an awful lot shorter than I wanted and it's not in the alternative style I'd asked for at all. However, it will at least now grow into it, which it couldn't have done from the faux-hawk. It looks all right though which is something. It cost me £4.50 in total and an hour of my time which was annoying as I'd planned to go to the library and get more homework done. Once I'd had some dinner, I had just under an hour so I managed to get some done but not as much as I'd hoped.

On the good side, I got my marks for the two briefs that I'd done for L. BTEC has a complicated grading system of pass/merit/distinction. Each brief has a certain number of tasks to complete and it's indicated as to which ones you need to fulfil for which grade. Doing the bare minimum will get you a pass; doing those plus some of the additional ones will get you a merit, and doing all of the tasks (plus more) will get you a distinction. Basically it works out as Pass = E, Merit = C and Distinction = A. I had no idea how well I've been doing, especially as I've not done any kind of art class before. I was hoping for a Distinction but thinking I'd more likely end up with a Merit. As it turned out... I got a distinction on each brief. Yay me! I don't think many others have got their grades so I don't know how mine compare. But it's a good start!

haircut, being a student again

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